fhip without the mafter's confent (unless to serve on board any of his Majefty's fhips) till the abovefaid voyage be ended, and the faid fhip discharged, under the forfeiture of our wages: and we do further agree, That, when abfent upon leave, we will immediately repair on board, when required fo to do by our commander or any of our fuperior officers, on failure thereof to forfeit for fuch disobedience seven days pay, to be charged against our wages, for every fuch offence: and we do further agree and acknowledge, That forty-eight hours abfence, without leave, fhall be deemed a total defertion from the said ship, and our wages forfeited as above agreed on, unless good and fufficient caufe can be affigned for fuch abfence. And it is further agreed by us, the faid officers and mariners. belonging to the faid fhip, That we will not demand our wages, or any part thereof, except the value of a fourth part of our wages to be fupplied in flops or other neceffaries, and one month's pay, with our short allowance money then due, in the Weft Indies or America, until the arrival of the faid fhip at her delivering port, except we should be impreffed, or enter on board any of his Majefty's fhips, or be discharged by mutual confent, agreeable to the foregoing certificate, as specified in this act. And it is hereby further agreed by us the faid officers, mariners, feamen, feafaring men, landsmen, and boys, That whatever stores, furniture, or apparel each or any of us receive into our charge belonging to the faid fhip, fhall be accounted for; and in cafe any thing fhould be loft or damaged by our negligence or careleffness, it fhall be made good to the mafters or owners out of the wages of fuch officers or feamen by whose negligence it has happened, VOL. XXXVII. E SCHEDULE FORM OF CERTIFICATE. THE HESE are to certify, That the number of flaves that ap pear to he been taken on board the ship or veffel called laden with flaves from the coaft of Africa [Specifywhat part of the coaft fhe purchased her flaves at] of the tonnage burthen of [according to the tonnage or burthen of de faid fhip or veffel, as defcribed and fet forth in the certificate the regiftry of the faid fhip or veffel, granted in purfuance of act made and paffed in the twenty-fixth year of the reign of is prefent Majefty, (intituled, An act for the further encreafe and couragement of shipping and navigation] were whereof (being male flaves) did not exceed respectively four et four inches in height; and that the number that have died, om the time of the arrival of fuch ship or vellel on the coast of rica, to the time of her arrival in this her port of difcharge, flaves, and not more. mounts to la for giving relief to fuch perfons as have fuffered in their rights and properties, during the late unhappy diffentions in America, in cafequence of their loyalty to his Majefty, and attachment to the British government; for making compenfation to perfons who fur bed provifions, or other neceffary articles, to the army or navy in America during the war, or whofe property was used, feized, or deftroyed for the carrying on the publick fervice there; and alfo for making compenfation to fuch perfons as have fuffered in their properties, in confequence of the ceffion of the province of Eaft Florida the king of Spain. Moft gracious Sovereign, WHE THEREAS inquiries have been made, under the authority of Preamble. feveral alts of parliament, made and passed in the twenty-third, enty-fifth, twenty-fixth, twenty-feventh, twenty-eighth, and twentyath years of your Majesty's reign, into the loffes of all fuch perfons as ae fuffered in their rights and properties, during the late unhappy entions in America, in confequence of their loyalty to your Majesty, d attachment to the British government; and into the claims of perwho furnished provifions or other necessary articles to the army or y in America during the late war, or whofe property was used, ed, or destroyed, for the carrying on the publick fervice there; and under the authority of an act, made in the twenty-fixth year of Majesty's reign, into the loffes of all fuch perfons as have fuffered their properties, in confequence of the ceffion of the province of Eaft Florida to the king of Spain: and whereas it is confiftent with your Majefty's munificence, and the honour and character of the British tation, that liberal relief fhould be given in confideration of the loffes loffes of Ame rican fufferers, to tranfmit to the treasury, by July 5, 1790, books made up in the manner herein direct ed, of loffes fo fuftained. of all fuch perfons as have fuffered in their rights and properties as aforefaid: may it therefore please your Majefty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's moft excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by Commiffion- the authority of the fame, That the commiffioners appointed by ers for enquir- the faid acts to enquire into the loffes and fervices of fuch perfons ing into the who have fuffered in their rights, properties, and profeffions, during the late unhappy diffentions in America, and into the claims and loffes aforefaid, fhall, on or before the fifth day of July one thousand seven hundred and ninety, make up and tranfmit to the commiffioners of his Majefty's treasury, now or for the time being, a book or books figned by themfelves, or any two or more of them, containing the names and additions of all the several perfons who have already produced fatisfactory evidence of their loffes, with the amount of the loffes fuftained by each perfon refpectively, as the fame have been or fhall be ascertained and fettled by the faid commiffioners refpectively; abating therefrom, in the cafe of all perfons coming within any of the claffes refpectively defcribed, in the ftatement of the claims examined by the faid commiffioners, under the titles of loyalifts who have rendered fervices to Great Britain; loyalists who bore arms in the fervice of Great Britain; loyalists zealous and uniform; loyalists who took oath. to the American states, but afterwards joined the British; loyalift. who bore arms for the American States, but afterwards joined the British; and loyalifts fuftaining loffes under the prohibitory act; ter pounds per centum of fuch part thereof as fhall exceed ten thou fand pounds, where the amount of fuch loffes fhall not be above thirty-five thousand pounds; and alfo abating therefrom, in the cafe of the claimants under the will of John earl of Granville, forty pounds per centum of fuch part thereof as fhall exceed ten thousand pounds; and in the cafe of the right honourable Robert lord Fairfax, twenty pounds per centum of fuch part thereof as fhall exceed ten thousand pounds; and likewife abating therefrom fuch fum as the faid perfons who have fuffered in their rights, properties. and profeffions, during the late unhappy diffentions in America have already received, or fhall, before the faid fifth day of ful one thousand seven hundred and ninety, receive, towards making Commiffion- good the loffes fuftained by them: and the faid commiffioners apers for enquir pointed to enquire into the loffes of all fuch perfons who have fuf ing into lofles fered in their properties by the ceffion of Eaft Florida' to the king of perfons by the ceffion of of Spain fhall, on or before the fifth day of July one thousand fever Eaft Florida hundred and ninety, make up and transmit to the commiffioners to Spain, to of his Majefty's treasury, now or for the time being, a book o tranfmit to the books figned by them, containing the names and additions of all treasury, by July 5, 1790, the feveral perfons who have already produced fatisfactory evibooks made dence of their loffes, with the amount of the loffes fuftained by up in the each perfon refpectively, as the fame have been or shall be afcermanner here- tained and fettled by the faid commiffioners refpectively, abating loffes fo fuf- therefrom fuch fums as the faid perfons, who have fuffered in their tained. properties by the ceffion of East Florida to the king of Spain, in directed of make forth fufferers re have already received towards making good the loffes fuftained. by them; and the faid commiffioners of his Majefty's treasury, Treafury to now or for the time being, or any three or more of them, are direct the exhereby authorised and impowered to iffue their warrant to the chequer to auditor of the receipt of his Majefty's exchequer, to make forth orders for the fading orders (for which no tallies fhall be made or ftruck), in fums fet the names of the several perfons inferted in fuch book or books, against the for fuch fum and fums, not being fractional parts of fifty pounds, names of the and also diftinct orders for all and every fum to which any per- fpectively. fon fhall be intitled by virtue of this act lefs than fuch fum of fifty pounds, as fhall refpectively be fet against their names, as a compenfation for their feveral loffes; and where the compenfation allowed to any of the faid fufferers fhall be a greater fum than fifty pounds, and the fractional part of fifty pounds, in every fuch cafe, one order fhall be made out for fuch fractional part of fifty pounds, and one or more order or orders for the remaining fum, to complete the whole of the compenfation to which each refpective perfon fhall or may be intitled unto by virtue of this act; all which faid orders fhall be figned by three or more of the commiffioners of his Majefty's treafury, or the high treasurer for the time being, and fhall be irrevocable; which feveral and respective orders fhall Orders to carry an interest after the rate of three pounds and ten fhillings carry 31. ros. intereft from per centum per annum, from the fifth day of July one thousand seven July 5, 1788. hundred and eighty-eight, all which orders fhall be charged and chargeable upon, and payable and paid, without any deduction whatsoever, out of any money that shall be and remain in the receipt of the exchequer of the aids or fupplies which shall be granted by parliament, in or for the service of the years one thousand feven hundred and ninety, one thoufand feven hundred and ninetyone, one thousand feven hundred and ninety-two, one thoufand leven hundred and ninety-three, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-four, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, onẹ thousand feven hundred and ninety-fix, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-feven, and one thousand seven hundred and ninetyeight, to the feveral perfons fo to be intitled to fuch orders, their teirs, executors, administrators, and affigns; and the principal Principal and fums contained in fuch orders fhall be paid off, with the grow- intereft to be ing intereft which fhall be due thereupon, by half-yearly inftal- paid off by half-yearly ments of fix pounds and five fhillings per centum, on the fifth day inftalments; of April, and the tenth day of October in each year, till the whole fams for which they are made out, together with the intereft thereupon, are redeemed and paid off, or money referved in the exchequer for that purpose; the first half-yearly inftalment, to- the firft to be gether with the intereft on the faid orders, to be computed from April 5, 1791. the fifth day of July one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight as aforefaid, to be due and payable on the fifth day of April one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-one, and the intereft payable in refpect of such orders fhall ceafe and be abated in fuch proportion as the principal fum fhall be paid off and discharged; and the commiffioners of his Majefty's treasury now or for the time being, or any three or more of them, are hereby authorised and impowered E 3 |