صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

any money from being had and received thereon, until the same shall be authenticated to the fatisfaction of the faid treasurer or paymaster.

VIII. And for the better explaining and distinguishing those officers in bis Majesty's service who are herein described, and in former acts have been described, inferior or petty officers, and non-commissioned officers of marines; and likewise for the better explaining and diftinguishing of that part of the complement on board his Majesty's ships who are herein described, and in former acts have been described, to be seamen and marines, be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That Who are to all and every part of the faid complement of such ship and ships be deemed shall be, and are hereby declared to be, petty or inferior officers, petty officers, seamen, non-commissioned officers of marines, or marines, ex- the meaning cepting such as are rated upon the books of such ships, admirals of this and or flag officers, and their secretaries, captains, and lieutenants, former acts. masters, second masters, and pilots, physicians, furgeons, chaplains, boatswains, gunners, carpenters, and purfers, captains of marines, captain lieutenants of marines, lieutenants, and quarter masters of marines,


IX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That Months to be all months mentioned in this and preceding acts of parliament, reckoned by the calendar, relating to the navy, shall be counted and reckoned calendar except in the months, excepting only in the computation of pay, wages, and computation other allowances, which shall be computed and caft by reckoning of pay, &c. twenty-eight days to the month, according to the usual practice of the navy.

names in inuf

X. And, for the purpose of more effectually preventing frauds and forgeries in the execution and attesling of letters of attorney, wills, orders, or certificates, made by or in favour of petty officers, seamen, non-commiffioned officers of marines, or marines, be it enacted by the authority aforefaid, That every lieutenant on board any of his Lieutenants Majesty's ships shall, upon a page of every muster book of fuch to fign their ship, fign his name, for the purpose, and for the purpose only, ter book for that the inspector of seamen's wills, or fuch persons as shall be the purpose of • deputed by him, may have the opportunity of comparing the being comfame with the name of any fuch lieutenant, attesting the will, pared with the letter of attorney, certificate, or order, executed by or in favour wills, &c. of any petty officer, seaman, non-commiffioned officer of marines, or marine.

attestation of

XI. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all Captainsinthe captains and commanders of ships shall, upon their monthly muf- musters to specify which ter books or returns, specify which of the men mentioned in the of the men faid returns have granted or iflued any will or teftament during have granted that month or space of time from the preceding returns, by in- wills in the serting the date thereof opposite to the party's name.


XII. And be it further enacted, That when and so often as Captains failany captain or commander of any ship or vessel shall fail from any ing from toforeign ftation at a time when no opportunity shall offer of tranf. reign stations when no opmitting to the navy board the muster books, tickets and lifts, by portunity of this or other acts of parliament directed to be made out and tranfmitting tranfmitted, then and in every fuch case such captain or com- musters, &c. VOL. XXXVII. mander offers, to


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mander shall leave such muster books, tickets, and lifts with the with the naval naval officer, if any such officer shall be and reside at such place,

leave them

officer, &c.

or if there shall be no naval officer at fuch place, then and in that cafe with fome respectable merchant, or other person, with proper directions to forward the fame to the principal officers and commiffioners of his Majesty's navy, by the first safe opportunity


Captains, XIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That when remov- if any captain or commander shall be in anyways removed from

ed, to deliver

compleat muf.

ter books to

their fuccef

any ship or vessel in his Majesty's service, he shall deliver, or caufe to be delivered over to his successor, one compleat muster book, figned by himself and the proper officers, made up to the time of fors, who are such removal, and for which he shall receive a receipt from the to give receipts for the fame, faid successor; and the principal officers and commiffioners of without which his Majesty's navy, are hereby strialy directed and required not nogeneralcer- to grant to any fuch captain or commander the general certificate granted, &c.

tificate to be

Parish minifters may deliver checks,

to entitle him to his wages or pay for such ship or vessel, unless such receipt shall be produced to them, or unless thereto required by particular order from the lord high admiral of Great Britain, or from the commissioners for executing the office of lord high admiral of Great Britain, or any three or more of such commiffioners, in cases of necessity, and on its being made appear to their fatisfaction, that the directions herein-before given in this behalf have been complied with, as far as the nature of the service would admit.

XIV. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the minifter of any parish to whom the inspector of seamen's wills shall tranfmit tranfmitted by his check of any letter of attorney, or will, passed and allowed by the inspector him, to deliver the faid check to the attorney or executor in the faid letter of attorney, or will, named and appointed, any thing wills, to attor- contained in the faid act pafled in the twenty-fixth year of the reign of his present Majesty to the contrary thereof in anywife notwithstanding.

of seamen's

neys, &c.

Letters of attorney and wills to be ex

cion thall report to the treafurer of

XV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all letters of attorney, and wills, made prior to the first day of amined by the August one thousand seven hundred and eighty-fix, by petty offiinfpector, who cers and seamen belonging to any of his Majesty's ships, or shall iffue by the executors or adminiftrators of such petty officers and feachecks, or in men, and every letter of attorney, and will, made by any noncafe of fufpi- commiffioned officer of marines, or marine, or by the executors or administrators of fuch non-commissioned officers of marines, or marine, prior to the said first day of August one thousand seven the navy, &c. hundred and ninety-two, for the purpose of receiving money of any kind in respect of his services in the navy, shall be inspected and examined by the inspector of seamen's wills, for the purpose of preventing frauds, forgeries, or impositions of any kind therein; and if fuch inspector shall fee no cause to suspect the authenticity of the fame, he shall affix the framp of his office, and issue checks for the fame, but if he shall fee good cause to suspect the truth and authenticity of fuch letter of attorney, or will, he shall report the fame to the treasurer or to the paymaster of the navy, and shall enter his caveat against such letter of attorney, or will, which shall prevent any money from being had and received thereon, until the same shall be authenticated to the satisfaction of the faid treasurer or paymaster.

teftate to be

manner here.

XVI. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That Wages of per where any petty officer or seaman, non-commiffioned officer of fons dying inmarines, or marine, belonging, or who shall have belonged to paid only any of his Majesty's ships, has died or hereafter shall die intestate, upon adminileaving any wages, pay, prize money, or allowances of money stration, obof any kind due to him, in respect of services in his Majesty's tained in the navy, the same shall not be paid, from and after the faid first day in mentioned. of August one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, unto any representative of fuch intestate, but upon letters of administration, to be obtained in the following manner; (videlicet) The person claiming fuch administration shall fend or give in a note or letter to the inspector of seamen's wills, stating the name of the deceafed, the name of the ship or ships to which he belonged, and that he has heard or been informed of his death, and requesting the inspector to give such directions as may enable him to procure letters of administration to the deceased, or to the like effect, upon receipt whereof the inspector of seamen's wills shall deliver or fend to the perfon claiming fuch administration, a paper in the words and form following, or to the like effect:

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without leaving


by the inspector to reprefentatives of persons dying intestate;

Second Coufin. any will to the best of my knowledge and be

lief; I now apply for a certificate to enable me to obtain letters of ad

ministration to his effects, being his


Sole, or
One of his

} nearest of kin, no one, to the best of my knowledge and belief, of a nearer degree being living at the time of the death of

the faid deceased, who died a

My place of abode is



C. D.


E hereby certify, That we personally know the above fub


fcribing C. D. and believe what {e} has stated to be true.

Both inhabitants of the parish of
the county of

E. F.
G. H.


certified; and

the following



E hereby certify, That the above E. F. G.H. are known to us, are house-keepers, and persons of good repute.

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N. B. If the person applying is the widow of the party deceased, the muft forward, herewith, an extract from the parish register, or fome other authentic proof of her marriage.

If the deceafed died, after he had left the naval service, an extract from the parish regifter of his burial, or fome other authentic proof of his death, must likewise be sent to this office.



If the perfon applying knows any proctor in Doctors Commons, { is defired to mention his name, that he may be employed in obtaining the letters of adminiftration.

This application, when filled up and attested, is to be sent by the general post, under cover, directed to the treasurer or to the paymafter of hu Majesty's navy, London.

which must be And upon the receipt of the faid paper the person claiming such filled up and administration shall fill up, or cause to be filled up, the several if the inspector blanks in the first part of the faid paper, according as the truth be fatisfied, he may be, and shall duly fubfcribe the fame; and two inhabitants shall make out of the parish within which the perfon claiming fuch adminiftraa certificate in tion fhall reside shall fign the first certificate on the faid paper, form. having previously filled up the blanks therein agreeable to the truth, after which the minister and two churchwardens, if in England, and two elders, if in Scotland, shall fign the second certificate upon the aforesaid paper, the blanks therein being first filled up agreeable to the truth, and the faid paper being in all things completed according to the directions thereon and hereby given, the fame shall be returned, addresled to the treasurer, of to the paymafter of his Majesty's navy, London, who upon receiving the same shall direct the inspector of seamen's wills to examine the fame, and make fuch enquiry relative thereto as may appear to him neceffary on that behalf, and being fatisfied, he shall forthwith make out a certificate in the following form, or to the like effect:

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Act of parliament, 32 George III. ch. 34.



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upon the

and late a {Seamar} belonging to

and who died intestate, a

day of

Lor he

his Majesty's
{Batchelor, or
Widower S
and without

leaving any one of a fuperior degree of kindred to him, and it appearing that no will of the deceased has been lodged in this office, 1 therefore grant this abstract of faid application, and certify that I believe what is therein stated to be true, and also that the faid C.D. may obtain letters of administration to the effects of the faid deceased, which appear not to exceed the sum of

pounds; provided

always that {e} is otherwise entitled thereto by law.



Proctor in Doctors Commons.

I. P. Inspector.

N. B. The previous commission or requifition is to be addressed agree-
ably to the fuperfcription of the within cover, in which the fame is to
be inclosed, and forwarded by the proctor; and when the commiffion
or requifition shall be returned to this office it will be forwarded to
him, and he is then to fue out letters of administration, and send
them to the inspector, with his charge noted thereon.


And after filling up the blanks therein as the cafe may be, shall Certificate to sign and address the same to a proctor or proctors in Doctors Com- be addressed to a proctor, mons, the faid inspector of seamen's wills shall at the fame time with a letter inclose and send with such certificate a letter addressed to the from the inminister and churchwardens, or elders, as the cafe may be, of spector in the the parish within which the person applying for fuch letters of following administration then resides; and the treasurer or the paymaster of his Majesty's navy, or the faid inspector, or either of them, shall frank the said letter, so as to carry the fame, and the previous commission or requifition to be inclosed therein, free of the charge for postage, and which letter so to be addressed to the minifter, and to the churchwardens or elders, as the cafe may be, shall be in the words, figures, and form following, or to the like effect:

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