If it fhall appear by notices in the Gazette, at the periods herein men tioned, that price of Mufcovado fugar, the average exclufive of the duty of customs, fhall exceed the rates herein specified, the drawback thereon, and the bounty on refined fugar produced therefrom, to mons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That if it fhall appear by notice in the London Gazette in manner hereafter directed, on the Saturday next following the fourth Wednesday in the month of July one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-two, that the average price of brown or Mufcovado fugar, exclufive of the duty of cuftoms paid or payable thereon on the importation thereof into Great Britain (fuch average price to be made up and taken in manner hereinafter mentioned) fhall exceed fixty fhillings for an hundred weight thereof; and if it fhall in like manner appear on the Saturday next following the third Wednesday in October one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-two, that fuch average price fhall exceed fifty-five fhillings for an hundred weight; and if it shall in the like manner appear on the Saturday next following the third Wednesday in the months of February, June, and October refpec. tively, in every fucceeding year, that fuch average price fhall exceed fifty fhillings for an hundred weight, then and in every fuch cafe the drawback now allowed, or which hereafter may be allowed, on the exportation from this kingdom, of fugar of the Britife plantations, fhall from thenceforth ceafe to be allowed and paid on any fugar which fhall be exported thenceforth after the end of one day from the port of London, and after the end of three days from any other port in that part of Great Britain called England, and after the end of five days from any port in that part of Great Britain called Scotland refpectively, until the fecond, fourth, and fixth days refpectively after new average prices fhall have been made up and computed upon the fix laft weekly returns, and notifiother part of ed in the London Gazette in manner herein directed; and the the British do- bounty now payable or which may hereafter be payable on the exportation from this kingdom of refined fugar produced from Mufcovado fugar imported from his Majefty's plantations in America, fhall ceafe to be allowed and paid on any fuch refined fugar which fhall be exported thenceforth after the end of twenty-nine days from the port of London, and after the end of thirty-one days from any other port in that part of Great Britain called England, and after the end of thirty-three days from any port in that part of Great Britain called Scotland refpectively, until the thirtieth, thirty-fecond, and thirty-fourth days refpectively, after new average prices fhall have been made up and computed upon the fix laft weekly returns, and notified in the London Gazette in manner herein directed, except fuch fugar fhall be exported to Ireland, or to fome other part of the British dominions. ceafe until new average prices fhall have been noGazette, ex tified in the cept fuch fugar fhall be exported to Ireland, or fome minions. Drawback to be allowed in cafes where fugar is begun to be II. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That if any perfon fhall have entered outwards any fuch fugar, and fhall have begun to fhip or lade the fame on board during the time that the price of fugar, taken and notified in the manner herein diipt when the rected, fhall be under the fum at which the drawback and price is under bounty fhall ceafe to be allowed and paid on the exportation of the fum at fuch fugar at any of the aforefaid ports respectively, fuch perfon draw back and fhall be allowed to export, and to receive the drawback for the which the fugar fugar actually shipped or laden on board for exportation, al- bounty ceafes, though the price of fugar may have risen to the fum at which though the the drawback and bounty fhall ceafe to be allowed and paid on to that fum price may rife the exportation thereof, after fuch perfon fhall have begun to before the ship the fame, and before the exportation thereof, proof in fuch exportation. cafe being made by the exporter upon the debenture, that the faid fugar was really and bona fide fhipped or laden on board. III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That, When the whenever the drawback or bounty on fugar fhall not be allowed, drawback according to the provifions of this act, it shall not be lawful to exor bounty shall not be port to the islands of Guernsey, Jersey Alderney, Sark, or Man, du- allowed, no ring any four months in which fuch drawback shall not be allowed, more than the any greater quantity of brown or Muscovado fugar than fixty hun- quantities of dred weight to Guernsey, fixty hundred weight to Jerfey, ten hun- fugar herein dred weight to Alderney and Sark, and forty hundred weight to the be exported to specified fhall ifle of Man; and that whenever the bounty on fugar fhall not be Guernsey, &c. allowed according to the provifions of this act, it shall not be lawful to export to the faid iflands, during any four months in which fuch bounty fhall not be allowed, any greater quantity of refined fugar than two hundred hundred weight to Guernsey, two hundred hundred weight to Jersey, thirty-three hundred weight to Alderney and Sark, and one hundred hundred weight to the isle of Man. Muscovado tioned. IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That the prices of fuch brown or Muscovado fugar fhall, from Prices of time to time, be ascertained and taken in manner herein-after fugar to be mentioned; (that is to fay) Every importer or importers of fuch afcertained in fugar within the city of London, or the bills of mortality, who the manner Thall, after the tenth day of June one thousand feven hundred herein men. and ninety-two, by himself or themselves, his, or their fworn broker, or any other agent, acting in his or their behalf, buy or fell any fuch brown or Muscovado fugar, fhall and is hereby required, by himself or themselves, his or their fworn broker, or any other agent acting in his or their behalf, to deliver in upon oath before the lord mayor, or any of the aldermen of the faid city of London, (which oath the faid lord mayor or aldermen are hereby respectively authorised to adminifter) to the clerk of the grocers company now and for the time being, on or before Wednefday in every week, a true account of the quantities of fuch brown or Mufcovado sugar bought or fold by him or them, his, her, or their fworn broker, or any other agent acting in his or their behalf in the preceding week, fpecifying the name of the ship in which fuch fugar was imported, and the name of the captain of fuch fhip, and alfo the marks and packages, and the fum total of the net landing weights of fuch fugar, as far as the fame can be made out, and the price paid for each quantity refpectively; and the faid clerk of the grocers company fhall, and he is hereby required to compute and make up in every week, from the accounts fo delivered to him of the faid quantities and prices, of fuch fugar bought or fold by the faid importer or importers, his or their fworn broker, or any other agent acting in his or their behalf Clerk of the grocers com pany to caufe the average price to be in ferted in the Gazette; and to keep a book con- received from behalf in the week immediately preceding, the average price of such sugar, and fhall caufe fuch average price to be published every Saturday in the London Gazette; and the faid clerk of the grocers company fhall, and he is hereby required to compute and make up, on the fourth Wednesday in the month of July, and on the third Wednesday in the month of Odober one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, and on the third Wednesday in the months of February, June and October, in every fucceeding year, from the accounts fo delivered to him, of the quantities and prices of fuch fugar fo bought or fold in the fix weeks immediately preceding, the average price of fuch fugar, during the faid fix weeks; and the faid clerk of the grocers company fhall, and he is hereby required to caufe the average price of such fugar, during the faid fix weeks, taken in the manner herein-before mentioned, to be published on the Saturday immediately following the Wed nefday on which he is directed to compute and make up the faid average price in the London Gazette; and fuch average price fhall be deemed and taken to be the price of brown or Muscovads fugar for the purpose of regulating the allowing of the drawback on the exportation of fugar of the British plantations, and the payment of the bounty on the exportation of refined fugar, produced from Muscovado fugar imported from his Majefty's plantations in America, for the feveral periods refpectively in the manner hereinbefore directed. V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That a register or book fhall be kept by the faid clerk of the grocers company, containing all the accounts fo received by him, from time to time, from the importer or importers, his or their sworn broker, or any other agent acting in his or their behalf, and of the average prices by him computed and made up from the fame, which regifter or book fhall and may at convenient times be inspected byany perfon or perfons whatever, upon paying the fee of one fhilling and no more for the fame. Treasury may VI. And be it further enacted, That it fhall be lawful for the appoint an al- lord high treasurer, or the lords commiffioners of his Majefty's lowance to the treafury for the time being, or any three or more of them, to apfaid clerk. point for the faid clerk of the grocers company fuch falary and allowance as fhall be deemed by them to be proper and fufficient compenfation for his time and trouble in executing the faid office, of receiving the accounts of the quantities and prices of fugar, and making the computation herein-before directed; and if the faid clerk of the grocers company fhall neglect to do and perform what he is required by this act to do and perform, he shall forfeit and pay for every fuch neglect the fum of fifty pounds, to be recovered by action of debt, bill, plaint or information, in any of his Majefty's courts of record at Westminster, wherein no ef foin, protection, wager of law, or any more than one imparlance, fhall be granted or allowed. sol. penalty on clerk for neglect. Penalty on importers, &c. neglecting to deliver in ac VII. And be it further enacted, That if any importer or importers, or any fworn broker, or other agent acting in his or their behalf, fhall refufe or neglect to deliver in upon oath a counts as re- true account of the quantities of brown and Muscovado fugar by by him bought or fold, fpecifying the name of the fhip in which quired by this fuch fugar was imported, and the name of the captain of fuch act, upon oath. fhip, and alfo the marks and packages, and the fum total of the net landing weights of fuch fugar, as far as the fame can be made out, and the price paid for each quantity refpectively, as herein-before required, he, they, or any of them, being the actual buyer or feller of fuch fugar, fhall forfeit and pay for every cask of sugar, for which he or they fhall fo refufe or neglect to deliver in an account, the fum of forty fhillings, to any one who will profecute and fue for the fame, to be recovered before the lord mayor, or any aldermen of the faid city, on the oath of any one or more credible witnesses. ter into bond VIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That before any brown or Muscovado fugar fhall be exported on Exporters and drawback, or any refined fugar fhall be exported on bounty, from maiters to enGreat Britain, for Ireland, or any other part of the British domi- for the due nions, according to the provifions of this act, the exporter or exportation of exporters thereof fhall become bound to his Majesty, his heirs fugar. and fucceflors, in a bond, together with the mafter or perfon having or taking the charge or command of the fhip or veffel in which fuch fugars refpectively are intended to be exported, and also with one fufficient furety, to be approved by the collector and comptroller of the customs at the port of exportation, in treble the value thereof, with condition that the said fugars refpectively fo exported fhall be landed at the respective ports or places for which the fame fhall have been entered, and fhall not be relanded in any part of this kingdom, nor be landed or fold in the Isle of Man, or landed or fold in the islands of Guernfey, Jersey, Alderney, or Sark, unless exported for the faid iflands. of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, Sark, and Man, refpectively, under the provifions and regulations of this act; and fuch bond thall be How fuch difcharged in the manner herein-after mentioned; (that is to fay) bonds fhall be discharged. for fuch of the faid fugars refpectively as fhall be entered for or landed in the kingdom of Ireland, or any part of Europe, the condition of the bond fhall be to bring a certificate in difcharge thereof within fix months from the date of the bond; and for fuch of the faid fugars refpectively as fhall be entered for or landed in any part of Africa, and on this fide the Cape of Good Hope, or in any part of America, within eighteen months from the date of the bond; and for fuch of the faid fugars respectively as fhall be entered for or landed at Saint Helena, or in any port or place at or beyond the Cape of Good Hope, within thirty months after the date of the bond: which faid certificate, for fuch of the faid fugars refpectively as fhall be landed in any port or place of Ireland, or any other part of his Majefty's dominions, plantations, or fettlements, where any officer of his Majefty's cuftoms fhall be refident, fhall be figned by the proper officer or officers of his Majefty's customs there, certifying that fuch fugars respectively were there landed; and for want of fuch officer refiding there, it fhall then be figned by the governor of fuch iflands, dominions, plantations, or fettleinents, or, in his VOL. XXXVII. abfence, PP abfence, by the deputy governor thereof refpectively; and in the iflands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, Sark, and Man, it shall in all cafes be figned by the governor or deputy governor thereof, as well as by the proper officer or officers of his Majefty's customs, and fuch bond may also be difcharged, upon proof made to the fatisfaction of the commiffioners of the cuftoms in England and Scotland respectively for the time being, that fuch fugars refpec tively were taken by enemies, or perifhed in the feas. be allowed on &c. until a IX. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the auNo drawback thority aforefaid, That no drawback or bounty fhall be paid o or bounty to allowed for or upon any of the faid fugars refpectively exported, fugar export according to the provifions of this act, from this kingdom to Ire ed to Ireland, land, or to the faid iflands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, Sark, and or Guernsey, Man refpectively, nor any debenture made out for fuch drawback or bounty until a certificate fhall be produced under the hands and feals of the collector, comptroller, and furveyor of the customs, or any two of them, belonging to fuch port is Ireland, or from the register of certificates, or other chief officer of the customs, in the faid iflands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alder. ney, Sark, and Man refpectively, where the faid fugar fhall have been landed, certifying that the fame has been landed there; any law, custom, or ufage to the contrary notwithstanding. certificate be produced of its being landed. and in X. And whereas by an act, made in the twelfth year of the reig 12Geo.2.c.30. of King George the Second, intituled, An act for granting a liberty to carry fugars of the growth, produce, or manufacture of any of his Majesty's fugar colonies in America, from the fail colonies directly to foreign parts, in fhips built in Great Bri tain, and navigated according to law; it is, among other thing, enacted, That it shall be lawful for any of his Majesty's fubjects, any fhip or veel built in Great Britain, and navigated ac cording to law, and belonging to any of his Majesty's fubject, whereof the major part shall be refiding in Great Britain, or is fome of his Majefty's fugar colonies in America, that fall_cleer outwards in any port of Great Britain, for any of the faid colonies, to ship, or load, in the faid colonies, or any of them, any fugars of the growth and produce of the faid colonies, or any of them, and to carry the fame from thence to any foreign part of Europe, pr vided a licence be first taken out for that purpose, under the hands of the commiffioners of his Majesty's customs at London, or Edinburgh, or any three or more of them respectively, fubject to the regula tions, and on the conditions therein-after mentioned: and whereas, by another act, paffed in the fifteenth year of the reign of King George 15Geo.2.c.33. the Second, intituled, An act to revive feveral acts for the punishment of perfons deftroying turnpikes or locks, or other works erected by authority of parliament, and for other purposes therein-mentioned; and to continue feveral acts relating to rice, to frauds in the customs, to the clandeftine running of goods, and to copper ore of the British plantations; and for extending the liberty given by the act of the twelfth year of the reign of his prefent Majelly, for carrying fugar, of the growth of the Briti fugar colonics in America, to ihips belonging to any of his Ma recited. jefty's |