hafach carriage hall pass, the sum of five fhillings for each and every perfon above the number fo as above limited and allowed to be conveyed, which every fuch collector is hereby authorised to alk, demand, and receive; and if any fuch paffenger or paffengers, beyond the number fo limited as aforefaid, shall be set down, or taken up, whereby the faid payment of the faid fum of five filings may be evaded, then and in every fuch cafe the driver of fuch carriage fo offending, and being convicted of fuch offence, either by his own confeffion, the view of a juftice, or the oath or uths of one or more credible witness or witneffes, before any juftice of the peace acting in and for the county, riding, city, town, divifion, or place, where fuch offence fhall be committed, (which oath every fuch juftice is hereby authorised and required to adminifter), fhall, for every fuch offence, be committed to the common gaol, or houfe of correction, of the county, riding, city, town, divifion, or place, where fuch offence fhall have been committed, there to remain, without bail or mainprize, for any time not exceeding one calendar month, nor less than fourteen days, at the difcretion of the juftice or juftices by or before whom such offender fhall be convicted. like manner II. And be it further enacted, That the faid fum of five fhil- Penalty to be ings for each and every paffenger beyond the number allowed to recovered in conveyed as aforefaid, fhall be collected, levied, and recovered as the tolls. in like manner as the turnpike tolls at the gate where fuch payment by this act directed to be made, are by the act for repairing fuch road authorised to be collected, levied, and recovered. III. And be it further enacted, That, from and after the twen- From Sept. 29, ty-ninth day of September one thousand seven hundred and ninety, 1790. the there fhall be painted on the outfide of each of the doors of every name of the fuch stage coach or other carriage (the coaches carrying the mail, be painted on proprietor to under the direction of the poft-mafters general, excepted) in the outfide of large and legible characters, the chriftian and furname of the pro- each door of prietor, or of one of the proprietors, of fuch coach or other carriage, every ftage coach, except and in the cafe of there being more than one proprietor of fuch mail coaches. coach or other carriage, and any one of them fhall refide within the cities of London or Westminster, or the limits of the bills of mortality, then and in such case the name of such laft-mentioned proprietor fhall be the name to be put upon fuch carriage, as dove directed. coachmen IV. And be it further enacted, That if the coachman, or per- Penalty on on having the care of any ftage coach, or other fuch carriage, hall permit or fuffer any other perfon to drive the fame, without permitting other perfons the confent of the paffengers within fuch coach, or other carriage, to drive, &c. for fhall quit the box without reasonable occafion, or for a longer face of time than fuch occafion may require, or fhall, by furiously driving, or by any negligence or mifconduct, overturn the carnage, or in any manner endanger the perfons or property of the paflengers, or the property of the owners or proprietors of fuch carriage, every fuch coachman fo offending fhall, for every fuch fence, forfeit and pay any fum not exceeding five pounds, nor es than forty fhillings. If the guard fire off his arms, except for defence, to forfeit 20s. Penalties inflicted by recited act on peace officers neglecting to execute war rants to extend to this act. Penalties to be recovered as under the recited act, and the forms of the sche dules thereof to be used in the execution of this act. Publick act. Preamble. V. And be it further enacted, That if any perfon going travelling as a guard to any ftage coach, or other fuch carriag fhall fire off the arms he is entrusted with, either while the coa or carriage is going on the road, or going through or ftanding any town, otherwife than for the defence of 'fuch coach or oth carriage, every such person fhall, for every fuch offence, forf and pay the fum of twenty fhillings. VI. And be it further enacted, That the penalties by the f recited act inflicted on peace officers refufing or neglecting execute warrants granted by juftices of the peace, purfuant the directions of the faid act, fhall extend to, and be inflicted c all peace officers who fhall refufe or neglect to execute any wa rants to be granted in pursuance of this act; and that the pen ties and forfeitures inflicted by this act fhall and may be levi recovered, and applied in fuch and the fame manner, as by t faid recited act is directed refpecting the recovery of the penalt and forfeitures thereby inflicted; and that the forms of proceedin relative to the feveral matters contained in this act, fhall be t fame as thofe contained in the schedule to the faid recited act, a fhall be used on all occafions, with fuch additions or variatio only as may be neceffary to adapt them to the particular circur ftances of the cafe; and that no objection fhall be allowed to made, or advantage taken, on account of want of form only ina fuch proceedings. VII. And be it further enacted, That this act be deemed publick act; and fhall be judicially taken notice of as fuch, all judges, justices, and other perfons whomfoever, without ff cially pleading the fame. An act to continue two acts, made in the twenty-eighth and twen W enacte enacted by the King's moft excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That the feveral duties of excife by an act made in Duties impofthe twenty-feventh year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, in- ed by 27 Geo. titel, An act for repealing the feveral duties of customs and excife, 3. C. 13, on wath made and granting other duties in lieu thereof, and for applying the faid du- in England ts, together with the other duties compofing the publick revenue; for for extracting permitting the importation of certain goods, wares, and merchandize, fpirits for the produce or manufacture of the European dominions of the French home confumption; king, into this kingdom; and for applying certain unclaimed monies, remaining in the exchequer for the payment of annuities on lives, to the reduction of the national debt, imposed for or in refpect of fermented wort or wash brewed or made in that part of Great Britain called England, for extracting fpirits for home confumption from any malt, corn, grain or tilts, or any mixture with the fame; and for or in refpect of cyder or perry, or other wafh or liquor brewed or made as aforefaid, from any fort or kind of British materials, except fuch as are before mentioned, or from any mixture therewith, for extracting fpirits for home confumption, and for or in refpect of fermented wort or wash brewed or made as aforefaid from melaffes or fugar, or any mixture therewith, for extracting fpirits for home confumption, and for or in refpect of wash brewed or made as aforefaid from foreign refufed wines, or foreign cyder, or wash prepared from foreign materials, except melaffes and fugar, or any mixture therewith, for extracting Ipirits for home confumption, and which were, by an act made in the twentyrinth year of the reign of his prefent Majesty, intituled, An act for amending and continuing, for a limited time, an act made in the feffion of parliament, intituled, An act for difcontinuing, for a and which, by mited time, the feveral duties payable in Scotland upon low 29 Geo. 3. wines and fpirits, and upon worts, wash, and other liquors there C. 45, were afed in the diftillation of fpirits, and for granting to his Majesty July 5, 1790, other duties in lieu thereof; and for better regulating the expor- further contation of British-made fpirits from England to Scotland, and from tinued to July Scotland to England; and to continue, for a limited time, an act 5, 1791, &c. made in the twenty-fixth year of the reign of his prefent Majesty, "to difcontinue, for a limited time, the payment of the duties pon low wines and fpirits for home confumption, and for granting and fecuring the due payment of other duties in lieu thereof; and for the better regulation of the making and vending British rits; and for difcontinuing, for a limited time, certain impofts and duties upon rum and fpirits imported from the West Indies;" ed to revive and continue the faid laft mentioned act, continued from the fifth day of July one thoufand feven hundred and eightyane, until and upon the fifth day of July one thousand leven hundred and ninety, fhall be, and the fame are hereby feverally and refpectively further continued from the fifth day of July one thcufand feven hundred and ninety, until and upon the fifth day July one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one ; and the faid duties fhall feverally and refpectively be paid and payable by the feveral continued to feveral and respective makers and diftillers of fuch wort, wa cyder, perry, or other liquor respectively, at fuch times, and fuch manner, and under fuch penalties and forfeitures, as the fa duties by the faid act impofed and hereby continued were fevera and respectively payable by law, under or by virtue of an act, ma in the twenty-fixth year of the reign of his prefent Majesty, i 26Geo.3.c.73. tituled, An act to difcontinue, for a limited time, the payment of duties upon low wines and fpirits for home confumption, and for gra ing and fecuring the due payment of other duties in lieu thereof; a for the better regulation of the making and vending British fpiri and for difcontinuing, for a limited time, certain impofts and du upon rum and fpirits imported from the Weft Indies; or any oth act or acts of parliament in force immediately before the paffi of an act made in the twenty-eighth year of the reign of his f 28Geo.3.c.46 Majefty, intituled, An act for discontinuing, for a limited time, feveral duties payable in Scotland upon low wines and spirits, a upon worts, wash, and other liquors, there ufed in the diftillation fpirits, and for granting to his Majesty other duties in lieu there and for better regulating the exportation of British-made fpirits fr England to Scotland, and from Scotland to England; and to co tinue, for a limited time, an act made in the twenty-fixth year of reign of his prefent Majefty, to difcontinue, for a limited time, t payment of the duties upon low wines and fpirits for home co fumption; and for granting and fecuring the due payment other duties in lieu thereof; and for the better regulation of t making and vending British fpirits; and for difcontinuing, for limited time, certain impofts and duties upon rum and fpirits in ported from the Weft Indies. 2, 3, and 4, of recited. II. And whereas by the faid aft, made in the twenty-ninth year Part of claufe his present Majefty's reign, it was enacted, That for the makin 1, and claufes unto the rectifiers and compounders of fpirits, a fair allowan 29Geo.3.c.45, for that increase by water, fugar, fyrup, or fruit, which was n ceffary to render their fpirits fit for confumption, there should allowed permits for the fending out any number of gallons, n exceeding the rate or proportion of one hundred and forty-t gallons of British brandy, rectified British fpirits, or compound for every one hundred gallons of raw British fpirits which th refpectively should have received from any diftiller or distillers British spirits (not being a rectifier or rectifiers) of the ftreng of one to ten over hydrometer proof, or which they should fpectively have made at the ftrength laft aforefaid; and th within thirty days next after the commencement of the faid a and afterwards once in every three months at the leaft, the of cers of excife should take an account of the ftock of Brit brandy, rectified British fpirits, raw British compounds, a other British spirits, of all and every rectifier and rectifiers, a compounder and compounders of fpirits (whether a maker makers of fpirits or not); and if, on taking any fuch accou the ftock fo taken, added to the quantity of fpirits for which pe mits fhould have been granted to fuch rectifier or rectifiers, compounder or compounders, fince the time of taking the la precedi preceding account of such stock, fhould be found to exceed the quantity of fpirits found by the officer or officers of excife in fuch fock, at the time of taking the last preceding account of fuch flock by the officer or officers of excife, added to the quantity fince received by permit from any diftiller or diftillers of British fpirits (not being a rectifier or rectifiers of British spirits) at the frength of one to ten over hydrometer proof, or made by such rectifier or rectifiers, or compounder or compounders, at the frength laft aforefaid, with the allowance of forty-two gallons on every one hundred gallons fo made or received, cafting or computing fuch ftock at the ftrength of one in four and feven fixteenths under hydrometer proof, a quantity of fpirits equal to the quantity of fpirits fo found in excefs, fhould be forfeited, and fhould and might be feized by any officer or officers of excife, from and out of fuch ftock, and the perfon or perfons in whose frock fuch quantity of fpirits fo found in excefs fhould be difcovered or found, thould forfeit the fum of fifty pounds; and that no rectifier or rectifiers, or compounder or compounders of spirits, fhould fell or fend out any British brandy, British rectified fpirits, British compounds, or other British fpirits, of any greater or higher ftrength than that of one in fix under hydrometer proof; and if any fuch rectifier or rectifiers, or compounder or compounders, fhould fell or fend out any British brandy, British rectifed fpirits, British compounds, or other British fpirits, of any greater or higher degree of ftrength than that of one in fix under hydrometer proof, all fuch British brandy, British rectified fpirits, British compounds, or other British fpirits, fhould be forfeited, and fhould and might be feized by any officer or officers of excife, together with the cafks and veffels containing the fame refpectively; and that if, on taking any fuch account of the stock of any fuch rectifier or rectifiers, or compounder or compounders, it fhould appear that fuch rectifier or rectifiers, or compounder or compounders, had not actually made ufe of the whole of the faid allowance, fo by the faid act granted, fo much thereof as should appear not to have been made ufe of, deducting therefrom so much as would be fufficient to reduce the stock then found on hand to the ftrength of one in four and feven fixteenths under hydrometer proof, fhould be cut off from his, her, or their credit: and whereas it is expedient to repeal the faid recited claufes; be it therefore enacted by the authority aforefaid, That the faid recited Recited claufes fhall be, and the fame are hereby repealed; and for the claufes remaking unto the rectifiers and compounders of fpirits a fair al- pealed. lowance for that increase by water, fugar, fyrup, or fruit, which is neceffary to render their fpirits fit for confumption, there shall be allowed permits for the fending out any number of gallons, not allowed rectiexceeding the rate or proportion of one hundred and fifty gallons fiers at the of British brandy, rectified British spirits or compounds, for every rate of 150 One hundred gallons of raw British spirits which they refpectively gallons for hall have received from any diftiller or diftillers of British fpirits, every 100 gallons of (not being a rectifier or rectifiers) of the ftrength of one to ten raw British Permits to be over spirits. |