alehouse, inn, or victualling houfe, the perfon or perfons fo fucceeding as the occupier or occupiers thereof fhall appear at the the next fpecial meeting to be holden for the divifion wherein fuch houfe fhall be fituated; and the justices affembled at fuch fpecial meeting fhall and may (upon fuch certificate being produced to them, and fuch recognizance being entered into as is herein-before mentioned) grant a licence to fuch new tenant or occupier, or in their difcretion allow a continuance of any licence before granted, in manner aforefaid, to open or continue open fuch houfe as an alehoufe, inn, or victualling houfe, and to fell ale, beer, and other excifeable liquors there until the next general licenfing day; any thing in the act contained to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. cences to be licensed at the IV. Provided always, and be it enacted, That nothing in this act No new licontained fhall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to impower granted at any justices of the peace at any petty feffions to grant any new petty feflions licence to any houfe, the occupier whereof was not duly licensed to houfes not at the general licensing day next before fuch petty feffions as general licens aforefaid. ing day.. V. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That nothing The times of herein contained fhall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to alter granting li the time or times of granting licences for keeping of common cences not inns or alehouses, or to oblige perfons not licenfed the year pre-ed, nor perhereby alterceding, to produce certificates in the city of London. fons not li censed houses censed the year preceding obliged to produce certificates in London. VI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That Perfons enterevery perfon fo entering into the poffeffion of any licenfed ale- ing into lihoufe, inn, or victualling houfe, who fhall fell any ale, beer, or without the other excifeable liquors, unless authorised and impowered fo to do authority of by the juftices at the petty feffions next enfuing after the expira- the juftices, liable to petion of fuch thirty days, in the manner herein-before directed, nalty. fhall from thence be liable to all the penalties, punishments, and forfeitures, to which perfons felling ale, beer, or other liquors, by retail, without a licence, are fubject by an act paffed in the fifth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An act for altering the ftamp duties upon admiffions into corporations or companies, and for further fecuring and improving the ftamp duties in Great Britain; any law, ftatute, or ufage to the contrary notwithstanding. VII. Provided always nevertheless, and be it further enacted, Perfons obThat the certificate herein-before directed to be obtained by the taining the perfon or perfons requiring to be licensed, fhall, after the obtain- neceffary cer ing thereof, be an indemnity to him, her, or them, for felling any demnified till tificate, inbeer, ale, or other excifeable liquors, till after fuch petty feffions the petty fef fhall have been held. fions. VIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That Clerk of the in all cafes where the continuance of a licence fhall be allowed, peace to reor a new licence fhall be granted as aforefaid, by the juftices at cord the conany petty feffions, the clerk of the peace for the county, riding, licences, &c. divifion, or place, where the house is fituate, fhall record the fame, tinuance of fame, and fhall be paid the fum of one fhilling for recording the allowing or granting of every fuch licence, and no more. his house, ing a beer li cence. Juftices to have the fame jurifdicton, over fuch re beer. From Oct. 10, IX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That, licence. X. And be it further enacted, That if any person or perfons fhall at any time be fued, molefted, or profecuted for any thing by him or them done or executed in purfuance of this act, or of any claufe, matter, or thing herein contained, fuch perfon or General iffue. perfons fhall or may plead the general iffue, and give the fpecial matter in evidence for his or their defence; and if upon the trial a verdict thall be paffed for the defendant or defendants, or the plaintiff or plaintiffs become nonfuited, then fuch defendant fhall Treble cofts. have treble cofts awarded to him or them against fuch plaintiff or plaintiffs. XI. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the autho rity rity aforefaid, That nothing in this act contained fhall extend, or Not to extend be conftrued to extend, to any perfon who fhall be a mafter, to the vintners warden, freeman, or one of the commonalty of the vintners of company, &c. the city of London; or to any perfon who fhall be licensed by the chancellors or vice-chancellors of the two univerfities, in that part of Great Britain called England, or either of them; or to any person who shall keep one of the three several wine taverns within the borough of Saint Albans, in the county of Hertford, licensed by the mayor and burgefs thereof, according to the tenor of certain letters patent granted by Queen Elizabeth and King James the First, for and towards the maintenance of the free Freemen of fchool there: provided nevertheless, That no person who, from the vintners and after the faid tenth day of October one thousand feven hun- company by redemption, dred and ninety-two, fhall be admitted to the freedom of the faid after Oct. 10, company of vintners of the city of London, by redemption only, 1792, not exfhall be exempted from the obligation of obtaining a licence to empted from retail ale, beer, and other liquors, to be granted in manner afore- this act. faid, but that the freemen only of the faid company, who have been already admitted to their freedom, or who, from and after the faid tenth day of October one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-two, fhall be admitted to their freedom in right of patrimony, or apprenticeship, shall be entitled to fuch exemption. CA P. LX. An act to remove doubts refpecting the functions of juries in cafes of libel. HEREAS doubts have arisen whether on the trial of an Preamble. indictment or information for the making or publishing any libel, On the trial where an iffue or iffues are joined between the King and the defendant of an indictlibel, the jury or defendants, on the plea of not guilty pleaded, it be competent to the ment for a may give a jury impanelled to try the fame to give their verdict upon the whole matter in iffue; be it therefore declared and enacted by the King's general verdict moft excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of upon the put in iffue, the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent whole matter parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That, and fhall not on every such trial, the jury fworn to try the iffue may give a be required by general verdict of guilty or not guilty upon the whole matter put the court to fendant guilty in iffue upon fuch indictment or information; and fhall not be find the derequired or directed, by the court or judge before whom fuch merely on indictment or information fhall be tried, to find the defendant or proof of the defendants guilty, merely on the proof of the publication by fuch publication, fense ascribed defendant or defendants of the paper charged to be a libel, and of and of the the sense ascribed to the fame in fuch indictment or information. to it in the II. Provided always, That, on every fuch trial, the court or information. judge before whom fuch indictment or information fhall be tried, But the court fhall, according to their or his difcretion, give their or his opinion fhall give their and directions to the jury on the matter in iffue between the King opinion and and the defendant or defendants, in like manner as in other criminal cafes. III. Provided alfo, That nothing herein contained fhall ex- other criminal VOL. XXXVII. Tt directions on the matter in iffue, as in tend, cafes. dict. Defendants Jury may find tend, or be conftrued to extend, to prevent the jury from finding a fpecial ver- a fpecial verdict, in their difcretion, as in other criminal cafes. IV. Provided alfo, That in cafe the jury fhall find the de fendant or defendants guilty, it shall and may be lawful for th arreft of judge- faid defendant or defendants to move in arreft of judgement, or ment, as be- fuch ground and in fuch manner as by law he or they might hav fore pafling done before the paffing of this act; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. may move in this act. CA P. LXI. An act to indemnify perfons, being proprietors, printers, and editors c newspapers and other publications, from certain penalties incurre under feveral acts therein mentioned, relative to lotteries. 8 Geo. I. c. 2. 12 Geo. 2. c. 28. 22 Geo. 3. c. 47. and 27 Geo. 3. C. I. recited. Printers, proprietors and editors of newspapers, &c. indemnife against actions for penalties incurred before July 2, 1792, by the recited acts refpecting publishing plans and proposals depending upon the lottery. General iffue. Publick act. CA P. LXII. An act for removing the ftand of hackney coaches out of New Bond No coach to ply for hire in New or Old Bond Street. Penalty on perfons Publick act. CA P. LXIII. An act for granting relief to paftors, minifters, and lay perfons of the epifcopal communion in Scotland. So much of 10 Annæ, c. 7; of 5 Geo. 1. c. 29; of 19 Geo. 2. c. 38; and of 21 Geo. 2. c. 34; as relate to impofing penalties, &c. on perfons reforting to epifcopal chapels in Scotland, or officiating therein, repealed. Minifters of epifcopal chapels within fix months to take the oaths of allegiance, &c. and subscribe the following declaration; A. B. paftor of a congregation of perfons in the epifcopal communion in Scotland, meeting for divine worship, at in the county of do willingly and ex animo fubfcribe to the book of Articles of Religion agreed upon by the archbishops and bishops of both provinces of the realm of England, and the whole clergy thereof, in the convocation holden at London in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and fixty-two; and I do acknowledge all and every the articles therein contained, being in number thirty-nine, befides the Ratification, to be agreeable to the Word of God. And produce to the clerk of the fire, &c. a certificate of his having fo qualified. Clerk to make an entry of certificates, and fend copies to the clerk of each houfe of parliament, &c. One copy to be affixed on the outfide of the meeting houfe, and the other within. Twenty pounds penalty on minifters officiating without having qualified. Minifters to pray for the royal family. Twenty pounds penalty for not fo doing. Minifters offending against this act, incapable of voting for a member of parliament in Scotland, &c. Ailemblies for religious worship to be held with doors unfattened. Minifters of the epifcopal communion in Scotland incapable of of taking any benefice in England, unless ordained by a bishop. Five pounds penalty on perfons prefent at divine fervice in any epifcopal meeting where the royal family are not prayed for. Profecutions for offences to be commenced within 12 months. No peer of Scotland capable of being elected one of the 16 peers, or of voting in the election of them, who fhall be prefent twice in one year in any epifcopal chapel where the royal family is not prayed for. Any peer prefent at fuch election may make the objection, and if proved on oath, the peer incapable of voting or being chofen. Confeffion of any peer not to be made ufe of upon profecution for penalty. No perfon capable of being elected, or of voting in the election of a member of parliament, &c. in Scotland, who fhall be prefent twice in one year at divine service where the royal family fhall not be prayed for, and every candidate, &c. may prove the objection by witneffes on oath. Publick act. An act for repairing, altering, and improving the parish church of Saint Bridget, otherwife Saint Bride, in the city of London; and for providing a workhouse for the same parish. Trustees appointed. Appointment of new trustees. First meeting of the trustees to be within one month of the first of May 1792. Notice of adjournment, and if a fufficient number of truftees not prefent, the clerk to fummon the trustees to attend at a future day. Proceedings to be entered in a book. No act to be valid, if not done at a meeting. Majority at publick meetings to act, if five be prefent. Trustees who are juftices may act as fuch. Trustees to fue, and be fued, in the name of their treasurer. Treasurer to be reimbursed his expences. Trustees to appoint the treafurer, and other officers; and may allow falaries to officers. Trustees may repair the church. Trustees to provide a workhoufe. Money belonging to corporations to be re invefted. Trustees may contract for work to be done under the act Trustees may compound for any penalties. Churchwardens to pay the rent of the ground hired. Monuments, &c. may be removed; but fhall be replaced. Rates for raifing money to be applied for the purposes of this act, not exceeding two fhillings in the pound. Where houses are let in different apartments, the whole house charged with the rate. Agreements between landlord and tenant not to be altered. Clerk to make entries in books to be figned by the trustees. Recovery of rates. Power to fue for rates, penalties, and fines. Perfons aggrieved by the rate may appeal. Collectors to account. One hundred pounds penalty on collectors not paying over the money when amounting to 50l. For recovering money, in cafe treasurer, &c. dies, or becomes bankrupt. Penalties and forfeitures how to be recovered and applied. Inhabitants may be witneffes. Money may be raised by annuities. Contributors names to be entered upon a book. Contributors to have receipts; and an order for payment of annuities. Allowing fecurities to be transferred. Distress not to be deemed unlawful for want of form. Plaintiff not to recover, if tender of amends has been made. Proceedings not to be vacated for want of form. General appeal. Limitation of actions. General iffue. Treble cofts. Publick act. An act to extend and render more effectual an act, paffed in the twentyfixth year of the reign of his late majefty King George the Second, intituled, An act for enlarging and regulating the trade into the Levant feas. 26 Geo. 2. c. 18. recited. The Turkey company may appoint perfons to adminifter the oath prefcribed by the recited act, to British subjects refident in foreign parts, who, after taking the fame may be admitted into the company. Treasurer of the company may fupply the place of the governor and deputy governor at courts, &c. |