صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

buying or receiving the goods, &c. Five directors necessary to make a quarterly and three a weekly meeting. No business to be done by directors but at meetings. Directors not attending at meetings, to forfeit not lefs than 5s. nor more than 408. Directors may grant certificates. Certificates now in the custody, and to be received in future by parish officers, to be delivered to the clerk. Bonds of indemnity against bastards to be given to the directors. Bye laws may be made. No bye law to be made, altered or repealed, unleis seven members are present. Directing what shall be deemed legal notice. Rewards to be given to the industrious poor. Contracts and proccedings to be entered in a a book. bo Allowing inhabitants to infpect books and papers. No appeals against removals without confent of directors. When the profit of the poor's labour shall be fufficient for their maintenance, rates to cease. Recovery and application o penalties. Appeal to the quarter feffions. Inhabitants may be witneffes. Proceedings not to b. quished for want of form. The expences of the act to be paid out of the firft money raised. Limitation of actions. General iffue. Treble costs. Publick act.


An act for repairing or rebuilding the pier adjoining to the harbour of Broadftairs, in the ifle of Thanet, in the county of Kent; and for the better preferving the faid harbour; and for removing and preventing obftructions, nuifances, and annoyances, and regulating the mooring of thips and veffels, within the faid harbour.

Commiffioners. On death, refusil, or removal of commissioners, new ones to be appointed. Qualification of commiffioners. Lord warden, &c. not to be difqualified by non-attendance. No commiffioner to enjoy a place of profit. First meeting of the commiffioners on the twenty-fifth of June 1792. Commiffioners to defray their own expences Commiffioners who are juftices may act as fuch. Suits to be brought in the name of the clerk or treasurer. Books to be kept, and entries made. Commiffioners to appoint officers; and may allow them falaries. Commiffioners impowered to take security, and to call their officers to account. Property in the pier and harbour vefted in the commiffioners. Commiffioners im- . powered to contract for the performance of the works. All duties heretofore payable to cease. Other rates payable. Collectors impowered to meafure the ships for afcertaining the tonnage. Persons fraudulently evading the rates to forfeit five pounds. Officers impowered to diftrain for rates. The part of the profits of boats assisting ships in diftrefs, &c. may be recovered by action at law. Commissioners enabled to examine perfons liable to pay the duties. Remedy for masters of ships or other perfons paying the rates payable by others, to recover the fame. Commiffioners may direct the mooring and ballafting of vessels. Power to remove and prevent encroachments, &c. Inhabitants of the said parishes not to be restrained from taking fand, mud, &c. from the harbour, the fame being taken from such places as the commiffioners shall by notice appoint. Until such notice given, such fand, mud, &c. may be taken from any part of the harbour. No vessel to be used in the harbour as a ftorehouse. Limits of the harbour ascertained. Commiffioners may let the rates, giving 21 days notice. Power to borrow money, and affign the rates as a fecurity. Money may be raised by granting annuities. Securities transferrable. Application of the money. Commiffioners to provide books for keeping accounts. Commiffioners to state and produce their accounts yearly to the inhabitants. Power to purchase land. Penalties how to be recovered. Appeal. Commiflioners may compound for penalties or forfeitures; and may reward informers. Difstress not unlawful for want of form. Proceedings not removeable by certiorari. Tender of amends. Limitation of actions. General issue. Treble cofts, Manerial rights faved. Publick act.




An act to enable the dean and chapter of Hereford to re-build the west end of the cathedral church of Hereford, and to repair other parts thereof.

Whereas the west end of the cathedral church of Hereford fell down some time in April one thousand seven hundred and eighty-fix, and other parts of the faid cathedral church are in a ruinous ftate, and in great need of repair: and whereas a confiderable sum of money hath been already laid out towards in part rebuilding the faid west end, and putting other parts of the faid cathedral church into repair; and it will require a further sum of four thousand pounds, at the least, to complete the rebuilding of the faid west end, and to put all the other parts of the faid cathedral church into good repair: and whereas the dean and chapter of the said cathedral church, confifting of a dean, and five other dignitaries, commonly called refidentiary canons, are as fuch seised of divers manors, messuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, and are willing and defirous to charge themselves, and their successors, with any fum not exceeding four thousand pounds, for the purposes above mentioned; but not being able to effect the fame without the authority of parliament; may it therefore pleafe, &c. The dean and chapter impowered to borrow 4,000l. towards rebuilding the west end of the cathedral, &c. Mortgages to be registered. Power for recovery of principal and intereft by the mortgagees. gagees not answerable for the application of the money borrowed. The dean and chapter may grant leases, notwithstanding the mortgagees. intereft to be paid half-yearly, &c. Principal money how to be paid off. The dean and chapter to keep accounts of the money received and expended.




An act for rebuilding the chapel, and enlarging the chapel yard of LaneEnd, within the parish of Stoke upon Trent, in the county of Stafford.


An act for building a new church or chapel in the town of Leeds, in the west riding of the county of York.




bridge across the river Wear, from the bank
An act for building
shore thereof, in the parish of Bishop Wearmouth, in the county of
Durham, to the opposite shore, in the parish of Monk Wearmouth in
the fame county.

Commissioners names. Qualifications of commiffioners, real estate of 1001.
a year, or perfonal eftate of 3000l. Commiffioners to fue and be fued in
the name of their clerk. Indemnity to clerk. First meeting of commissi-
oners June 25, 1792. Power to adjourn. Commiffioners to defray their
own expences. Power to appoint new commiffioners. Commiffioners
impowered to erect a bridge across the Wear; to cut and level the banks
of the river; to widen and enlarge roads, and make new roads, making
fatisfaction to the owners. Bridge to be built of fuch materials as com-
miffioners shall think proper. No houses to be built upon it, except toll
houfes. The bridge not to be subject to taxes, nor a county bridge.
Power to the commissioners to contract for building the bridge, and for
purchasing lands, &c. Power to bodies politick and others to fell and
convey. Bodies politick, &c. refufing to treat, the value to be settled by
a jury at the feffions. Recital of the bishop of Durham's right to Sunder-
land Ferry.. Recital of lease to Anthony Ettrick, and of fettlement made
upon the marriage of William Ettrick efq. Recital of leafe to William
Ettrick efq; February 14, 1785. Authority to the bishop of Durham to


appoint an arbitrator. Authority to commissioners to nominate an arbitrator. Authority to the two arbitrators to appoint a third perfon to act as referee, to afcertain the value in fee fimple of the ferry or pafsage; who are, in two months from their first meeting, to make their award. Recital of fir Hedworth Williamfon and general Lambton's right to Pan Ferry. Arbitrators to be appointed in 3 months after the bridge is built. Arbi trators to name a third perfon; who are to determine whether it is a horse or foot boat, and the value thereof. A copy of the award to be de livered to fir Hedworth Williamfon and general Lambton, and another to the commiffioners. Power to determine the value of the ferries by a jury at the seffions, in cafe the fame shall not be fettled by arbitration. Pover to the bishop of Durham to have the value of Sunderland Ferry afcertain ed by a special jury at the afsizes. Witnesses or jurymen neglecting or refufing to attend may be fined, not exceeding fol. Fees and expences of jury and witnesses how to be paid. Fees of the sheriff, jurymen, and witnefles, who attend to ascertain the value of the fee fimple and inherit ance of the ferry boats, how to be paid. Value of lands to be paid out of the tolls, or out of the money to be borrowed upon the credit of the fame. Persons refusing to accept the valuation upon tender made thereof, the money to be deposited with the treasurer of the county of Durham. Pan Ferry, and the tolls thereof, vested in commiffioners. The money awarded to the bishop of Durham, to be charged upon the tolis, &c. as well of the bridge as of the ferries, &c. Tolls, &c. of the ferry fettled and veft. ed in the commiffioners, with power to collect the fame, and the like power of distress and fale in case of refufal. The lord bishop of Durham to appoint an arbitrator; and Mr. Ettrick to appoint another; who are to appoint a referee; two of whom are to fix and afcertain the fum to be paid by the bishop to Mr. Ettrick. The money to be applied upon the fame trufts, and for the purposes mentioned in Mr. Ettrick's fettlement. The money to be paid to the bishop and his leflee not to be called in for ten years. To give two years notice of calling in money. Provifion for determining whether compenfation is to be made for Southwick Ferry. Power to elect new arbitrators in certain cafes. Money awarded to bodies politick, &c. to be invested in the purchase of lands. Power to take tolis. Tolls. A coach and fix, 3s. A coach and four, 28. A coach and pair, rs. 6d. Chaife with one horfe, gd. A waggon, cart, &c. laden, with fix horfes, 38. A do. with five horses, 2s. 6d. A do. with four horfes, 28. A do. with three or two horfes, 'Is. 6d. A cart with one horfe, Is. A waggon, cart, &c. empty and unladen with fix horfes, rod. A do. with five horfes, od. A do. with four horses, 8d. A do. with three or two horfes, 61. A cart with one horfe, 4d. A horfe laden or unladen, one penny halfpenny. Hogs, sheep or lambs, per score, 5d. Cows and horned cattle each, Id. A foot paflenger laden, Id. Do. unladen, one halfpenny. Powers for compelling payment thereof. Rider of a horfe, and driver of a carriage, not to pay toli. Power to reduce the tolis. Perfons taking off hories, or carrying goods, in order to avoid payment of tolls, to forfeit 403. Power to lease the tolls. Appointment of clerk, furveyor, and other officers; who are to account upon oth. No com miflioner to vote in the choice of officers who hath not acted within 12 months. The commiflioners to take security from officers. Surveyor may gather fuuze, gravel, &c. from waftes, without making any fatistaction, &c. Power to commiffioners to borrow 5000l. on credit of the tolls, by way of tontine or otherwise. Copies of affignments to be enter. ed in a book. No money to be borrowed on the credit of the tolls after the first meeting, unless notice given upon the market crofs. Subícribers to pay their tubfcriptions to the treafurer. Application of the money. Perfons wilfully burning or deftroying the works, &c. to be deemed guilty of felony. Matters and owners of ships, and others. injuring the works, to pay the amount of the damage. The property of the bridge, &c. velted in the treasurer. Powers to commence on paling this act, and penalties to be recovered before one or more juftices of the county of Durham. For want of diftrefs, orenders to be fent to gaol or house of correction. Offenders thinking themselves aggrieved may appeal to the quarter fillons. Powers of the act for the prefervation of river Wear faved. Property of





the foil ufed for the purposes of this act faved. Sir Hedworth Williamfon's rights in Sunderland Ferry faved. Other rights annexed to certain farms and houses in Monkwearmouth, Southwick, and Fullwell faved. Perfons illegally taking the benefit thereof, to forfeit 40s. Justices may act though they are commiffioners. Proceedings to be entered in a book, which may be read in evidence. Actions to be commenced in three months. Defendants to plead general issue. Treble costs. The bridge to be begun within seven years. General saving. Publick act.


An act for more effectually draining and preferving certain low lands, within the parish of Great Carlton, in the county of Lincoln.


An act for making a harbour in the cove of Beer, in the county of Devon, Commiffioners appointed and authorised to build a pier at the cove of Beer To prevent injuring the works. Power to collect certain duties. Every ship, &c. laden or unladen belonging to any of his Majesty's fubjects (except fishing boats) per ton, Id. Do not belonging to any of his Majesty's subjects per ton, 2d. For every ton of goods, &c. (except corn, malt, coals and fish) brought into or carried out of the harbour by ships, &c. belonging to his Majesty's fubjects, rs. By ships, &c. not belonging to his Majesty's fubjects, 28. For every last of corn, grain or malt, by fubjects, Is. Do. by ships, ships, &c. not belonging to fubjects, 28. For every chaldron of coals brought into the harbour, Is. For every fishing boat, &c. belonging to the inhabitants of Beer, not more than five tons yearly, 5s. If more than five tons yearly, 10s. For every boat with fish for sale, not belonging to the inhabitants of Beer, and not more than

: five tons burthen, Is. If more than five tons, 28. For afcertaining the duties. King's ships exempt from the duties. Duties vested in the commiffioners. For borrowing 20,000l. and assigning the rates. For transferring affignments. Directing how the money shall be applied. Appointing commiffioners. Commissioners to have in Devonshire freehold eftate of the yearly value of 30l. or 60l. leafehold, or refide in the county, and have personal estate of 2001. Commiffioners to appoint officers, and enter their proceedings and accounts. Power to reduce the duties. Recovery and application of penalties. Allowing an appeal. Limitation of actions. General iffue. Treble costs. Referving certain rates now payable to the lord of the manor, and to the chamber of the city of Exeter. Publick act.

[blocks in formation]

An act for improving the communication between the county of Edinburgh and the county of Fife, by the passages or ferries cross the Frith of Forth, between Leith and Newhaven, in the county of Edinburgh, and Kinghorn and Bruntisland in the county of Fife; and for rendering the harbours and landing places more commodious.

[blocks in formation]

An act for regulating and improving the falmon fishery in the river Nith, in the county of Dumfries.

Act 33 Geo. 2. repealed. Fish not to be taken between October 5, and March 1. Spawn and fry not to be taken between March 1, and June 15. Limits of the mouth of the river Nith to extend from the large house at Carsethorne of Arbigland, in a line across the river Nith due east. Nets and other engines taken in the river to be cut and destroyed. Perfons not having right so to do, not to fish in the river. Perfons beating the water, or fetting objects to prevent entering the river, to forfeit not less than 10s. nor more than 51. Recovery and application of penalties. Appeal to the quarter feffions. Appeal from the sheriff depute, or fubftitutes, to the lords of feffion. Publick act.


CAP. Xcv.

An act for the better relief and employment of the poor within the several parishes of Atcham, Wroxeter, Berrington, Cund, Eaton, Conftartine, Kenley, Leighton, Uffington, and Upton Magna, and the Cha pelry of Creffage, in the county of Salop.


An act for the better relief and employment of the poor, belonging to the parishes of Montgomery and Pool, and certain other parishes and places therein mentioned, in the counties of Montgomery and Salop.


An act for building a bridge, at or near the ferry over the river Thames from Whitchurch, in the county of Oxford, to the oppofite fhore, in the parish of Pangbourn, in the county of Berks.

Proprietors. To be a corporate body, by the name of "The Company of Proprietors of Whitchurch Bridge." Bridge to be built. Afcents or approaches to the bridge. Obstructions in the river near the bridge may be removed, and banks of the river may be cut. Materials for the bridge, &c. may be brought and worked upon any waste land near the bridge without fatisfaction, &c. Bodies corporate, &c. impowered to fell pre mises required for building the bridge, &c. Commiffioners to determine differences. If parties cannot agree, the matter to be settled by a jury. If a sufficient number of jurymen do not attend, the jury to be made up from the standers by. Sheriff, &c. making default may be fined. Commiffioners or jury not to act where interested. Proprietors not to take poffeffion of premises till payment of purchase money. Money payable to bodies corporate, &c. to be reinvested in purchase of other eftates to the fame uses. Paying expences of the jury. Meetings of commiffioners to be held within seven miles. Annual rents, adjudged for damages, to be paid. When the bridge shall be compleated, right of, in and to the ferry to cease in confideration of 350l. Proprietors may raise 2.400l. among themselves by shares of one hundred pounds each. The shares vefted in the proprietors. Proprietors to have votes, and may vote by proxy. Votes to be given perfonally or by proxy. Votes how to be given. All business at general meetings to be determined by majority. Power to raife 4,occl. more, if the 2,400l. shall be insufficient. New fubfcribers to become members of the body politick. First general meeting to be on the fecond of July 1792, and to meet annually on the first Monday in January and July. Special meetings may be held on ten days notice. Firft gene. ral meeting to choose a committee, treasurer and clerk who is to enter proceedings in a book. Subsequent committees how to be chofen; their meetings to be monthly, and their expences paid. Committees to make reports of proceedings to the general affemblies, and to obey their orders. Committee to make calls of money from the proprietors when neceffary. The money to be paid to the treasurer, and applied by the committee. Powers of the committee. Ten days notice of calls. Perfons not paying the first call, may be fued; persons not paying according to fubfequent calls, to forfeit twenty shillings. Limiting time for taking advantage of forfeitures. Company to have power to remove committee men and officers, and to make and alter bye laws. Directing how calls on fhares difpofed of, belonging to perfons dying, shall be made. On default of payment, other perfons may be admitted as proprietors. Proprietors may fell or dispose of their shares. Proprietors not to fell their shares until calis are paid up. No business to be done at committees, unless three proprietors shall be present. The treafurer to give fecurity. Bridge velted in the company. Tolls for paffing over the bridge. For perfons on foot one halfpenny. For horfes not drawing two-pence. For afies, three halipence. For beafts, two-pence. For theep, one halfpenny. For hogs, one halfpenny. For horfes drawing, two-pence. For every wheel to a carriage,


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