ما 1. From July 5, 1792, if any perfon against whom a body warrant is iffued, fhall remove out of the jurifdiction where granted, it may be indorfed by the commiffioners of excife, or any juftice of the peace of the place where the offender fhall be, and no action to be brought against any person who indorfes fuch warrants. Chap. 10. 2. Acts 5 Gco. 3. c. 43. 17 Geo. 3. c. 52. and 24 Geo. 3. feff. 2. c. 48. from July 5, 1792, with relation to the makers of hard foap, fo far as the fame extend to finding wooden covers to coppers, &c. to extend to all foap makers. Chap. 21. 3. For amending the laws of excife relating to the manufactory of flint glafs. Chap, 40. 4. Makers of flint glafs allowed three hours, after the time specified in the notice, for beginning to fill pots with materials. Same act. 5. One fourth of the metal fpecified in the notice, to be put into pots within fix hours after beginning to charge, on penalty of 50l. Same act, f. 2. 6. One hour's notice of unstopping pots to be given to the excife officer, on penalty of 50l. and if not begun to be unftopped purfuant to notice, fresh notice must be given, but the penalty not to extend to unftopping pots which crack or break, nor to unftopping them within thirty fix-hours from the time of beginning to charge them. Same act. f. 3. 7. On giving fix hours notice, forty pounds weight of metal which has paid the duty may be put into a new pot, in the presence of an officer, for the purpose of glazing it, and on like notice, ten pounds weight of unftained metal may be uled for the purpose of cleaning any ftained glass pot. Same act, f. 7. 8. Powers of 12 Car. 2. c. 24. to extend to this act, and this act to commence July 5, 1792. Same act, f. 10. &c. may be imported duty free, under certain regulations. Same act, f. 4. 5. Harpooners, &c. belonging to the Greenland fishery not to be impreffed, and may fail in the colliery trade, and feamen entered for Greenland hips not to be impreffed. Same act, f. 5. 6. No whale boat liable to feifure on account of her conftruction, if employed in the fishery only. Same act, f. 6. 7. Apprentices, whofe time expires during a voyage, to be confidered as fuch to the end of it, and no perfon deemed a legal apprentice, if bound after paffing this act, except a fubject of his Majefty. Same act, f. 7. 8. For regulating and improving the falmon fisheries in the river Nith in the county of Dumfries. Chap. 94. Flint Glafs. See Excife. Chap. 40. Frith of Forth. See Scotland. Chap. 93. G. Gale Mofs, Lancashire. SEE Canals, Navigable. Chap. 101. Gaols. 1. For building a new gaol, a penitentiary house, and house of correction, within the city of Briftol, and for regulating, maintaining and fupporting the fame, and for difpofing of the prefent common gaol in Bristol. Chap. 82. 2. For building a new gaol and house of correction for the town and county borough of Carmarthen. Chap. 104. haven of Sandwich, in the fame county. Chap. 74. 2. For further enlarging and improving the harbour of Whitehaven in Cumberland. Chap. 75. 3. For amending act 16 Geo. 3. c. 23. relating to the harbour of Bofton, in Lincolnshire, and for regulating the mooring of fhips there. Chap. 79.. 4. For repairing or rebuilding the pier adjoining to the harbour of Broadfairs, in the ifle of Thanet, in Kent; and for better preferving the harbour, and for removing and preventing obftructions, nuifances and annoyances, and regulating the mooring of fhips and veffels in the faid harbour. Chap. 86. 5. For making a harbour in the cove of Beer, in Devonfbire. Chap. 92. Haflings, Warren, Efquire. 6,347. 11s. 6d. for the expences of his trial. Chap. 35. Henley, Shropshire. Horncastle, Lincolnshire. Horfes. After July 5, 1792, horfes not exceeding fix in one veffel, and any number of cattle (fheep and lambs excepted) may be conveyed between Cowes and Southampton and Portf mouth, with fufferance, and officers of the cuftoms in the isle of Wight, may grant fufferances. Chap. 32. Hofpitals. For appointing commiffioners to fell a certain unfinished building at Taunton in the county of Somerset, intended for a publick hospital or infirmary, and of a piece of ground belonging thereto, in cafe a fufficient fum of money fhall not be raised by fubfcription within a limited time, for finishing the faid building, and paying the money due on account thereof. Chap. 98. Houfes and Windows. From April 5, 1792, no house containing lefs than feven windows, to be charged with the duties of three fhillings, and one fhilling impofed by act 6 Geo. 3. c. 38. but not to extend to inns of court or colleges. Chap. 2. ing the commons and waflegrounds, within the town or hamlet of March, in the manor and parish of Deddington, in the ifle of Ely and county of Cambridge; and for altering and amending act 30 Geo. 2. c. 36. for draining and preferving certain fen lands, low grounds, and commons, in the townships of March, and Wimblington, and parish of Upwell, in the ile of Ely and county of Cambridge. Chap. 108. 3. For dividing, inclofing, draining, and improving the open fields, meadows, paftures, commons, and wafte grounds in the townships of Hefsle, Anlaby and Tranby in the county of the town of Kingfion upon Hull; and making a compenfation in lieu of tithe for certain ancient inclofed lands in the faid townfhips, and alfo in the township of Wooferton, other wife Wolfreton, in the faid county. Chap. 109. 4. For dividing and inclofing certain parts of the commons, moors, or tracts of wafte land called Hexhamhire and Allendale common, and allo certain town fields within the regality or manor of Hexham in Northumberland, and for ftinting. the depafturing of other parts of the faid commons, moors, or waste land. Chap. 110. Informations. See Que Warranto. Chap. 58. John, St. Ifland of. 2,020. granted for the civil eftablishment of the island of Saint John, in America. Chap. 35 Ireland. polis, in Middlefex and Surrey, to be eftablished; and appoint three ju tices at each, who are to atten: from 10 in the morning until 8: the evening. Chap. 53. 2. After the establishment of the of fices, no fees to be taken except at them, by a justice for Middless, &c. on penalty of 100l. but not extend to fees for licenfing ak houfes by 26 Geo. 2. c. 31. or th publick office in Bowfireet. Same act, f. 1. 3. Accounts of fees, &c. taken at le seven offices, to be delivered monthly to the receiver, and the amount paid to him, and all pent ties (except to informers or parti grieved), recovered at the publics offices, to be paid to the receiver; but if not duly accounted for, t may fue for the fame in any count of record at Wilminster, and the receiver for the time being may fue for money in the hands of de ceafed receivers, and recover from executors, &c. Same act, f. 4. 4. Juftices to have a falary of 400! a year each, and the whole annual expence of each office not to exceed 2,000l. and a receiver to be appointed by his Majefty, who is to pay all penalties and forfeitures into the receipt of the exchequer, and apply the refidue of fees for the expences, &c. of the offices, and the receiver to render accounts to the treafury twice a year, and to have 51. per cent. on all money received; and if the money to be ap plied in discharge of falaries, and expences of the feven offices fhould be infufficient, the deficiency to be fupplied out of the cofolidated fund. Same act, f. 8. See Tea. Chap. 9. See Seamen. 5. The King in council may Chap. 67. Juftices of the Peace. 1. The King may caufe feven publick offices, in or near the metro alter the fituation of the offices; and juftices appointed by this act, incapable of being members of parliament; and no justice, receiver, or constable to vote for members of of parliament in Middlefex, Surrey, Westminster, or Southwark, under penalty of 100. Same act, f. 11. 6. Juftices to appoint fix conftables at each office, and the receiver to pay them 125. a week. Same act, f. 15. 7. Conftables may apprehend any fufpicious perfon, and convey him. before a juftice, and if it fhall appear upon oath, that he is a perfon of evil fame and a reputed thief, he fhall be deemed a rogue and vagabond within the meaning of act 17 Geo. 2. c. 5. and perfons thinking themselves aggrieved may appeal to quarter feffions, but punishment not to exceed imprifonment to hard labour for fix months, and this act not to deprive the mayor and aldermen of London of their jurifdiction in the city or Southwark, and this act to continue to June 1, 1795. Same act, f. 17. K. Keelmen. 170,1931. gs. 6d. for forces in the plantations, &c. from December 25, 1791, to June 24, 1792. Same act. 4. 149,2941. 135. 5d. for forces in the plantations, &c. from June 25, to December 24, 1792. Same act. 5. 4,250l. 12s. 8d. difference between British and Irish establishments, of feven battalions ferving in North America, and the Weft Indies, from December 25, 1791, to June 24, 1792. Same act. SEE Skippers and Keelmen. Chap. 6. 2,9031. 45. 7d, for the like purpose, 29. from June 24, to December 24,1792. Same act. 7. 8,345. 165. 2d. for regiments ferving in the East Indies for 1792. Same act. 8. 98,0371. 155. for recruiting land forces and contingencies. Same act. 9. 15,064/. 115. for fupernumerary officers. Same act. 10. 6,4271. 6d. for general and staff officers in Great Britain. Same act. 11. 52,3381. 5s. 2d. to the paymaster general, fecretary at war, &c. Same act. 12. 159.7971. 10s. for reduced officers of land forces and marines. Same act. 13. 2021. 10s. for reduced officers, &c. of the horse guards. Same act. 14. 3,1617. 105 10d. for officers late in |