صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

in the service of the states general. Same act.

15. 55,0921. 10s. for reduced officers of the British American forces, and 4,9071. 10s. for allowances to them. Same act.

16. 173,1041. 35. 11d. for Chelsea hofpital. Same act.

17.9,3811. 135. 10d. for widows penfions. Same act.

18. 1,7851. for garrison officers, &c. in 1791. Same act.

19. 340,3061. 8s. for extraordinaries in the army for 1791. Same act.

Land Tax.

1. Land tax for 1792, to be 4s. in the pound. Chap. 5.

2. For rectifying mistakes in the names of several of the commiffioners for executing the land tax act, and for appointing others, and indemnifying those persons who acted as commissioners, for executing the land tax act of last year. Chap. 23.

Lane End, Staffordshire.
See Churches. Chap. 88.

Leeds, Yorkshire.

See Churches. Chap. 89.

Leigh, Gloucestershire.

See Canals, Navigable. Chap. 83.

Leighton, Shropshire.
See Poor. Chap. 95.
Leith, Scotland.

See Scotland. Chap. 93.

Levant Seas.

See Turkey Company. Chap. 65.


On the trial of an indictment for


a libel, the jury may give a general verdict upon the whole matter put in issue, and shall not be required by the court to find the defendant guilty, merely on proof of the publication, and of the sense ascribed to it in the information; but the court shall give their opinion and direction on the matter in issue, as in other criminal cafes, and the jury may find a special verdict, but defendants may nove in arrest of judgement as before the paffing of this act. Chap. 60.


1. The third section of 26 Geo. 2. c. 31. and 23 and 24 sections of 29 Geo. 2. c. 12. repealed fo fir as to England, Wales, and Berwill upon Tweed. Chap. 59.

2. From July 31, 1792, if alehoule keepers, &c. die or remove before the expiration of their licences, new ones may be granted to executors or new tenants, until the next licensing day; and certificates and recognizances required by this act, to be sent to the clerk of the peace to be recorded. Same act, 1. 1.

3. In Middlesex and Surrey, the jultices at the general licensing meetings to appoint eight special ones in the year, at which they may grant to licensed persons removing, &c. producing certificates, a continuance of licences, but no new licences to be granted at the petty feffions, to houses not licenfed at the general licenfing day, and the times of granting licences not altered by this act, nor persons not licensed the year preceding, oblig. ed to produce certificates in Londen. Same act, f. 4.

4. Persons entering into licenfed houses without the authority of the justices, liable to penalties by 5 Geo, 3. c. 46. and persons obtaining the necessary certificates indemnified until the petty feffions, and the




clerk of the peace to record the continuance of licences, &c. Same act, f. 6.

5. From October 10, 1792, no person to fell wine by retail, to be drawn in his house, without having a beer licence; and justices to have the fame jurisdiction over such retailers of wine, as they have over fellers of beer. Same act, f. 9.

5. This act not to extend to the vintners company of Landon, or any person licensed by the two universities, or any person who thall keep one of the three wine taverns in Saint Albans, but freemen of the vintners company by redemption, after October 10, 1792, not exempted from this act. Same act, f. 11.

Limitation of Actions.

1. See Bridges. Chap. 38.90.97. 2. See Canals, Navigable. Chap. 81,


3. See Candey, Island of. Chap. 31.
4. See Coaft Trade. Chap. 50.
5. See Churches. Chap. 30. 39.64.


6. See Debts, Small. Chap. 77.
7. See Gaols. Chap. 82.
8. See Harbours. Chap. 74.86.92.
9. See Inclosures. Chap. 71.
10. See Newfoundland. Chap. 46.
11. See Paving. Chap. 69.71.78.


12. See Poor. Chap. 20.70.85.

Liverpool, Lancashire.

See Churches. Chap. 76.


1. 812,500/. to be raised by a lottery, tickets at 161. 5s. each, and 500,000l.

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3. Maltsters for all dry unground malt in stock, between April 1 and April 6, 1792, to have the following allowances, viz. 3d. per bushel in England, and 1 d. in Scotland. Same act, f. 3.

4. Between April 1, and April 6, 1792, excise officers, may in the daytime enter any place where malt is deposited, and 100l. penalty for obstructing officers. Same act, s. 7. 5. The duty not to be paid for corn in operation, when the account of unground malt is taken, if kept separate until April 6, 1792, and the officer to give a certificate of the amount of the allowance, &c. Same act, f. 8.

to be paid for prizes on June 28, 6. Within 20 days before April 2,

1793. Chap. 28.

2. Duplicates of lottery tickets lost or burnt, may be made out on affidavit before the barons of the

1792, notice of shipping malt intended to be carried coastwife, to be given to the proper officer, who is to give a certificate of the quantity

tity to the master, and on arrival at the port of confignment, he is to deliver the same to the officer of the excife; and if malt so carried shall not arrive until after the officer thall have taken an account of the confignees stock, he shall give a certificate of the quantity, and of the party intitled to the allowance, &c. Same act, f. 10.

7. Malt brought by water from Scotland to England, and not arriving until after April 5, 1792, not liable to the additional duty; and the master to make oath that the malt is the fame as mentioned in the certificate, and such malt to be kept feparate until April 6, 1792, and 50%. penalty on removing fuch malt to any other vessel, or landing at any other place than where configned, and the malt to be forfeited. Same act, f. 12.

8. 201. penalty on masters neglecting to deliver certificates, and persons counterfeiting them to forfeit 500l. and certificates to be produced after four months, and before fix months, from the time of their being granted. Same act, f. 18.

9. Duties on malt, mum, cyder and perry, continued for the service of the year 1792. Chap. 18.

Man, Isle of.

See Coast Trade. Chap. 50.

Manchester, Lancashire.

See Paving. Chap. 69. See Canals, Navigable. Chap. 84.

Mangrove Bark, Red.
See Bark. Chap. 49.
March, Cambridgeshire.
See Inclosures. Chap. 108.


Regulated while on shore, act continued annually. Chap. 17. See Seamen. Chap. 33. Masters in Chancery. See Chancery. Chap. 42.

Medway River.

See Rivers, Navigable. Chap. 105.


For the charge of pay and cloath ing the militia in England for one year, from March 25, 1792, continued annually.

Monk Wearmouth, Durham.
See Bridges. Chap. go.
See Poor. Chap. 96.

Montrose, Scotland.
See Bridges. Chap. 38.
Musquito Shore.

12,2621. 195. gd. for losses on evacuating the Musquito shore. Chap. 35


For punishing mutiny and defertion; and for the better payment of the army and their quarters in 1792, 17,013, forces including 1,620, invalids, continued annually.


National Debt.

1. 400,000l. to be issued out of the present year's fupply to the bank, and placed to the account of the commissioners, for the reduction of national debt. Chap. 12. 35. 2. The twentieth section of act 26 Geo.


Geo. 3. c. 31. repealed. Chap. 55. 6. Monies placed to the account of

3. When the interests of any redeemable stock is reduced, or the capital paid off, by money raised at a lower interest, a sum equal to the interest so saved, to be issued quarterly from the consolidated fund, and placed to the account of the commiffioners for reduction of the national debt; and when the dividends placed to their account amount to 3,000,000/. exclusive of the quarterly sums, to be issued from the exchequer; the dividends on stock paid off, to be confidered as redeemed. Same act, f. 2.

4. Exchequer to keep a separate ac-
count of the interest of new loans;
and if provifion be not made for
paying them off, as mentioned in
this act, an additional sum equal to
100th part of the stock to be issued
from the exchequer quarterly, and
placed to the account of the com-
miffioners; and if such loans be
raised by annuities for any term
longer than 45 years, &c. 100th
part of the value of such as may be
excepted, to be then outstanding to
be issued, and the computation of
such value to be made by the com -
missioners, and copies delivered to
the speaker of the house of com-
mons, who is to certify to the
treasury and exchequer the amount
of the additional sum to be issued.
Same act, f. 3.

5. Sums issued under this act, to be
issued in the order the loans have
taken place, and whenever there
shall not be money of the consoli-
dated fund sufficient to pay the
further sum, to be issued in confe-
quence of any new loan, the defi-
ciency shall be made good, as di-
rected by 26 Geo. 3. c. 31. and
any deficiency in the quarterly pay-
ments at the end of the year, to be
made good out of any supplies
granted for the current, or any
preceding year. Same act, f. 5.


the commissioners, to be applied as
mentioned in this act, and the
stock redeemed to be transferred
to their account, and the dividends
placed thereto, and sums placed to
their account in consequence of any
new loan, to be kept separate; and
persons counterfeiting certificates,
to fuffer death as felons. Same
act, f. 8.

Navigable Canals.
See Canals, Navigable.

Navigable Rivers.
See Rivers, Navigable.


1. 1,854,4821. granted for naval fervices for the year 1792. Chap. 35.

2. 131,000l towards paying off the navy debt. Same act.

See Seamen. Chap. 33, 34, 67.

New Brunswick.

4,520l. granted for the civil establishment of New Brunswick in America. Chap. 35


1. The King may institute a court of criminal and civil jurisdiction at Newfoundland, and appoint a chief justice, &c. Chap. 46.

2. The governor, with the advice of the chief justice, may institute surrogate courts, and the supreme and furrogate courts are to proceed as directed by this act. Same act, f. 2.

3. In actions above 10l. jurors may be summoned, but if 12 should not appear, 2 affeffors, with the chief justice or furrogates, may proceed to trial, and appeals may be made to the fupreme court from judge





ments for 40%. in the furrogate court, and 100l. in the supreme court, to the King in council. Same act, f. 4.

4. When goods are attached, if it shall appear that the party is infolvent, the court shall order his effects to be collected, and distributed as mentioned in this act; and the certificate of the court to be a bar to suits for debt, prior to the declaration of insolvency. Same act, f. 6.

5. Suits, where the cause of action shall arise before August 1, 1792, to be commenced within 6 years, and the chief justice, or persons appointed by him, may grant administrations or probates of wills. Same act, f. 9.

6. Act 31 Geo. 3. c. 29. continued until the opening of the fupreme court. Same act, f. 11.

7. No court, except the supreme and furrogate courts, to hold pleas of a civil nature, but the vice admiralty court may hold plea of maritime causes, (except for wages) and causes of revenue, and disputes respecting the wages of feamen, &c. may be heard in the court of feffions, or before 2 justices, and suits for debts under 40s. may be determined in a summary way. Same act, f. 12.

8. The chief justice to settle the forms of process, and the fees to be taken in the courts, and the fees in the furrogate courts to be accounted for in the fupreme court, and no officer of the customs capable of acting as a justice, and this act to continue until June 10, 1793. Same act, f. 14.

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9. 1,3061. 75. 6d. granted to defray See Canals, Navigable. Chap. 84.

the falaries of the governor and

civil officers there. Chap. 35.

Newhaven, Scotland.

See Scotland. Chap. 93.

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