to the reduction of the national debt; rape feed and all other feeds commonly made ufe of for the purpose of extracting oil therefrom, being the growth of Ireland, are allowed to be imported from thence on payment of the duty of one filling the laft, whenever the prices of middling British rape feed fhall be at or above the price of feventeen pounds ten fhillings per laft, under the conditions, regulations, and restrictions mentioned in the faid recited act, paffed in the fifteenth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty: and whereas by the laft-recited at rape cakes, or cakes made of rape feed, commonly used for the purpose of manure, may be imported at all times from Ireland duty-free; and whereas it is expedient to permit the importation of rape feed, and all other feeds commonly made use of for the purpose of extracting oil therefrom, and alfo rape cakes, or cakes made of rape feed, commonly used for the purpose of manure, from his Majesty's colonies, plantations, and provinces in North America, in like manner and under the fame conditions, regulations, and reftrictions as fuch feeds are allowed to be imported from Ireland; be it therefore enacted by the King's moft excellent majefty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That, from and after feed, &c. of the fifth day of July one thousand seven hundred and ninety, it the growth of fhall and may be lawful for any person or persons whatever to imthe British co- port into Great Britain, in a British-built fhip, owned and navirica, may be gated according to law, from any of the colonies, plantations, imported in and provinces belonging to his Majefty in North America, rape British-built feed, and all other feeds commonly made ufe of for the purpose fhips, on pay of extracting oil therefrom, being the growth of the faid colonies, ment of Is. duty per laft, plantations, and provinces, on payment of the duty of one fhilwhen the price ling per laft, whenever the prices of middling British rape feed of middling fhall be at or above the price of feventeen pounds ten fhillings rape feed fhall per laft, and under the fame conditions, rules, and restrictions, per laft, and penalties and forfeitures as fuch feeds are now allowed to be imported from Ireland, and alfo rape cakes, or cakes made of rape feed commonly used for the purpose of manure duty-free. From July 5, 1790, rape lonies in Ame be 171. 10s. rape cakes duty-free. colonies, may Rape feed II. And be it further enacted, That it fhall and may be lawful from Ireland, to import, enter, and land rape feed from Ireland, or the faid coor the faid lonies, plantations, or provinces, without payment of duty, and be imported to lodge and fecure the fame in warehoufes under the joint locks without duty, of the King and the importer, and under fuch and the like reguand lodged in lations, provifions, and reftrictions, with refpect either to the warehouses, warehoufing, the taking it out for home confumption, or the ex&c. under 13 porting thereof, as corn, meal, and flour, are permitted to be Geo. 3. c. 43. imported, landed, and warehoused, taken out and exported, by an act paffed in the thirteenth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An att to regulate the importation and exportation of corn. &c. as corn, CAP. CA P. XLII. An all to continue, for a limited time, certain provifions contained in an all, made in this present feffion of parliament, intituled, An act for indemnifying all perfons who have been concerned in advifing or carrying into execution certain orders of council repecting the importation and exportation of corn and grain, and alfo certain orders iffued by the governor general of his Majefty's colonies in America; and for preventing fuits in confequence of the fame; and for making further provifions relative thereto, relating to the importation and exportation of corn and grain; and to authorise his Majesty to permit the exportation of corn, grain, meal, or flour, and to prohibit the importation iberef on the low duties. WHEREAS recited act as THEREAS an act was made in this prefent feffion of parlia- Preamble. ment, (intituled, An act for indemnifying all perfons who 30 Geo.3.c.1, have been concerned in advifing or carrying into execution cer- recited. tain orders of council refpecting the importation and exportation of corn and grain, and alfo certain orders iffued by the governor general of his Majefty's colonies in America; and for preventing fuits in confequence of the fame; and for making further provifions relative thereto), which was to continue in force until the twenty-ninth day of September one thousand seven hundred and ninety: and whereas it is expedient to continue, for a limited time, certain provifions contained in the faid act relating to the importation and exportation of corn and grain; may it therefore please your Majefty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's most excelent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords Spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent parliament So much of affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That fo much of the relates to the faid recited act, made in this present feffion of parliament, as re- importation tes to the importation or exportation of corn and grain, fhall or exportation be and remain in full force and effect, from the faid twenty-ninth of corn and day of September one thousand feven hundred and ninety, until tinue in force and upon the twenty-eighth day of February one thoufand feven till Feb. 28, andred and ninety-one, and no longer. II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That before which any time before the faid twenty-eighth day of February one day his Matoufand feven hundred and ninety-one, it shall and may be lawful jefty, with the for his Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, and he and they is and privy council, e hereby authorised, by and with the advice of his or their privy may permit council, from time to time to permit, for a limited time, the the exportaexportation from Great Britain of wheat, wheat-flour, bifcuit, &c. and protion of wheat, ye, rye-meal, barley, barley-meal, oats, oatmeal, peafe, or beans; hibit the imand in like manner to prohibit the importation, on the low du- portation of es, of foreign wheat, wheat-flour, rye, rye-meal, barley, barley- foreign wheat, meal, oats, oatmeal, peale, and beans; and in like manner to recal fuch permiffion or prohibition, if circumftances fhall appear foto require; and if any perfon fhall export or import any wheat, wheat-flour, rye, rye-meal, barley, barley-meal, oats, oatmeal, peale, grain, to con 1791; advice of the &c. on the low duties,&c. Preamble. peafe, or beans, contrary to fuch permiffion or prohibition of hi Majefty, by and with the advice of his privy council, the perfo fo exporting or importing the fame shall be subject and liable t the like forfeitures and penalties; and the faid wheat, wheat-flour rye, rye-meal, barley, barley-meal, oats, oatmeal, peafe, or beans and the ship or veffel in which the fame shall be exported or im ported, shall be subject and liable to the like forfeitures, as if th faid wheat, wheat-four, rye, rye-meal, barley, barley-meal, oats oatmeal, peafe, or beans, were exported or imported contrary t the provifions of any act or acts of parliament now in force. CA P. XLIII. An act to authorife the commiffioners of the customs to defray charg on feizures out of his Majefty's fhare of feizures in general. WHEREAS, by feveral acts of parliament now in force, th commiffioners of his Majefty's customs are impowered to cau all fhips, veffels, and boats, and all goods, of what kind foever th may be, which fhall be feized by any officer of the customs for any cau of forfeiture, and condemned according to law to be fold, or burnt otherwife deftroyed, in the manner in the faid acts mentioned: an whereas the refpective officers feizing fuch goods are intitled to certa allowances arifing out of the nett produce of fuch feizures as fhall fold, after deducting the charges of condemnation and fale from t whole, and to certain other allowances where fuch feizures are burn or otherwife destroyed, pursuant to the directions of the faid acts: an whereas, in cafes where any fhip, veffel, boat, or goods fhall be feize by any officer or officers of his Majesty's customs, which are by la liable on condemnation to be burnt or otherwife destroyed, or where th produce arifing from the fale of any particular feizure fhall not be fu ficient to answer the expences of feizing, profecuting, or condemnin the fame; or if, upon any trial, a verdict fhall be given for the claim ant, or the fhip, veffel, boat, or goods feized, fhall not be condemned the faid commiffioners of his Majesty's customs are by law impowered if they think proper, to order the charges arifing by the condemnatio and fale, and by the feizure and profecution of fuch ships, veffels, an boats or goods, whether they shall be condemned or not, and all manne of law bills, and other charges of management, to be paid out of h Majefty's fhare of the produce arifing by the fale of any goods, whic had been or might be feized and condemned: and whereas, in order encourage the officers of the customs to be vigilant in the exertion their duty, it is expedient to extend the provifions of the faid laws, i authorifing the commiffioners of his Majesty's customs, in all cafes wher they in their difcretion and judgement shall think proper, to pay out his Majefty's fhare of the produce arifing by the fale of goods feizi and condemned, the whole or any part of the charges and expences the may arife from the feizure and detention of any goods whatsoever, from the profecution, condemnation, or fale thereof, whether the goo fo feized fhall be condemned or not, or whether the produce arising fros the fale of any feizure shall be fufficient to answer the faid charges an expences or not, and in all fuch cases to allow to the officer or offices w toms may to be paid out who fhall feize any fuch goods, his or their full share or proportion of the nett produce arifing by the fale or other difpofal of fuch feizure, without deducting therefrom fuch charges and expences, or fuch part thereof as aforefaid; be it therefore enacted by the King's most excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent parlia ment affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That in all Commiffioncakes where any fhip, veffel, boat, or goods, of what kind foever ers of the cuf they may be, fhall be feized by any officer or officers of his Ma- order the exely's cuftoms, it fhall and may be lawful for the faid commif- pences of fioners of his Majesty's customs, if they fhall think proper, to feizure, &c. order the whole or any part of the charges and expences arifing of veffels, &c. either from the feizure, cuftody, removal, detention, or profe- of his Majefcution of any fuch goods whatsoever, whether fuch goods fhall ty's fhare of be condemned or not, and alfo of the charges and expences arif- any feizure, ing from the condemnation and fale, or other difpofal of any fuch &c.; and the goods, whether the produce arifing from the fale or other difpofal ceive his full thereof fhall be fufficient to answer the faid charges and expences fhare of the or not, to be paid out of his Majefty's fhare of the produce nett produce, arifing by the fale of feizures which have been or fhall and may be feized and condemned; and all and every officer and officers, who fhall have made any such seizure, fhall, in every fuch cafe, be allowed by the faid commiffioners fuch his or their refpective fhare and proportion of the nett produce arifing by the fale, or other difpofal thereof, in full, without deducting therefrom the faid charges and expences, or fuch part thereof as aforefaid, as fuch officer or officers refpectively was or were by law intitled anto before the making of this act, and the refidue of fuch produce the faid commiffioners fhall caufe to be paid and applied to Such ufes and purposes as his Majefty's fhare of the produce of fuch feizures is by law applicable unto. An act to enable his Majefty to fettle a certain annuity on the reverend Francis Willis doctor of phyfick. Moft gracious Sovereign, officer to re &c. WHEREAS your Majefty, by your most gracious message to your Preamble. faithful commons, bath been pleafed to fignify your defire of ferring a special mark of your royal favour on the reverend Francis Willis doctor of phyfick, and that for that purpose your Majesty should enabled to fettle an annuity of one thousand pounds per annum, clear fall deductions whatsoever, on the faid reverend Francis Willis, his trtcutors, adminiftrators, and affigns, during the term of twenty-one years; we, your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal fubjects, the Commons of Great Britain, in parliament affembled, duly confidering your Majefty's moft gracious intention, do moft humbly befeech your Majefty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's most excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this VOL. XXXVII, prefent H the reverend prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, His Majefty That it fhall and may be lawful to and for his Majefty to give may grant to and grant to the faid reverend Francis Willis, his executors, adFrancis Willis miniftrators, and affigns, an annuity or yearly fum not exceeding an annuity of one thoufand pounds, clear of all deductions whatfoever, for and 1000l. for 21 during the term of twenty-one years, to be paid to the said reverend Francis Willis, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, out of any of the hereditary or temporary revenues ufually applied For the expences of the civil government, and to commence from fuch time as to his Majefty fhall feem proper. years. Penfion to be clear of all charges. Preamble. 29 Geo.3.C.41, recited. II. And be it further enacted, That the faid annuity or yearly fum of one thousand pounds, so to be granted to the faid reverend Francis Willis, fhall not be charged with the payment of, or be fubject to any tax, rate, or affeffment, impofed or to be impofed on penfions paid out of his Majefty's civil lift revenues, by authority of parliament, or otherwife howfoever, nor to any fees ufually paid on the payment of fuch penfions, nor to any other charges whatfoever; any law, cuftom, or ufage, to the contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding. CA P. XLV. An act for converting certain annuities, to be attended with the benefit of furvivorship in claffes, established by an act of the last feffion of parliament, into certain annuities for an abfolute term of years; and for enabling the commiffioners of the treasury to nominate lives for the fhares fo converted. W HEREAS, in pursuance of an act made and passed in the laft feffion of parliament, (intituled, An act for railing a certain fum of money by way of annuities, to be attended with the benefit of furvivorship in claffes), feveral perfons who had become contributors towards raising the fum of one million two thousand five hundred pounds, have actually advanced and paid to the cashier or cafhiers of the governor and company of the bank of England the full fums contributed: and whereas the feveral contributors, their respective executors, adminiftrators, fucceffors, and affigns, are at liberty, for every entire fum of one hundred pounds and five fillings advanced and paid, to name the life of fome one perfon, either of fuch contributor or fome other life, at any time or times on or before the tenth day of October one thousand seven hundred and ninety, in manner in the faid act directed, and by virtue thereof will become entitled from the faid tenth day of October one thoufand feven hundred and ninety, for and during the life of the nominee who fhall be appointed, to an annuity to be attended with the benefit of furvivorship in claffes, in manner in the faid act mentioned: and whereas the feveral contributors, their refpective executors, administrators, and affigns, or fome of them, are or may be willing and defirous to have fuch refpective interefis converted into certain annuities for an abfolute term of years herein-after mentioned; may it therefore pleafe your Majefty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's moft excellent majesty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and tem poral, |