Data IndiaPress Institute of India, 1976 |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-1 من 1
... reactor ( CIRUS ) . The reactor went into operation in 1960. Half the uranium fuel rods for the first charge of CIRUS was supplied by Canada . In 1963 another agreement was signed between the two coun- tries for setting up the first ...
... reactor ( CIRUS ) . The reactor went into operation in 1960. Half the uranium fuel rods for the first charge of CIRUS was supplied by Canada . In 1963 another agreement was signed between the two coun- tries for setting up the first ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
5th Plan Adivasis Affairs Minister Y.B. Aid-India Consortium meeting areas Assam authorised persons bales Bangladesh Bank blended with neem Brahmaputra Cachar Calcutta Canada Canadian cardamom Chavan commissioned Corporation crop CSIR Delhi Dispur Economic export facilities family planning fodder Gangtok Gauhati geostationary Goalpara district grant growers Hindu Hindustan HSCL hydel ICAR India Indian Express Indo-Canadian Jammu division jute Kaziranga labour trouble land large number Last ref launched loans Lower Lagyap March marshalling yard ment Mikir Hills million tonnes modernisation National Science Centre neem cake nuclear cooperation official spokesman Organisation output Pakistan Patna Pradesh Press Information Bureau quintals quoting an official railway RAPP-I reactor research projects Samachar satellite sector Sikkim small paper unit SOCIAL WELFARE space sports goods industry station supply target tonnes a hectare tourist trains Trib Tuglakhabad unit of RAPP Urea varieties Water Transport department West Bengal