1. SECT. I. The state of New Hampshire shall be one district, to be called the district of Portsmouth, of which the town of Portsmouth shall be the sole port of entry, and the towns of New-Castle, Dover and Exeter, ports of delivery only; but all ships or vessels, bound to or from either of the said ports of delivery, shall first come to, enter and clear at Portsmouth; and a collector, naval officer and surveyor for the said district, shall be appointed, to reside at Portsmouth; and the authority of the officers of the said district shall, for the purposes of this act, extend to the northern boundary line of the said state of NewHampshire, adjoining to the British colony of Lower Canada. [See postea 119.] 2. SECT. II. In the state of Massachusetts there shall be twentytwo districts and ports of entry, to wit: Newburyport, Ipswich, Gloucester, Salem and Beverly, as one; Marblehead, Boston and Charlestown, as one; Plymouth, Barnstable, Nantucket, Edgartown, NewBedford, Dighton, York, Biddeford and Pepperelborough, as one; Portland and Falmouth as one; Bath, Wiscasset, Penobscot, Frenchman's Bay, Machias, Passamaquody and Waldoborough. To the district of Newburyport, shall be annexed the several towns or landing places of Almsbury, Salisbury, Haverhill and Newbury, which shall be ports of delivery only; and a collector, naval officer, and surveyor for the district shall be appointed, to reside at Newburyport. To the district of Gloucester shall be annexed the town of Manchester, as a port of delivery only; and a collector and surveyor shall be appointed for the district, to reside at Gloucester. To the district of Salem and Beverly shall be annexed the town or landing place of Danvers, as a port of delivery only; and a collector, naval officer and surveyor, for the district, shall be appointed, to reside at Salem, and a surveyor, to reside at the town of Beverly. To the district of Marblehead shall be annexed the town of Lynn, as a port of delivery only; and a collector for the district shall be appointed, to reside at Marblehead. To the district of Boston and Charlestown shall be annexed the towns or landing places of Medford, Cohasset, lingham and Weymouth, as ports of delivery only; and a collector, naval officer and surveyor for the district, shall be appointed, to reside at Boston. To the district of Plymouth shall be annexed the several towns or landing places of Scituate, Duxbury and Kingston, as ports of delivery only; and a collector for the district shall be appointed, to reside at Plymouth. To the district of Barnstable shall be annexed the several towns or landing places of Sandwich, Falmouth, Hardwich, Wellfleet, Provincetown and Chatham, as ports of delivery only; and a collector for the district shall be appointed, to reside at Barnstable. In the district of Nantucket, the port of Nantucket shall be the sole port of entry and delivery; and a collector for the district shail be appointed, to reside at Nantucket. In the district of Edgartown, a collector for the district shall be appointed, to reside at Edgartown. To the district of New-Bedford shall be annexed Westport, Rochester and Wareham, as ports of delivery only; and a collector for the district shall be appointed, to reside at New-Bedford. To the district of Dighton shall be annexed Swansey, Somerset, Freetown, Berkeley and Taunton, as ports of delivery only; and a collector for the district shall be appointed, to reside at Dighton. To the district of York shall be annexed Kittery and Berwick, as ports of delivery only; and a collector for the district shall be appointed to reside at York. To the district of Biddeford and Pepperelborough shall be annexed Scarborough, Wells, Kennebunk and Cape Forpoise, as ports of delivery only; and a collector for the district shall be appointed, to reside at Biddeford. To the district of Portland and Falmouth shall be annexed North Yarmouth, Brunswick, Freeport and Harpsweil, as ports of delivery only; and a collector and surveyor shall be appointed for the district, to reside at Portland. To the district of Bath shall be annexed Hallowell, Pittstown, Topsham, Georgetown and Brunswick, as ports of delivery only; and a collector for the district shall be appointed, to reside at Bath. To the district of Wiscasset shall be annexed the town of Boothbay, as a port of delivery only; and a collector for the district shall be appointed, to reside at Wiscasset. To the district of Penobscot shall be annexed Frankfort, Bluehill, Hampden and Deer-Island, as ports of delivery only; and a collector for the district shall be appointed, to reside at Castine; which shall be the port of entry for the said district. To the district of Frenchman's Bay shall be annexed Union River, as a port of delivery only; and a collettor for the district shall be appointed, to reside at Frenchman's Bay. For each of the districts of Machias and Passamaquody, shall be appointed a collector, to reside at the said ports of Machias and Passamaquody respectively. To the district of Waldoborough shall be annexed the towns of Bristol, Nobleborough, Warren, Thomaston, Cushing and Cambden; also that part of a place called Ducktrap, which lies between the towns of Cambden and Northport, as ports of delivery only; and a collector for the district shall be appointed, to reside at Waldoborough, and a surveyor, to reside at Thomaston. The district of Ipswich shall include the town of Ipswich, as a por of entry only; and a collector for the district shall be appointed, to reside at Ipswich. The district of Newburyport shall include all the waters and shores from the state of New-Hampshire to the north line of Ipswich. The district of Gloucester shall include all the waters and shores in the towns of Gloucester and Manchester. The district of Salem and Beverly shall include all the shores and waters within the towns of Beverly, Salem and Danvers. The district of Marblehead shall include all the waters and shores within the towns of Marblehead and Lynn. The district of Boston and Charlestown shall include all the waters and shores within the counties of Middlesex, Suffolk and Norfolk. The district of Plymouth shall include all the waters and shores within the county of Plymouth, excepting the town of Wareham and Rochester. The district of Barnstable shall include all the waters and shores within the county of Barnstable. The district of Nantucket shall include the island of Nantucket. The distria of Edgartown shall include all the waters and shores within the county of Duke's county. The district of New-Bedford shall include all the waters and shores within the towns of New-Bedford, Dartmouth, Westport, Rochester and Wareham, together with all the islands within the county of Bristel. The district of Dighton shall include all the waters and shores on Taunton river, and in the town of Rehoboth. The district of Waldoborough shall include all the waters and shores from the middle of Damarascotty river to the southwardly side of the town of Northport. The collectors of the several districts within that part of the state of Massachusetts, eastward of New-Hampshire, shall, from time to time, agree upon a divisional line between their respective districts, and transmit the same to the comptroller of the treasury; and such districts so agreed upon, shall include all the waters, shores and islands within the same, and all the lands adjoining to the British colonies of New-Brunswick and Lower Canada, within the eastern part of the state of Massachusetts aforesaid. And in case of disagreement between any of the said collectors, concerning such divisional line, the president of the united states shall determine the same. [See postea 112, 113, 117, 119.] 3. SECT. III. In the state of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, there shall be two districts, to wit; the district of Newport, and the district of Providence. The district of Newport shall comprehend all the waters, shores, bays, harbors, creeks, and inlets, from the west line of the said state, along the sea coast; and northward, up the Narraganset bay, as far as the most southerly part of Warwick Neck, and from thence nearly a north east course, to the south end of Rumstick Point, at high water mark, and shall include the several towns, harbors, and landing places at Westerly, Charleston, South Kingston, NorthKingston, East Greenwich, and all that part of Warwick southward of Warwick Neck, and also the towns, harbors, and landing places of Barrington, Warren, Bristol, Tiverton, Little-Compton, and all the towns, harbors, and landing places of the island of Ithode-Island, James-Town, Prudence, New-Shoreham, and every other island and place within the said state, southward of Warwick Neck and Rumstic Point. The district of Providence shall comprehend all the waters, shores, bays, harbors, creeks and inlets, within the state of Rhode-Island, northward of a line running nearly a north cast course from the south end of Warwick Neck to the south end of Rumstick Point at high water mark, including only the waters bounded by the cast and west shores of said Rumstick Point and Warwick Neck, leading up the bay of the port of Providence. The town of Newport shall be the sole port of entry in the said district of Newport; and a collector, naval cficer and surveyor for the district shall be appointed, to reside at the said town of Newport: And North Kingston, East Greenwich, Barrington, Warren, Bristol and Pawcatuck river in Westerly, shall be Ports of delivery only; and a surveyor shall be appointed, to reside at each of the ports of North Kingston, East Greenwich, Warren, Bristol and Pawcatuck river; and the surveyor to reside at Warren shall be survey or for the port of Barrington. The town of Providence shall be the sole port of entry, in the said district of Providence; and Fatuxet in the same district shall be a port of delivery only; and a collector, naval officer and surveyor shall be appointed, to reside at Providence; and a surveyor shall be appointed, to reside at Patuxet. [See pos tea 118.] 4. SECT. IV. In the state of Connecticut there shall be four distrias, to wit; New-London, New-Haven, Fairfield and Middletown. The cistrict of New-London shall extend from the east line of the said state of Connecticut to the east line of the town of Lyme, and shall include the several towns or landing places of Norwich, Stonington and Groton, sports of delivery only; and New-London to be the sole port of enty; and a collector and surveyor for the district shall be appointed, to Aside at New-London; and a surveyor, to reside at Stonington. The district of New-Haven shall extend from the west line of the istrict of New-London, westerly to Oufatumnick river, to which shall be annexed the several towns, or landing places of Guildford, Branford, Milford and Derby, as ports of delivery only; and New-Haven shall be the sole port of entry; and a collector and surveyor for the district shall be appointed, to reside at New-Haven. The district of Fairfield shall include all the ports and places in the said state of Connecticut west of the district of New-Haven, to which shall be annexed the several towns or landing places of Norwalk, Stratford, Stamford and Greenwich, as ports of delivery only; Fairfield shall be the sole port of entry; and a collector for the district shall be appointed, to reside at Fairfield. The district of Middletown shall include the several towns and landing places of Lyme, Saybrook, Killingsworth, Haddam, East Haddam, Middletown, Chatham, Weathersfield, Glastenbury, Hartford, EastHartford, Windsor and East Windsor, of which Middletown shall be the sole port of entry; and the other towns and landing places before named, shall be ports of delivery only; and a collector and surveyor shall be appointed, to reside at Middletown; and a surveyor shall be appointed, to reside at Hartford, and another to reside at Saybrook. [See postea 114.] 5. SECT. V. In the state of New-York, there shall be six districts, to wit; Sagg Harbor on Nassau or Long Island, the city of New-York, the city of Hudson, Champlain, Oswego and Niagara. The district of Sagg Harbor shall include all the bays, harbors, rivers and shores, within the two points of land which are called Oyster pond point, and Mantauck point; and a collector for the district shall be appointed, to reside at Sagg Harbor, which shall be the only port of entry and delivery in the said district. The district of the city of New-York, shall include all such part of the coasts, rivers, bays and harbors of the said state as are not included in other districts of the said state, especially the several towns or landding places of New Windsor, Newburgh, Poughkeepsie, Esopus, Kinderhook and Albany, as ports of delivery only; and a colleétor, naval officer and surveyor for the district shall be appointed, to reside at New-York, which shall be the sole port of entry for the district; and a surveyor, at the city of Albany: And the president of the united states is authorized if he judge it expedient, to appoint one other surveyor, to reside at such other place in the said district as he shall appoint. The district of Hudson shall include all the waters and shores of the said city; and a collector shall be appointed for the said district, to reside at the said city of Hudson, which shall be the sole port of entry and delivery. The district of Champlain shall include all such shores and waters of lake Champlain, and the rivers connected therewith, as lie within the said state of New-York; and the said district shall extend westwardly along the northern boundary line of the said state, unto the place where said line is bounded by the river St. Laurence; and the president of the united states is hereby authorized to appoint such place within the said district to be a port of entry and delivery, as he shall judge expe dient; and a collector shall be appointed, to reside at the port of entry which may be established within the said district; and the president is |