صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

accurately to the commanding officer, the sums due to the respective corps, which shall have been examined as aforesaid, who shall thereon issue his warrant on the said deputy-paymaster, for the payment ac, cordingly. Copies of all reports to the commmanding officer, and the warrants thereon, shall be duly transmitted to the office of the accountant of the war department, in order to be there examined and finally adjusted at the treasury. The said paymaster shall give bond in the sum of twenty thousand dollars, with two sufficient sureties, for the faithful discharge of his duty, and he shall take an oath faithfully to execute the duties of his office. The compensation to the said paymaster shall be sixty dollars monthly, with the same rations and forage as a major. [Altered, see Army 8, 9, 20.]

7. SECT. IV. No assignment of pay made after the first day of June next, by a non-commissioned officer or private, shall be valid.

The remaining sections of this act will be found in Treasury Depart


ACT of May 27, 1796. (Vol. III. p. 316.)

8. SECT. I. There shall hereafter be allowed to the accountant of the department of war, the sum of one thousand six hundred dollars per annum, as a compensation for his services, in lieu of the comsation heretofore allowed. [See antea 4, and Public Officers 21.]

9. SECT. II. All letters and packets to or from the accountant of the department of war, shall be conveyed by post, free of postage, under such restrictions as are provided by law, in like cases.

[See Army 4, 21, 32. Arsenals and Magazines 2, 3. Indian Nations 10. Militia 3. Nary 59. Navy Department 7, 8. Post Office and Post Roads 19, 20. Public Officers 3, 12, 17. State Department 13. Western Lands 88.]

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ACT of August 10, 1790. (Vol. I. p. 254.)

1. SECT. I. The act of congress of the seventeenth of July, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, relative to certain locations and surveys made by, or on account of the Virginia troops on conti

nental establishment upon lands between the Little Miami and Sciots rivers, north-west of the Ohio, shall be, and the same is hereby repealed.

2. SECT. II. And whereas the agents for such of the troops of the state of Virginia, who served on the continental establishment in the army of the united states, during the late war, have reported to the executive of the said state, that there is not a sufficiency of good land on the south-easterly side of the river Ohio, according to the act of cession from the said state to the united states, and within the limits assigned by the laws of the said state, to satisfy the said troops for the bounty lands due to them, in conformity to the said laws: To the intent therefore that the difference between what has already been located for the said troops, on the south-easterly side of the said river, and the aggregate of what is due to the whole of the said troops, may be located on the north-westerly side of the said river, and between the Sciota and Little Miami rivers,as stipulated by the said state: It is enacted, That the secretary of the department of war, shall make return to the executive of the state of Virginia of the names of such of the officers,non-commissioned officers and privates of the line of the said state, who served in the army of the united states, on the continental establishment, during the late war, and who in conformity to the laws of the said state, are entitled to bounty lands; and shall also in such return state the aggregate amount in acres due to the said line by the laws aforesaid.

3. SECT. III. It shall and may be lawful for the said agents to locate to and for the use of the said troops, between the rivers Sciota and Little Miami, such a number of acres of good land, as shall, together with the number already located between the said two rivers, and the number already located on the south-easterly side of the river Ohio, be equal to the aggregate amount, so to be returned as aforesaid by the secretary of the department of war.

4. SECT. IV. The said agents, as soon as may be after the locations, surveys and allotments are made and completed, shall enter in regular order, in a book to be by them provided for that purpose, the bounds of each location and survey between the said two rivers, annexing the name of the officer, non-commissioned officer or private originally entitled to each; which entries being certified by the said agents, or the majority of them, to be true entries, the book containing the same shall be filed in the office of the secretary of state.

5. SECT. V. It shall be lawful for the president of the united states to cause letters patent to be made out in such words and form as he shall devise and direct, granting to such person so originally entitled to bounty lands, to his use, and to the use of his heirs or assigns, or his or their legal representative or representatives, his, her or their heirs or assigns, the lands designated in the said entries: Provided always, That before the seal of the united states shall be affixed to such letters patent, the secretary of the department of war shall have endorsed thereon that the grantee therein named, was originally entitled to such bounty lands, and that he has examined the bounds thereof with the book of entries filed in the office of the secretary of state, and finds the same truly inserted; and every such letters patent shall be countersigned by the secretary of state, and a minute of the date thereof, and of

the name of the grantee shall be entered of record in his office, in a book to be specially provided for the purpose.

SECT. VI. It shall be the duty of the secretary of state, as soon as may be after the letters patent shall be so completed and entered of record, to transmit the same to the executive of the state of Virginia, to be by them delivered to each grantee; or in case of his death, or that the right of the grantees shall have been legally transferred before such delivery, then to his legal representative or representatives, or to one of them.

6. SECT. VII. No fees shall be charged for such letters patent and record, to the grantees, their heirs or assigns, or to his or their legal representative or representatives.

ACT of June 9, 1794. (Vol. III. p. 115.)

7. All and every officer and soldier of the Virginia line on continental establishment, his or their heirs or assigns, entitled to bounty lands on the north-west side of the river Ohio, between the Sciota and Little Miami rivers, by the laws of the state of Virginia, and included in the terms of cession of the said state to the united states, shall, on producing the warrant, or a certified copy thereof, and a certificate under the seal of the office where the said warrants are legally kept, that the same or a part thereof remains unsatisfied, and on producing the survey, agreeably to the laws of Virginia, for the tract or tracts to which he or they may be entitled, as aforesaid, to the secretary of the department of war, such officer and soldier, his or their heirs or assigns,shall be entitled to, and receive a patent for the same from the president of the united states, any thing in any former law to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided, That no letters patent shall be issued for a greater quantity of land,than shall appear to remain due on such warrant, and that, before the seal of the united states shall be affixed to such letters patent, the secretary of the department of war shall have endorsed thereon, that the grantee therein named, or the person under whom he claims, was originally entitled to such bounty lands, and every such letters patent shall be countersigned by the secretary of state, and a minute of the date thereof, and the name of the grantee, shall be entered of record in his office in a book to be specially provided for that purpose.

ACT of May 13, 1800. (Vol. V. p. 191.)

8. SECT. I. It shall be lawful, and the proper officer is hereby authorized, to issue patents on surveys, which have been, or may be made within the territory reserved by the state of Virginia, north-west of the river Ohio, and being part of her cession to congress, on warrants for military services, issued in pursuance of any resolution of the legislature of that state, previous to the passing of this act, in favor of persons who had served in the Virginia line on the continental establishment: Provided, That the whole quantity of land for which patents shall issue by virtue of this act,shall not exceed sixty thousand acres; and that the surveys aforesaid shall be completed and deposited in the office of the secretary of war, on or before the first day of December one thousand

eight hundred and three: And provided also, That this act shall not give any force or validity to the entries, locations or surveys, heretofore made in pursuance of these warrants, so far as such entries, locations, or surveys, interfere in any manner with those of persons claiming the same lands under entries, locations, or surveys, heretofore made in pursuance of warrants, granted by the state of Virginia to the officers and soldiers in the line of that state on continental establishment.

9. SECT. II. In every case of interfering claims under military warrants, to lands within the territory so reserved by the state of Virginia, when either party to such claims shall lose, or be evicted from the land, every such party shall have a right, and hereby is authorized to withdraw his, her or their warrant, respectively, to the amount of such loss or eviction, and to enter, survey, and patent the same, on any va cant land within the bounds aforesaid, and in the same manner as other warrants may be entered, surveyed and patented.

ACT of April 12, 1792. (Vol. II. p. 49.)

10. The president of the united states shall be and he hereby is authorized at the request of John Cleves Symmes, or his agent or agents, to alter the contract made between the late board of treasury and the said John Cleves Symmes, for the sale of a tract of land of one million of acres, in such manner that the said tract may extend from the mouth of the Great Miami, to the mouth of the Little Miami, and be bounded by the river Ohio, on the south, by the Great Miami on the west, by the Little Miami on the east, and by a parallel of latitude on the north extending from the Great Miami to the Little Miami, so as to comprehend the proposed quantity of one million of acres, provided that the northern limits of the said tract shall not interfere with the boundary line established by the treaty of fort Harmar, between the united states, and the Indian nations, and provided also that the president reserve to the united states, such lands at and near fort Washington, as he may think necessary for the accommodation of a garrison at that fort.

ACT of May 5, 1792. (Vol. II. p. 80.)

11. SECT. I. The president of the united states shall be, and he hereby is authorized and empowered, to issue letters patent in the name and under the seal of the united states, thereby granting and conveying to John Cleves Symmes and his associates,and to their heirs and assigns, in fee simple, such number of acres of land as the payments already made by the said John Cleves Symmes, his agents or associ ates, under their contract of the fifteenth day of October one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, will pay for, estimating the lands at two thirds of a dollar per acre, and making the reservations specified in the said contract.

12. SECT. II. The president shall be and he hereby is further authorized and empowered, by letters patent as aforesaid, to grant and convey to the said John Cleves Symmes and his associates, and to their heirs and assigns in fee simple, one other tract of one hundred and six thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven acres, with the reservations as aforesaid: Provided, That the said John Cleves Symmes, or his agents er associates, or any of them, shall deliver to the secretary of the trea

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