صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

But the bad man comes to the people who do not speak English and he says, "America's enemy is your friend; he wants to give you more freedom than America has given. America is not really your friend."

The newcomers forget that they came to America because things were so hard in Europe. They forget that America has given them freedom to think and act as they wish, schools for their children, work for themselves, and patience for their ignorance.

And so when the American Government asks for soldiers, some of these men do not go. When the American Government asks for Liberty Bonds, some of these men do not buy them.

And when the bad man wants some one to blow up an American factory full of innocent women and girls, he goes to one of these people and tells him the enemy will reward him, will make him rich and important.

And the man takes a bomb and blows up the factory, and kills mothers and fathers and sisters, good citizens of America! He stabs the Freedom that sheltered and fed him.

This can truly happen. It has happened more than once in the Great War which began in 1914.

In 1918 there were a very great number of Ger

mans in this country who did not speak English. That was one way the German Government had got ready to conquer America. The German Government knew that people could more easily be made untrue to America if they knew no English. So the German Government had sent clever men here, to start German newspapers, to publish German books and to get votes so that German should be taught in the primary schools in towns where many Germans lived.

Many of these American Germans were still taught the old foolish things: that the Kaiser had a Divine right to rule; that Germany was meant to rule the world; that it was not wrong to crush a nation and make it belong to Germany.

So some of these people became a real secret army for the Kaiser, against the country they called their own. They had come here because they wanted the golden gifts of a free country. And they paid for these golden gifts with treachery. These were false friends like Charles Lee, traitors like Benedict Arnold. How different from the hundreds of thousands of American citizens of German birth, like Carl Schurz, who really loved Freedom and Honor!

When the histories tell how Freedom and Honor

won the war, and made America safe again, the children of those families must bear the shame of a blackened name. That is a heavy sorrow to put on an American child. To have the other fathers and mothers patriots, heroes, and one's own dear father or mother a traitor!

Let us all, all American children, pray that our little brothers and sisters in America may not have this to bear, but that all may be proud and happy to know that their fathers and mothers served America faithfully in her hour of need.




HE Stars and Stripes have not gone out to war

many times. America is a whole ocean away from Europe, and a whole ocean away from Asia; Canada, on our northern border, is a good friend of ours, because the people live and think very much as we do.

Before the Civil War, there had been a war with Mexico after Texas had separated from Mexico and joined the United States. The war was about a doubt

ful boundary, and historians differ about who was right. But it is the only war we have ever fought for a cause less great than "Freedom and Honor."

Very different was the one war the United States fought after the Civil War. Then the Stars and Stripes went out for Honor and Freedom, indeed. This was the Spanish War.

In the year 1898, when William McKinley was our President, the island of Cuba, which belonged to Spain, was suffering terribly in a war against the tyranny of the Spanish Government. The Cubans had rebelled and fought for many years, but the Spanish Government, which at that time was unwise and false, did not keep its promises of reform.

The United States saw its little sister country being abused by a wicked governor, and unable to free itself because it was smaller than the country which abused it. The cruelties in Cuba grew so bad that it was not right for the United States to look on and see the smaller country suffer unhelped.

So on April 20 the United States told Spain that she must set Cuba free. Spain refused, and the United States went to war with the Spanish Government.

We won the war, in sharp battles on land and sea.

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