THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHOUT NOTES....... 22-50 DIRECTIONS FOR READING THE ANNOTATED CONSTITUTION....... 51 TABLE OF AUTHORITIES CITED AND ABBREVIATIONS USED. Ab. on Ship.......... Adams..... Adams Rom. Ant. Allen Ala.. Am. Almanac. . Abbot on Shipping. John Adams' Defense of the American Constitution. Adams' Roman Antiquities. . Allen's (Mass.) Reports. Alabama Reports. American Almanac. Am. Almanac Rep....... American Almanac Repository. Am. Jur... . American Jurist. Am. Lead. C. American Leading Cases. Am. L. J... ...........American Law Journal. Am. L. R..............American Law Register, Ang. on Tidewaters.... Angel on Tidewaters. Ang. and Ames... . Angel and Ames on Corporations. Archbold's Law of Bankruptcy. Ash.-Ashm. Bacon's Ab.... Bailey Bald. C. C..... Barb. Barnes. Barr.. Bates. Benton's Debates.. ..... Ashmead's Reports. Bacon's Abridgment. .Bailey's Reports. Baldwin's Circuit Court Reports. Barbour's Reports. Barnes' Cases of Practice. Barr's Pennsylvania State Reports. Attorney-General, Edward Bates. Benton's Condensed Congressional Debates. Benton's Thirty Years in the Senate. Bioren and Duane's Laws of the United States. Bishop on Criminal Law. Black's Reports. .Blackford's Reports. Blackstone's Commentaries. .Blackwood's Reports. .Blatchford's Reports. |