TREATISE ON CRIMES AND INDICTABLE MISDEMEANORS. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. SECOND EDITION, WITH CONSIDERABLE ADDITIONS. BY WILLIAM OLDNALL RUSSELL, Esq. LONDON: JOSEPH BUTTERWORTH AND SON, ΤΟ THE RIGHT HONOURABLE ROBERT LORD GIFFORD, MASTER OF THE ROLLS, &c. &c. &c. THIS WORK Es respectfully Dedicated: A SMALL TRIBUTE ΤΟ HIS GREAT PROFESSIONAL ATTAINMENTS; ΤΟ HIS DESERVED HONOURS; AND TO THE AMIABLE AND EXCELLENT QUALITIES BY WHICH HIS CHARACTER IS DISTINGUISHED AND ADORNED. PREFACE. A Second Edition of this Treatise has long been delayed by the pressure of professional engagements, and by the changes effected in the criminal laws during several successive sessions of Parliament. It has of course been an object that it should embrace, as far as possible, the statutes of consolidation and improvement, for which the country is so much indebted to the able and judicious exertions of Mr. Peel. "The crime of high treason was not originally " included in the plan of this Work, on account " of the great additional space which the proper " discussion of that important subject would have 66 occupied; and because prosecutions for that " crime, happily not frequent, are always so con"ducted as to give sufficient time to consult the "highest authorities." These reasons, which were given in the preface to the first edition, have still been allowed to operate; and the crime of high treason is not, therefore, one of the sub |