Public Administration and Public Management: The Principal-agent PerspectiveTaylor & Francis, 2005 - 292 من الصفحات A perspective on the public sector that presents a concise and comprehensive analysis of exactly what it is and how it operates. Governments in any society deliver a large number of services and goods to their populations. To get the job done, they need public management in order to steer resources - employees, money and laws - into policy outputs and outcomes. In well-ordered societies the teams who work for the state work under a rule-of-law framework, known as public administration. This book covers the key issues of:
Public Administration & Public Management is essential reading for those with professional and research interests in public administration and public management. |
The principalagent framework and the public sector | 29 |
Public principals and their agents | 48 |
The economic reasons for government | 77 |
Public organisation incentives and rationality in government | 100 |
legality and rule of law | 125 |
the Cambridge and Chicago positions | 148 |
the relevance of social policy | 163 |
Public teams are different from private teams | 171 |
Public insurance | 212 |
What is public management policy? | 228 |
77 | 242 |
contracting in the public sector | 250 |
263 | |
280 | |
283 | |
286 | |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
accountability administrative law adverse selection agencies agent allocation analysed assets asymmetric information basic behaviour budgeting bureaucracy Chicago School economics citizens civil constitutional contract countries decentralisation decision-making democracy deregulation efficiency effort employed employees enforcement ex ante ex post federal game theory Hayek he/she implementation incentives income institutions involved joint-stock companies legal-rational authority macro rationality managerial maximise meaning mechanisms ment micro monitoring moral hazard OECD outcomes output outsourcing P-A framework pension system perspective players political politicians principal principal-agent framework principal-agent interaction principal-agent problems private law private sector privatisation problem production programmes public administration public enterprises public firms public insurance public law public management policy public organisation public policies public sector reform public services public teams question regulation risk role rule of law social policies social security spontaneous order strategies theory tion traditional public transaction costs Weber well-ordered societies workfare