Page. Correspondence, information obtained by.... 7 Cost of mining and reducing ores in Beaver Head County, Montana..... 265 Cost of Sutro Tunnel, estimates of.... 152 Cox pan.... 34, 63, 116 Craig and Fisher's hydraulic pipes... 32 Crocker's trip-hammer quartz-crusher 32 165 Crusher, quartz, Crocker's trip-hammer. 32 Crushing machinery, quartz 32 D. -Diamond drill, important application of, at Saint Clair, Pennsylvania. Diamond drill at Smartsville, California Diamonds in California.... Diggings, seam, El Dorado County, California.. Disasters in mining enterprises, remarks on... Discoveries and developments, California Discovery of gold in California.... Ditches and reservoirs of California Water Company Ditches, mining, and quartz-mills, statistics of, California. Ditches at Park's and Indian Bars, California.. Ditch in Butte County, California.... Dogtown, Calaveras County, California, tunnel claims near Duties of Commissioner, scope of E. Economical results in the treatment of gold and silver ores by fusion 410 Endless wire-rope tramways.... 498 El Dorado County, California, deep placers of.... 101 El Dorado County, California, project of California Water Company to draw water Expenses, estimate of... 1 Experiments, at French Corral, to test expense of treatment by mill-process. 9 Experiments, at French Corral, to test yield of gravel. 9 Exports, combined.. 513 Exports, treasure. 514 French Corral, experiments at, to test yield of gravel. 26 11 384 53 55 9 French Corral, experiments to test expense of treatment by mill-process. Fusion, economical results in the treatment of gold and silver ores by. Gold, chunks of, paid by Chinamen in Placer County, California.. Hydraulic claims, Calaveritas district, Calaveras County, California I. Idaho and Oregon, condition of mining industry in... Improvements and inventions.... Increase, annual, of bullion in California.... Page. 250 126 15 6 32 21 15 14 Lake Tahoe, California, project of Colonel J. W. Von Schmidt to take water from. 23 Lands (mineral) and quartz-ledges, sale of..... 44 Large yields, strikes, nuggets, &c.... 26 Law, mining 453 Lead-ores, (argentiferous,) smelting of, in Nevada, Utah, and Montana. 379 Ledges (quartz) and mineral lands, sale of...... 44 Lehigh University, School of Mining and Metallurgy of. 460,480 Lend, Austria, amalgamation at..... 411 Meteorology of California 29 Mill process, experiment at French Corral to test the expense of treatment by 9 Mill, quartz, Crocker's trip-hammer.. 32 Mills in California, capacity for crushing quartz. 33 Mills, quartz, and mining-ditches, statistics of, California 45, 46 Mills, quartz, list of, Tuolumne County, California 69 Mineral lands and quartz-ledges, sale of 44 Mines, Columbia College School of. 460, 465 Mines, quartz, near Mokelumne Hill, California 82 Mines, southern, of California 46 Mining and reducing ores in Beaver Head County, Montana, cost of. North Star Company, Placer County, California, report of.... 123 Nozzles and pipes, hydraulic 32 Objects of commission, indifference to Operations at Lend, Austria, tables of. Ore, device for transportation of, in mountainous regions Ore, treatment of, at Lend, Austria.. Oregon and Idaho, condition of mining industry in Ores, (argentiferous lead,) smelting of, in Nevada, Utah, and Montana Ores, copper-lead... Ores, (gold,) amalgamation of...... Ores, (gold and silver,) economical results in the treatment of, by fusion. Ores of native silver, treatment of, in Chihuahua Ores, (silver,) amalgamation of, in pans, with the aid of chemicals Ores, (silver,) in Chili, reduction of Ores, (smelting,) classification of...... Ores, (western,) adaptability of Austrian process to.... Oven, Appolt's.... Oven, Belgian... 7 21 15 414 35 411 250 379 402 422 410 434 427 439 393 418 445 445 168 34, 63, 116 46, 479 15 10 36 32 32 32 127 Placer County, California, chunks of gold paid by Chinamen in. Project of Colonel J. W. Von Schmidt to take water from Lake Tahoe, California. 386 520 23 381 379 36 506 3 3 4 13 48 19 398 23 |