Driscol & Co. are cutting a tail-race and tunnel into good diggings. Adjoining, southeast of Fourth Crossing district, are the cement-gravel tunnel claims of Dogtown. The Hammerschmidt & Hensel tunnel has been yielding very well; they intend to build a mill for the extraction of the gold held by the cement, which slakes hard. The Barney Hurle tunnel is going further into good ground. The Bully Tunnel Company have struck rich pay-$200 on '75 superficial feet-but water interferes badly. Hydraulic claims, Calaveritas district, Calaveras County. Inches of water used in hydraulic washing. Fall of the water, (head) Supply of water lasting in a year... Yield of gold per day.. Height of gravel washed this year Ground worked in the claim, total. Ground unworked.. Ground worked this year. Number of men working.. Wages paid to hired men per day, per man.. 40. $20 per week. 80 feet. 4 months. 3 to 4. $12 to $14. 10 to 15 feet. 5 acres. 15 acres. 70 by 70 feet. 3. Direction of channel.. Bed-rock. Curiosities found. $1.25. Red soil, round, heavy quartz boulders of all colors, lava, sand, fragments of slate, gneiss, granite, syenite, fine gold, magnetic iron sand. N. W., .S. E. Supply of water, lasting us a year.. 3 months. Number of cubic yards hydraulic washed in ten hours... 3 to 4. Yield of gold per day.. $15. Height of gravel washed this year. 20 feet. Ground worked in the claim, total.. 2 acres. Ground unworked.. 60 acres. Inches of water used in sluice-washing. Supply of water lasting Depth of shaft. Height of drift on an average.. Area of ground drifted upon. Length of ground unworked on channel. Average of cement-gravel extracted per day Quantity of refuse (boulders) left in the drift. Quantity of gold-bearing cement-gravel crushed in Crushed with heavy Chile arrastra. Composition of deposit from surface downward. Direction of channel Shaft claims at San Andreas, Calaveras County. Inches of water used in sluice washing Supply of water lasting. Depth of shaft. Height of drift on an average. Area of ground drifted upon Length of ground unworked on channel. Wages paid to underground-drifters Number of men working.... Composition of deposit from surface downward. Direction of channel. Bed-rock.. Tunnel claims near Dogtown, Calaveras County, California. Wages paid to underground-drifters Number of men hired.. Number of men working. Composition of deposit Bed-rock Direction of tunnel and course of deposit-channel 25 to 30. 20. 100 feet. 6 to 7 months. $4. $20. One of 70 feet, one of 148 feet. 1,500 feet. 6 feet. In 1865. 9,166 superficial square yards. 18,332. 400 feet. 20 to 25 car-loads, about 25 square yards. Over one-half. 2,200 square yards. $4 to $5 per square yard. Over $8,000. $70,000. Small flat particles. $2.50. 4. 8. Red soil, small and large white and blue quartz boulders, pieces of darkblue slate, quartz and mica slate, cemented granite gravel. Dark blue slate full of cubic al pyrites. E. Ν. Ε. Tunnel claims near Dogtown, Calaveras County, California. Barney, Hurle & Co. 1 Length of tunnel at present.. Height of drift, (all pay-dirt). When this claim commenced Area of ground drifted out and worked Number of cubic yards drifted out... Length of ground unworked Average of cement gravel extracted per day. Quantity of refuse left in the stope Quantity Quantity of gravel cement washed during last year, and extracted Tunnel claims near Dogtown, Calaveras County, California. Tunnel claims near Dogtown, Calaveras County, California. Tunnel claims near Dogtown, Calaveras County, California. Angel's Camp and Carson Hill. - These two places have been the scene of extensive and profitable quartz-mining on the great Mother lode, and the first-named town now possesses several of the best mines found on the lode. In 1851, Carson Hill was the scene of one of the great "rushes" which then periodically occurred throughout the State. Rumor said that a mountain of quartz had been discovered, with gold enough visible for the coinage of a nation. Companies were formed, claims taken up, and hundreds of men were soon at work. Disputes as to boundaries arose, and much bloodshed followed. Most of the claims were thrown in litigation, and the rich yield of the surface was wasted in the expenses incident to protracted lawsuits. Many years elapsed before decisions were had, and in the mean time the character of the quartz changed, as the water-level was reached, and the owners, impoverished by litigation, were not able to open their mines systematically. At the present time (December, 1871) no work is being done on Carson Hill, though there are several fine mines which will be opened next year. The principal mines here are the Finnegan, or New York, the Reserve, or Stevenot, the Morgan Ground, which is said to have yielded nearly $3,000,000, the Union, and the Kentucky-all closed. Proceeding in a northwesterly direction from Carson Hill, and following the outcrop of the Mother lode, which was here very prominent, we find the following claims: Two claims at Albany Flat, name unknown, Cogswell's, Cameron's, and the Raspberry. We are now at Angel's, where we find |