A Volume VI. [FIRST PART] April-June, 1917 [Titles of articles appear in italics] ARMED Merchant Ships, discussed in Austrian reply to Amer. note on submarine blockade, 108; contention between England and Holland over Princess Melita, 242; Lieut. Gill on status, 275. See also SUBMARINE Warfare; UNITED ARMED Neutrality, defined, 56; in 1780 and 1800, 57. See also UNITED STATES-Armed Neutrality. ASQUITH, Herbert Henry, discredited in report on Dardanelles, 167; address on Pres. Wilson's war message, 224; address in Parliament on U. S. war action. 226; reply to Dardanelles report, 303; on Home Rule, 451; speech in Commons on entry of U. S. into war, 463. ASTURIAS (hospital ship), 442. ATHOS (S. S.), 53. ATROCITIES, plot to infect Rumanian horses and cattle, 72; Teutonic outrages in Poland, 127; Austrian troops in Serbia, 143; protest of new kingdom of Arabia to U. S., 306; by Germans in Somme retreat, 538. See also VANDALISM. AUSTRALIA, troops in battle of Arras, 412; at Gallipoli, 504. AUSTRIA-Hungary, strength of navy, 103; ultimatum to Serbia and outbreak of war, 140; attitude toward indemnity and annexation, 427. See also UNITED STATES-Austria- Austria-Hungary's Submarine Note, 104. B ABDUL Hak Hussein Bey, 437. ish airplanes at Arras, 267; Lord North- AFRICA, Germany's treatment of colonies, See also CAMPAIGN in Africa. ALBERT, (Dr.) Heinrich F., 219. ALEXIEFF, (Gen.) Michael V., 294. Alliance with Mexico and Japan Proposed Allied Successes in France, 246. ALLIES' Commission, comment on members, Amazing Effects of Shell Shock on Soldiers' America and the League of Honor, 464. 454. AMERICAN Escadrille 471. AMERICAN Mission to Russia, personnel and purpose, 487. Americans Who Have Fought for France, 470. ANCONA (S. S.), mentioned in exchange of ANDREWS (Secretary at Bucharest), 72. "ANZACS," 503. APPAM (S. S.), decision of Supreme Court, 39. ARABIA, progress of new kingdom; communication to U. S., 306; protest of Ulema of Mecca, 307. See also CAMPAIGN in Asia Minor. ARBITRATION, Industrial, in Russia, 295. ARCHER, William, "America Through English Eyes," 78. ARCHIBALD, James J. F., 218. ARGENTINA, supports U. S. against Germany, 228; war attitude, 434. ARLOTTA, Enrico, 405. Vol. 6-Part One BABES (Dr.), 75. BABINSKI sign, 341. BACON, George Voux, 218. Background of Home Rule, 447. BADEWITZ (Lieut.), account of bringing in of Yarrowdale, 299. BAGDAD, proclamation on relations with See also CAMPAIGN in Asia Minor. BAKER, (Sec.) Newton Diehl, statement on alien enemies, 205. BALFOUR, Arthur James, letter of thanks BALKAN Wars 1912-1913, Greece in, 155. Battle of Arras, 264, 405. NAVAL |