صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

compenfation to the door-keepers of the two Tothe door Houses, for fervices which have been hereto keepers, fore rendered, or may be rendered in the recess of Congress for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, and certified by the Prefident of the Senate or Speaker of the House of Reprefentatives, in manner required by law, for like fervices during sessions, shall be difcharged out of the money herein before appropriated for the contingent expenfes of the two Houses of Congrefs.


civil lift,

officers, &c.

of courts,

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That for difcharging certain liquidated claims upon the For liqui United States, for making good deficiencies in claims, deormer appropriations for the fupport of the ficiencies in civil list-establishment, and for aiding the fund payment of appropriated for the payment of certain officers of the courts, jurors and witnesses, and for the & ten cutestablishment of ten cutters, there shall be appropriated a fum of money not exceeding one hundred and ninety-feven thousand, one hundred and nineteen dollars, and forty-nine cents; that is to fay,


For difcharging a balance due on a liquidated claim of his most Christian Majesty against Balance the United States, for fupplies during the late due his war, nine thousand and twenty dollars, and majesty. fixty-eight cents.


Claim of

For payment of the principal and interest on a liquidated claim of Oliver Pollock, late com- O. Pollock, mercial agent of the United States, at NewOrleans, for fupplies of clothing, arms and military stores, during the late war, one hundred and eight thousand, fix hundred and five dollars, and two cents: Provided, That the faid monies he not paid to the faid Oliver PolVOL. H.




Deficiencies of civil lift.

For fundry expenfes.

lock, without the confent of the agents of the court of Spain.

For making good deficiencies in the last appropriations for the compenfations to fundry officers of the civil list-establishment, five thoufand four hundred and feventy-one dollars.

For defraying fundry authorized expenses to the commiffioners of loans in the several states, twenty-one thousand dollars.

For defraying a balance of certain liquidated and contingent expenfes in the treafury-department, two thousand eight hundred dollars.

For defraying the additional expenfes of the enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States, nineteen thousand seven hundred and seventy-two dollars and seventy-nine cents.

For making good a deficiency in former appropriations, to difcharge the expenses to clerko, jurors and witnesses in the courts of the United States, five thousand dollars.

For the maintenance and repair of lighthouses, beacons, piers, stakes and buoys, fixteen thousand dollars.

For the expenfe of keeping prifoners committed under the authority of the United States, four thousand dollars.

For the expense of clerks and books in arranging the public securities, two thousand four hundred and fifty dollars.

For the purchase of hydrometers for the ufe of the officers in the execution of the laws of revenue, one thousand dollars.

For the farther expenfe of building and equip ping ten cutters, two thousand dollars.

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That for

ment for

the support of the military establishment of the For militaUnited States, in the year one thousand seven ryestablishhundred and ninety-two, the payment of the 1792. annual allowances to the invalid penfioners of the United States, for defraying all expenfes incident to the Indian department, and for defraying the expenses incurred in the defenfive protection of the frontiers against the Indians, during the years one thousand feven hundred and ninety, and one thousand feven hundred and ninety-one, by virtue of the authority vefted in the Prefident of the United States, by the acts relative to the military establishment, paffed the twenty-ninth of September, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine, and the thirtieth of April, one thousand seven hundred and ninety, and for which, no appropriations have been made, there shall be appropriated a fum of money, not exceeding five hundred and thirty-two thousand, four hundred and forty-nine dollars, seventy-fix cents, and two thirds of a cent; that is to fay,

For the pay of the troops, one hundred and two thousand fix hundred and eighty-fix dollars.

For subsistence, one hundred and nineteen thousand, fix hundred and eighty-eight dollars, and ninety-feven cents.

For clothing, forty-eight thousand dollars.
For forage, four thousand one hundred and

fifty-two dollars.

For the hofpital-department, fix thoufand dollars.

For the quarter-master's department, fifty

thousand dollars.

For the ordnance department, seven thou

Compenfation to fun


sand two hundred and four dollars and fixtyfour cents.

For the contingent expenses of the war department, including maps, hire of expreffes, allowances to officers for extra-expenses, printing, lofs of stores of all kinds, advertising and apprehending deferters, twenty thousand dollars.

For the discharge of certain fums due for dry officers, pay and fubfiftence of fundry officers of the late army, and for pay of the late Maryland line, for which no appropriations have been made. ten thoufand four hundred and ninety: dollars, and thirty-fix cents.

To invalid

For the payment of the annual allowances penfioners. to invalid penfioners, eighty-feven thousand four hundred and fixty-three dollars, fixty cents and two thirds of a cent.

Indian de


For defraying all expenses incident to the partment. Indian department, authorized by law, thirtynine thousand four hundred and twenty-four dollars, and seventy-one cents.

Frontiers. For defraying the expenses incurred in the defenfive protection of the frontiers, as before recited, thirty-feven thousand, three hundred and thirty-nine dollars, and forty-eight cents. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the The funds several appropriations, herein before made, shall veral ap- be paid and discharged out of the funds follow

for the fe


ing, to wit; first, out of the sum of fix hundred thousand dollars, which, by the act, intituled, " An act making provifion for the debt of the United States," is referved, yearly, for the fupport of the government of the United States, and their common defence; and fecondly, out of fuch furplus as shall have accrued to

the end of the present year, upon the revenues
heretofore established, over and above the fums
necessary for the payment of interest on the
public debt during the fame year, and for fa-
tisfying other prior appropriations.

of the House of Representatives.

JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the United
States, and President of the Senate.
APPROVED, December twenty-third, 1791:

President of the United States.


An Act for carrying into Effect a Contract between the United States and the State of Pennfylvania.


OR duly conveying to the state of Pennfylvania a certain tract of land, the right to the government and jurifdiction whereof was relinquished to the faid state by a refolution of Congress of the fourth day of September, in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight, and whereof the right of foil has been fold by virtue of a previous resolution of Congress of the fixth day of June in the faid year;

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re- Tract of presentatives of the United States of America in land conCongress affembled, That the Prefident of the PennfylvaUnited States be authorized, on fulfilment of nia on certhe terms stipulated on the part of the state of tions.

veyed to

tain condi

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