Pennsylvania, to issue letters patent, in the name and under the feal of the United States, granting and conveying to the faid state forever the faid tract of land, as the fame was afcertained by a furvey made in pursuance of the refolution of Congress of the fixth day of June, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight. JONATHAN TRUMBULL, Speaker JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the United APPROVED, January the third, 1792: An Act to extend the Time limited for fettling the Accounts of the United States with the In dividual States. Sec. 1. B House E it enacted by the Senate and of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress affembled, Board com- That the powers of the Board of Commiffionfor fettle ers, which, by an act passed in the fecond fefment of ac fion of the first Congress, was established to Cirtued till fettle the accounts between the United States miffioners counts 1793. and individual states, shall continue until the first day of July, one thousand feven hundred and ninety-three, unless the bufsiness shall be fooner accomplished. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the aforesaid act shall extend to the fettlement of the accounts between the United States and To fettle the state of Vermont: and that until the first with Ver day of December next, shall be allowed for the mont. faid ftate to exhibit its claims. principal Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That from and after the paffing of this act, the pay of the Pay of principal clerk of the faid Board shall be the clerk. fame as the pay of the principal clerk in the Auditor's office. JONATHAN TRUMBULL, Speaker JOHN ADAMS, Vice-Prefident of the United APPROVED, January the twenty-third, 1792 : President of the United States. CHAPTER VI. An Act concerning certain Fisheries of the United States, and for the Regulation and Government of the Fishermen employed therein. Section 1. E it enacted by the Senate and B Hot enacted by the Senate the United States of America in Congress affembled, That the allowance now made upon the expor- Allowanc tation of dried fish of the fisheries of the United in lieu of States, in lieu of a drawback of the duties paid drawback on the falt used in preserving the fame, shall tion of dri cease on all dried fish exported after the tenth ed fifli liday of June next, and as a commutation and June 1792 equivalent therefor, there shall be afterwards on exporta mited to and as an equivalent, each fish ing veffel allowed a fum ac cording to burden not to exceed paid on the last day of December annually, to the owner of every veffel or his agent, by the collector of the district where such vessel may belong, that shall be qualified agreeably to law, for carrying on the bank and other cod fisheries, and that shall actually have been employ170 dollars. ed therein at fea for the term of four months at the least, of the fishing season, next preceding which feason is accounted to be from the last day of February to the last day of November in every year, for each and every ton of fuch vessel's burthen according to her admeafurement as licensed or enrolled, if of twenty tons and not exceeding thirty tons, one and an half dollars; and if above thirty tons, two and an half dollars; of which allowance aforefaid, three-eighth parts shall accrue and belong to the owner of fuch fishing veffel, and the other five eights thereof shall be divided by him, his agent or lawful representative, to and among the feveral fishermen who shall have been employed in fuch vessel during the feafon aforefaid, or a part thereof, as the cafe may be, in such proportions as the fish they shall respectively have taken may bear to the whole quantity of fish taken on board such vessel during fuch season : Provided, That the allowance aforefaid on any one vessel, for one feafon, shall not exceed one hundred and feventy dollars. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That on Annual al- the last day of December annually, as aforefhing vef. faid, there shall alfo be paid to the owner of fels above 5 every fishing boat or vessel of more than five tons, and lefs than twenty tons, or to his agent or lawful reprefentative, by the collector of the district where such boat or vessel may belong, the fum of one dollar upon every ton admea Jowance to tons, under what furement of such boat or vessel; which allows ance shall be accounted for as part of the proceeds of the fares of faid boat or vessel, and shall accordingly be so divided among all perfons interested therein : Provided however, That this allowance shall be made only to fuch boats or veffels as shall have actually been employed at fea in the cod fishery for the term of four months at the least of the preceding feafon: And provided also, That such boat or vessel shall have landed in the course of faid preceding season, a quantity of fish not less regulations. than twelve quintals for every ton of her admeasurement; the faid quantity of fish to be afcertained when dried and cured fit for exportation, and according to the weight thereof, as the fame shall weigh at the time of delivery when actually fold; which account of the weight, with the original adjustment and fettlement of the fare or fares among the owners and fishermen, together with a written account of the length, breadth and depth of faid boat or vessel, and the time she has actually been employed in the fishery in the preceding seafon, shall in all cafes be produced and fworn or affirmed to, before the faid collector of the diftrict, in order to entitle the owner, his agent or lawful representative, to receive the allowance aforesaid. And if at any time within one year after payment of fuch allowance, it shall appear that any fraud or deceit has been practifed in obtaining the fame, the boat or veffel upon which fuch allowance shall have been paid, if found within the district aforesaid, shall be forfeited; otherwise the owner or owners having practised such fraud or deceit, shall forfeit and pay one hundred dollars; to besued for, recoveredand appropriated in like manner as forfeitures VOL. II. C Owners of and penalties are to be sued for, recovered and appropriated for any breach of an act, entitled, "An act to provide more effectually for the collection of the duties impofed by law on goods, wares and merchandize imported into the United States, and on the tonnage of ships or veffels." Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the fishing ver owner or owners of every fishing vessel of fels how to twenty tons and upwards, his or their agent obtain the or lawful representative, shall previous to reallowanees ceiving the allowance which is provided for in granted by this act, produce to the collector who is authori proceed to zed to pay the fame, the original agreement or agreements which may have been made with the fishermen employed on board fuch vessel, as is herein before required, and alfo a certificate to be by him or them subscribed, therein mentioning the particular days on which fuch veffel failed and returned on the feveral voyages or fares, she may have made in the preceding fishing feafon, to the truth of which they shall fwear or affirm before the collector aforesaid. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That no ship or vessel of twenty tons or upwards, employed as aforesaid, shall be entitled to the allowance granted by this act, unless the skipper or mafter thereof shall, before he proceeds on any fishing voyage, make an agreement in writing or in print, with every fisherman employed therein, excepting only any apprentice or fervant of himself or owner; and in addition to fuch terms of shipment as may be agreed on, shall in fuch agreement express whether the fame is to continue for one voyage or for the fishing season, and shall alfo express that the fish or the proceeds of fuch fishing voyage or |