ledge, the mode of life, employment, labor, or means of fupport of fuch applicant, for the last twelve months. Secondly; The circuit court, upon receipt of the proofs aforefaid, shall forthwith proceed to examine into the nature of the wound, or other cause of disability of such applicant, and having afcertained the degree thereof, shall certify the fame, and tranfmit the result of their enquiry, in cafe, in their opinion, the applicant should be put on the penfion-lift, to the Secretary at War, together with their opinion in writing, what proportion of the monthly pay of fuch applicant will be equivalent to the degree of disability afcertained in manner aforefaid. act, giving Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the clerk of the district court, in each district, shall Clerk to publish this act in such manner as the judge of publish this the district court shall think essectual to give notice general information thereof to the people of district the district, and shall give like information of court meets the times and places of holding the circuit &c. when the courts in fuch district. And in districts wherein a circuit court is not directed by law to be holden, the judge of the district court shall be, and he hereby is authorized to exercise all the powers given by this act to the respective circuit courts. And it shall be the duty of the judges duty of the of the circuit courts respectively, during the judges; term of two years from the paffing of this act, to remain at the places where the faid courts shall be holden, five days at the least from the time of opening the fessions thereof, that perfons disabled as aforesaid, may have full opportunity to make their application for the relief propofed by this act. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the at war. Secretary at War, upon receipt of the proofs, of the Sec. certificate and opinion aforesaid, fhall caufe the same to be duly filed in his office, and place the name of fuch applicant on the penfion-lift of the United States, in conformity thereto: Provided always, That in any cafe, where the faid Secretary shall have cause to fufpect impofition or mistake, he shall have power to withhold the name of fuch applicant from the penfion-lift, and make report of the fame to Congrefs, at their next feffion. Disabled perfons dimitations, Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That all non-commiffioned officers, foldiers and feamen, disabled in the actual service of the United harred by to be pla- States, during the late war, whose disability ced on pen- and rate of allowance have been afcertained, Gon lift. Transfer, pursuant to the regulations prescribed by the late Congress, and have not applied to be placed on the pension-list, until after the time, limited by the act of Congrefs for that purpofe, was expired, shall now be placed on the penfion-list, and be entitled to demand and receive their respective pensions, according to the allowances afcertained as aforefaid, any thing in this act, or any act of the late Congrefs, to the contrary, notwithstanding. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That from xe. of pen and after the paffing of this act, no sale, tranffion, before fer or mortgage of the whole or any part of Aid, & how the pension or arrearages of pension, payable due, not va Daid to at- to any non-commissioned officer, foldier or feaman, before the same shall become due, shall be valid. And every perfon, claiming fuch penfion or arrears of penfion, or any part thereof, under power of attorney or substitution, shall, before the fame is paid, make oath or affirmazion before fome justice of the peace of the place where the fame is payable, that such power or fabstitution is not given by reafon of any transfer of such penfion, or arrears of penfion, and any person, who shall fwear or affirm falsely in the premises, and be thereof convicted, shall fuffer, as for wilful and corrupt perjury. JONATHAN TRUMBULL, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the United States, and President of the Senatc. APPROVED, March the 23d, 1792: GEORGE WASHINGTON, CHAPTER XII. An Act providing for the Settlement of the Claims of Persons under particular Circumstances barred by the Limitations beretofore established. Section 1. E it enacted by the Senate and refolutions for 2 years; the United States of America in Congress affembled, That the operation of the resolutions of the Limitations late Congress of the United States, paffed on of claims the fecond day of November, one thoufand by certain feven hundred and eighty-five, and the twen- fufpended ty-third day of July, one thousand féven hundred and eighty-feven, fo far as they have barred, or inay be conftrued to bar the claims of any officer, foldier, artificer, failor or marinė of the late army or navy of the United States, for perfonal services rendered to the United Mates, in the military er naval departement, shall from and after the passing of this act, be fufpended, for and during the term of two years. And that every fuch officer, foldier, artificer, failor and marine having claims for fervices rendered to the United States, in the military or naval departments, who shall exhibit the fame, for liquidation, at the Treafury of the United States, at any time during the faid term of two years, shall be entitled to an adjustment, and allowance thereof on the fame principles, as if the fame had been exhibited, within the term prescribed by the aforesaid re rations, &c. folutions of Congress: Provided, That nothing herein shall be conftrued to extend to claims for rations or fubfiftance money. not to extend to claims for Balances to Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That no be register- balances hereafter to be certified, as due from ed in name the United States, shall be registered in any claimant, eforiginal other name, than that of the original claimant, &c. or of his heirs, executors or administrators; and fuch balances shall be transferable only at the Treasury, by virtue of powers actually executed after fuch registry, expreffing the fum to be transferred, and in pursuance of fuch general rules, as have been, or shall be prescribed for that purpose. JONATHAN TRUMBULL, Speaker JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the United APPROVED, March the 27th, 1792: GEORGE WASHINGTON, Prefident of the United States. CHAPTER XIII. An Act for the Relief of certain Widows, Orphans, Invalids, and other Perfons. B House dows and Sec. 1. E it enacted by the Senate and of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress afssembled, That the Comptroller of the Treasury adjust comptrala the claims of the widows and orphans respec- ler to ad just the tively, as the cafe may be, of the late colonel claims of Owen Roberts, captain William White, lieu- certain wi tenant colonel Bernard Elliott, major Samuel orphans. Wife, major Benjamin Huger, lieutenant John Bush, and major Charles Motte, deceased, all of whom were killed or died in the service of the United States, for the seven years half-pay for 7 years stipulated by the resolve of Congress of the half-pay, twenty-fourth day of August, one thousand seven hundred and eighty; and that the Regifter of the Treasury do issue his certificates accordingly. &c. and Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the department of war be, and he hereby is required to place on the invalid list, Timothy Mix, disabled in the late war, by the Timothy lofs of his right hand, while in the service of Abel Turthe United States, at the rate of five dollars ney placed on pension per month, to commence on the fourth day lift. of February one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three. That the faid Secretary place on the invalid list, Abel Turney, mariner, disabled while in the service of the United States, at the rate of one dollar per month, to commence on the first day of January, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-one. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the E |