ler to adjust arrears of the faid pensions be paid as the laws direct in fimilar cafes. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Comptrol- Comptroller of the Treasury be, and he hereby the account is required to adjust the accounts of Jofeph of Jofeph Pannil, a lieutenant-colonel in the fervice of the Pannil. United States, as a deranged officer upon the of the late De Haas. principles of the act of the late Congrefs, of the third of October one thousand feven hundred and eighty, and to allow him the usual commutation of the half-pay for life of a lieutenant-colonel, and that the Regifter of the Treafury be, and he hereby is required to grant a certificate for the amount of the balance due to him. That the Comptroller adjust the acBrig. Gen. count of the late brigadier general De Haas, admitting to the credit of the faid account, fuch fums as by evidence shall appear to have been advanced for the public fervice, and which have been charged by the United States to the officers who have received the fame for the public service, and that the faid Register do grant a certificate for the balance due on fuch fettlement. The faid Comptroller adjust the account of Thomas M'Intire, a captain in the fervice of the United States, during the late war, and allow him the usual commutation of the half Thomas Mintire. pay for life of a captain, and that the faid Reand register gifter grant a certificate for the amount thereof to issue.certificates. Comptrol accordingly. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the ler to adjuft Comptroller of the Treasury be, and he hereby of Francis is required to adjust the account of Francis Su the account Suzor Debevere. zor Debevere, a furgeon's mate in the fervice of the United States during the late war, and who remained in captivity to the end thereof, and that the Regifter of the Treasury be, and he hereby is required to grant a certificate for the amount which shall be found due for the services of the faid Francis Suzor Debevere. That the faid Comptroller adjust the account of Robert King, as a lieutenant, deranged upon Robt. King the principles of the act of the late Congrefs, passed the twenty-fourth day of November, one thousand seven hundred and feventy-eight, and that the faid Register grant a certificate accordingly. That the Comptroller adjust the account of Lemuel Sherman, as a failing inaster Lemuel of a galley on Lake Champlain, and as fuch Sherman, taken prifoner; and that the faid Register and register grant a certificate accordingly. to grant certificates. Westfall, Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That there be granted to Nicholas Ferdinand Westfall, Nichokes F. who left the British service and joined the army grant of of the United States, during the late war, one land and hundred acres of unappropriated land in the 336 dollars. western territory of the United States, free of all charges, and also the fum of three hundred and thirty-fix dollars, out of any money appropriated to the contingent charges of go vernment. JONATHAN TRUMBULL, Speaker JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the United APPROVED, March the 27th, 1792: GEORGE WASHINGTON, President of the United States. to An Act Supplemental to the Act for making farther and more effectual Provision for the Protection of the Frontiers of the United States. (REPEALED.) CHAPTER XV. An Act for finishing the Light-House on Baldhead at the Mouth of Cape Fear River in the State of North-Carolina. BE th it enacted by the Senate and House of Rethe United States of America in Congress affembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury, under the direction of the Prefident of the United States, be authorized, Secretary as foon as may be, to cause to be finished in of treasure fuch manner as shall appear advisable, the light-house light-house heretofore begun under the authohead in N. rity of the state of North-Carolina, on BaldCarolina. head, at the mouth of Cape Fear river, in the on Bald faid state: And that a fum, not exceeding four thousand dollars, be appropriated for the fame, out of any monies heretofore appropriated, which may remain unexpended, after fatisfying the purposes for which they were appropriated, or out of any other monies, which may be in the Treasury, not fubject to any prior appropriation. JONATHAN TRUMBULL, Speaker JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the United APPROVED, April the second, 1792: TT GEORGE WASHINGTON, President of the United States. CHAPTER XVI. An Act establishing a Mint, and regulating the Sec. 1. E it enacted by the Senate and Mint estaof Representatives of the blished, B House United States of America in Congress assembled, and it is hereby enacted and declared, That a mint for the purpose of a national coinage, be, and the fame is established; to be fituate and carried on at the feat of the government of the United States, for the time being: And that for the well conducting of the business of the faid mint, there shall be the following officers and perfons, namely; a Director, an Afsayer, a Chief Coiner, an Engraver, a Treafurer. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Director to Director of the mint shall employ as many employ clerks, workmen and servants, as he shall from workmen, time to time find neceffary, fubject to the approbation of the President of the United States. &c. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Duty of the respective functions and duties of the officers officers. above mentioned shall be as follow: The Director of the mint shall have the chief management of the business thereof, and shall fuperintend all other officers and persons who shall be employed therein. The affayer shall receive and give receipts for all metals which may lawfully be brought to the mint to be coined; shall affay all fuch of them as may require it, and shall deliver them to the chief coiner to be coined. The chief coiner shall cause to be coined all metals which shall be received by him for that purpose, according to fuch regulations as shall be prescribed by this or any future law. The engraver shall fink and pre To take oath. And give bond. Salaries. pare the necessary dies for fuch coinage, with the proper devices and infcriptions, but it shall be lawful for the functions and duties of chief coiner and engraver to be performed by one person. The treafurer shall receive from the chief coiner all the coins which shall have been struck, and shall pay or deliver them to the persons respectively to whom the fame ought to be paid or delivered: He shall moreover receive and fafely keep all monies which shall be for the use, maintenance and fupport of the mint, and shall disburse the fame upon warrants signed by the director. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That every officer and clerk of the faid mint shall, before he enters upon the execution of his office, take an oath or affirmation before fome judge of the United States faithfully and diligently to perform the duties thereof. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the faid afsayer, chief coiner and treasurer, previoufly to entering upon the execution of their refpective offices, shall each become bound to the United States of America, with one or more fureties to the fatisfaction of the Secretary of the Treasury, in the fum of ten thousand dollars, with condition for the faithful and diligent performance of the duties of his office.. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That there shall be allowed and paid as compenfations for their respective services: To the faid director, a yearly falary of two thousand dollars, to the faid affayer, a yearly falary of one thoufand five hundred dollars, to the faid chief coiner, a yearly falary of one thousand five hundred dollars, to the faid engraver, a yearly falary of one thousand two hundred dollars, to the faid |