tion of the lights in the faid light-house shall JONATHAN TRUMBULL, Speaker JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the United APPROVED, April twelfth, 1792: GEORGE WASHINGTON, President of the United States. CHAPTER XIX. An Act for ascertaining the Bounds of a Tract of Land purchased by John Gleves Symmes. E. it enacted by the Senate and House of Be presentatives of Re the United States of America in Congress affembled, That the President of the United States be and he hereby is au- rounds of thorized at the request of John Cleves Symmes John C. Symmes' or his agent or agents, to alter the contract purchase of made between the late board of treafury and land. the faid John Cleves Symmes for the fale of a tract of land of one million of acres, in fuch manner that the faid tract may extend from the mouth of the Great Miami, to the mouth of the Little Miami, and be bounded by the river Ohio, on the fouth, by the Great Miami on the west, by the Little Miami on the east, and by a parallel of latitude on the north extend. ing from the Great Miami to the Little Miami, VOL. II. G fo as to comprehend the propofed quantity of one million of acres, provided that the northern limits of the faid tract shall not interfere with the boundary line established by the treaty of fort Harmar, between the United States, and the Indian nations, and provided also that nefervation the President referve to the United States, fuch of lands at lands at and near fort Washington as he may Wathing think neceffary for the accommodation of a garrifon at that fort. JONATHAN TRUMBULL, Speaker JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the United APPROVED, April twelfth, 1792: GEORGE WASHINGTON, Prefident of the United States. Salary of door keep CHAPTER XX. An Act for fixing the Compensations of the Doorkeepers of the Senate and House of Representatives in Congress. E. it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress affembled, That from and after the termination of the present feffion of Congrefs, the doorkeepers of the Senate and Houfe of Representatives, shall each be allowers of Con- ed a falary of five hundred dollars per annum, grefs after in full compenfation for their fervices in the prefent fefton. faid offices; and that the afsistant doorkeeper ers of Con fion. to each House shall be allowed in full compen- Salary JONATHAN TRUMBULL, Speaker JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the United APPROVED, April twelfth, 1792: GEORGE WASHINGTON, Prefident of the United States. CHAPTER XXI. An Act for altering the Times of holding the Circuit Courts, in certain Districts of the United States, and for other Purposes. Section 1. B E it enacted by the Senate and House of Reprefentatives of the United States of America in Congress affembled, That from and after the passing of this act the circuit courts in the districts of North Caroli mes for na and Georgia shall be held as follows, to wit: Holding cir- in the district of North-Carolina on the first xuit courts fered. in certain day of June and the thirtieth day of Novemdistricts al- ber at Newbern in the present and each fucceeding year. And all writs and recognizances returnable and fuits and other proceedings that were continued to the circuit court for the diftrict of North-Carolina on the eighteenth day of June next shall now be returned and held continued to the fame court on the first day of June next. In the district of Georgia on the twenty-fifth day of April at Savannah, and on the eighth day of November at Augusta in the present and each fucceeding year except when any of those days fhall happen on a Sunday in which cafe the court fhall be held on the Monday following. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the When feffions of the reffions of the circuit courts in the eastern cireastern circuit shall in the present and every fucceeding commence. year commence at the times following, that is cuit shall to say, in New-York district on the fifth day of April and the fifth day of September. In Connecticut district on the twenty-fifth day of April and the twenty-fifth day of September. In Massachusetts district on the twelfth day of May and the twelfth day of October. In NewHampshire district on the twenty-fourth day of May and the twenty-fourth day of October and in Rhode-Island district on the feventh day of June and the feventh day of November except when any of those days shall happen on a Sunday and then the feffions shall commence on the next day following. And the feffions of the circuit court shall be held in the district of Virginia at the city of Richmond only. In New-Hampshire district at Portsmouth and Exteter alternately, beginning at the first. In Maf } fachusetts district at Boston. In Rhode-Island district at New-Port and Providence alternately beginning at the first. In Connecticut diftrict at Hartford and New-Haven alternately, beginning at the last. And in New-York diftrict at the city of New-York only. court at mine the refpective Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That at each fef- Judges of fion of the fupreme court of the United States lupreme or as foon after as may be, the judges of the each fellion fupreme court attending at fuch feffion shall in to deterwriting subscribed with their names (which circuits writing shall be lodged with the clerk of the they are supreme court and fafely kept in his office) ly to attend, affign to the faid judges respectively the cir- &c. cuits which they are to attend at the ensuing feffions of the circuit courts; which affignment shall be made in such manner that no judge, unless by his own consent shall have affigned to him any circuit which he hath already attended until the fame hath been afterwards attended by every other of the faid judges. Provided always, That if the public fervice or the convenience of the judges shall at any time, in their opinion, require a different arrangement, the fame may take place with the consent of any four of the judges of the fupreme court. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Seffion of district court for the district of Maine, which, Maine dif trict, by the act, intituled "An act to establish the judicial courts of the United States," is holden on the first Tuesday of June, annually, at Portland, shall, from and after the paffing of this act, be holden on the third Tuesday of June, annually, any thing in the act aforesaid to the contrary notwithstanding: and all writs and recognizances returnable, and fuits and other proceedings, that were continued to the |