صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

burghtoun" alongst with the Surname and Arms of Dick of Prestonfield. Page 1167 24. An Act to enable the Assignees of the Estate of Thomas Blayds Molyneux, a Bankrupt, to sell his Real Estates, discharged from a Jointure, and certain Portions and Legacies charged thereon. Ibid.

25. An Act to revive and extend the Powers of Sale and Exchange, and the Powers to make Conveyances in Fee and Demises for Building Purposes, respectively contained in the Will of John Rigby Fletcher Esquire, deceased, and to enable the Trustees to grant Leases of Coal and other Mines under the Lands devised by his said Will; and to authorize the Appointment of new Trustees of the Settlement thereby made of the Testator's Real Estate; and for other Purposes. Ibid. 26. An Act for authorizing the Sale of certain Portions of the Real Estates devised by the Will and Codicils of John Bowes late Earl of Strathmore, and for authorizing the Purchase of other Real Estates, including Lands held for long Terms of Years, to be settled to the Uses of the said Will and Codicils, and for extending the Power of granting Mining Leases given by the said Will; and for other Purposes. 27. An Act to vest the Estates and Property constituting the Trust Estate of the Blue-Coat Charity School in Birmingham in the County of Warwick in new Trustees upon consolidated Trusts, and to provide for the Management of the said Estates and Property, and for the good Government of the said School; and for other Purposes.


Ibid. 28. An Act to carry into effect a Partition between John Michael Severne Esquire and Anna Maria his Wife, and others, of Estates in the Counties of Worcester, Salop, Warwick, Oxford, and Leicester.

Ibid. 29. An Act to enable the Trustees of the Will of the Most Noble Francis late Duke of Bridgewater to carry into execution certain Articles of Agreement made and entered into by them with the Right Honourable Francis Egerton commonly called Lord Francis Egerton, and to raise Money for the Purposes expressed in the said Articles of Agreement; and for other Purposes.


30. An Act for authorizing and enabling Sales to be made of Estates respectively situate in the Parishes of Evercreech, East Pennard, and in Bruton, and in other Parishes or Places in the County of Somerset, devised by the Will of Thomas Sampson Esquire, deceased; and for other Purposes.

Ibid. 31. An Act to authorize the Sale of Settled Estates of the Most Honourable the Marquis of Donegall in Ireland, in order to pay off Mortgage and other Incumbrances. Ibid. 32. An Act for carrying into effect a Contract between the Governors and Trustees of Sir William Paston's Free School at North Walsham in the County of Norfolk and Robert Rising Esquire, for the Sale to the said Robert Rising of an Estate belonging to the said Governors and Trustees, and for applying Part of the Purchase Money in discharge of certain Debts due from them, and investing the Surplus in the Purchase of other Estates, to be settled to the same Trusts,


33. An Act for enlarging the Powers contained in the Will of the Most Honourable Robert Marquess of Westminster deceased to grant Building Leases of the Estates devised by the said Will, in the Parishes of Saint George Hanover Square and Saint John the Evangelist within the Liberty of Westminster in the County of Middlesex; and for other Purposes.

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34. An Act to dissolve the Marriage of Thomas Britten with Jane Britten his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again; and for other Purposes.

35. An Act to dissolve the Marriage of Richard Heaviside Esquire with Mary his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again; and for other Purposes.

36. An Act to dissolve the Marriage of Thomas Henry Shuldham Esquire with Frances Anne Hamilton Shuldham his now Wife; and for other Purposes.

37. An Act to dissolve the Marriage of Charles Lestock Boileau Esquire with Margaret Boileau his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again; and for other Purposes.



Anno Regni VICTORIÆ, Britanniarum Reginæ,
Octavo & Nono.

T the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster, the

A Nineteenth Day of August, Anno Domini 1841, in the Fifth

Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain ' and Ireland, Defender of the Faith: And from thence continued 'by several Prorogations, to the Fourth Day of February 1845; 'being the Fifth Session of the Fourteenth Parliament of the 'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.'

CA P. I.

An Act to apply the Sum of Eight Millions out of the Con-
solidated Fund to the Service of the Year One thousand
eight hundred and forty-five.
[18th March 1845.]

C A P. II.

An Act to continue for Three Years the Stamp Duties granted by an Act of the Fifth and Sixth Years of Her present Majesty to assimilate the Stamp Duties in Great Britain and Ireland, and to make Regulations for collecting and managing the same, until the Tenth Day of October One thousand eight hundred and forty-five.

'Most Gracious Sovereign,

[18th March 1845.]

WHEREAS by an Act passed in the Fifth and Sixth Years

of Your Majesty's Reign, intituled An Act to assimilate 5&6 Vict. c.82. 'the Stamp Duties in Great Britain and Ireland, and to make "Regulations for collecting and managing the same, until the Tenth Day of October One thousand eight hundred and forty'five, certain Rates and Duties denominated Stamp Duties were 'granted to Your Majesty for a Term therein limited, which will expire on the Tenth Day of October One thousand eight hundred and forty-five: We, Your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal 'Subjects, the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in Parliament assembled, towards raising the 8 & 9 VICT. necessary


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necessary Supplies to defray Your Majesty's public Expences, have freely and voluntarily resolved to continue the said Rates ' and Duties, and to grant the same to Your Majesty for the • Period herein-after mentioned;' and do most humbly beseech Your Majesty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That all the several Sums of Money, and Duties, and Comtinued for Three position for Duties, granted by the said recited Act, and not repealed by any subsequent Act, and also all Duties now payable in lieu or instead of any of the said Duties which may have been so repealed, shall be and the same are hereby continued, and shall be charged, raised, levied, collected, and paid, unto and for the Use of Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, for the Term of Three Years, to commence on and to be computed from the Tenth Day of October One thousand eight hundred and forty-five.

Duties con


Acts continued in force.

Act may be amended, &c.

II. And be it enacted, That the said recited Act, and all and every other Act and Acts now in force in relation to the Duties granted by the said recited Act, shall severally be continued and remain in full force, and be of the like Effect in all respects, in relation to the Duties hereby continued and granted, as if the said Duties had been originally granted by the said recited Act for a Period which did not expire before the End of the Term for which the same are continued and granted by this Act; and all and every the Powers and Authorities, Rules, Regulations, Directions, Penalties, Forfeitures, Clauses, Matters, and Things, contained in the said Acts or any of them, and in force as aforesaid, shall severally and respectively be duly observed, practised, applied, and put in execution in relation to the said Duties hereby continued and granted, as well during the Term herein limited as after the Expiration thereof, for the charging, raising, levying, paying, accounting for, and securing of the said Duties, and all Arrears thereof, and for the preventing, detecting, and punishing of all Frauds, Forgeries, and other Offences relating thereto, as fully and effectually to all Intents and Purposes as if the same Powers, Authorities, Rules, Regulations, Directions, Penalties, Forfeitures, Clauses, Matters, and Things were particularly repeated and reenacted in the Body of this Act with reference to the said Duties hereby granted.

III. And be it enacted, That this Act may be amended or repealed by any Act to be passed in this present Session of Parliament.


An Act for the Appointment of Constables or other Officers
for keeping the Peace near public Works in Scotland.
[18th March 1845.]

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WHEREAS great Mischiefs have arisen by the violent and

unlawful Behaviour of Labourers and others employed in the Construction of Railways and other public Works in Scotland, by reason whereof the Appointment of additional Constables or 'Officers for keeping the Peace, and for the Protection of the 'Inhabitants, and Security of the Property in the Neighbourhood

' of

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