Jersey. See Spirits. 35 52 Jewish Religion, for the Relief of Per- *98 Jurors Books, for making further Regu- amend the Laws enabling them 32 to Appraisers, to increase Loan to 50 Loans made by the West India Relief Man (Isle of), for regulating the Trade of - 94 Management and Improvement of for the Celebration of #54 North America, to exempt Ships car Masters and Workmen. See Tickets of Work. Maynooth College, to amend 35Geo.III. (I.), 40 Geo. III. (I.), and 48 Geo. III. c. cxlv., for the better Government of #25 Merchant Ships, for the Protection of Seamen entering on board of 116 Middlesex (County of), to alter and amend the Laws enabling Justices of the Peace in certain Cases to borrow Money on Mortgage of the County Rates, so far as the same relate to 32 Military Savings Banks, amending rying Passengers to, from the Obligation of having on board. a Physician, Surgeon, or Apothecary 14 5 & 6 Vict. c. 71., for establish- Oath, to substitute a Declaration for, in Cases of Bankruptcy (Unlawful), to continue for Two Years and to amend 2 & 3 Vict. c. 74., for extending and rendering more effectual 50Geo.III. c. 102. and 4 Geo. IV. c. 87. for preventing the administering and taking of *55 Offenders, for facilitating Execution of the Treaties with France and the United States, for the Apprehension of certain 120 Offices Offices 24 and Employments, annual Indemnity Act for Persons neglecting to qualify for (Municipal), for the Relief of Persons of the Jewish Persuasion elected to Outstanding Terms. See Terms. 52 Parishes, to amend the Laws in force for Unions and Divisions of; for the Settlement of the Patronage thereof, and the Celebration of Marriages ip same the *51 Income Tax, continuing for Three Letters of Attorney, to authorize the Cap. 4 24 35 52 Jewish Religion, for the Relief of Persons of the, elected to Municipal Offices Joint Stock Companies, for consolidating in One Act certain Provisions usually inserted in Acts with respect to the Constitution of 16, 17 unable to meet their pecuniary Engagements, for facilitating the winding up the Affairs of *98 Judgment, to stay Execution of, for Misdemeanors, upon giving Bail in Error 68 Jurors Books, for making further Regulations for more effectually securing the Correctness of *67 Justice, to amend 3 & 4 Gul. IV. c. 41., for the better Administration of, in the Privy Council • 30 for amending 4 & 5 Vict. c. 52. and 5 Vict. c. 5., for facilitating the Administration of Justice in the Court of Chancery 105 Justices of the Peace; to alter and amend the Laws enabling them to borrow Money on Mortgage of County Rates, so far as relates to Middlesex 32 Payment of Dividends on, in certain Cases Cap. 97 to amend 6 & 7 Vict. c.96., for amending the Law respecting defamatory Words and 75 Licences to be taken out by all Auctioneers, to impose a new Duty on 15 to Appraisers, to increase the Stamp Duty on - .76 Literary and Scientific Collections, for the better Protection of 44 Societies, to continue to 1st October 1846, 3 & 4 Vict. c. 110., for amending the Laws relating Loan to 60 Loans made by the West India Relief Commissioners, to facilitate the Recovery of 50 Lotteries (Foreign and other illegal), to amend 6 & 7 Gul. IV. c. 66., for preventing the advertising of, and to discontinue certain Actions commenced under the Provisions of the said Act 74 Lunatics, for the Regulation of the Care and Treatment of 100 for the Establishment of a Central Asylum for Insane Persons charged with Offences in Ireland; and to amend the 1 & 2 Geo. IV. c. 33., relating to the Prevention of Offences by Insane Persons, and the Acts respecting Asylums for the Insane Poor; and for appropriating the Lunatic Asylum in the City of Cork to the Purposes of a District Lunatic Asylum *107 Lunatics, to amend the Laws for the Provision and Regulation of Lunatic Asylums for Counties and Boroughs, and for the Maintenance and Care of Pauper Lunatics 126 Man (Isle of), for regulating the Trade of 94 Management and Improvement of Woods, Forests, &c., to amend 10 Geo. 4. c. 50., for consolidating the Laws relating to 99 9 Navigation (British), for the Encou- Maynooth College, to amend 35Geo.III. Middlesex (County of), to alter and annual Act for the Pay, - 68 Municipal Districts. See Counties. Oaths 14 (British), to make perpetual 45 repealing the above Act 84 93 48 Oath, to substitute a Declaration for, Offices 120 24 52 Parish Schoolmasters, for amending 43 Geo. III. c. 54., for making Provision for Cap. 40 Passengers, to exempt Ships carrying, to North America, from the Obligation of having on board a Physician, Surgeon, or Apothecary 14 Patronage (Ecclesiastical), to enable Archbishops and Bishops to charge their Sees with the Costs incurred by them in defence of their Rights of, and also to enable Tenants for Life and other Persons having limited Interests in Estates to charge said Estates with the Costs incurred by them in asserting their Rights to *54 Promissory Notes, to continue to 1st 4 Public Funds, to amend the Law respecting Testamentary Dispositions of Property in - 97 Public Museums. See Museums. Public Works, for the Appointment and Payment of Constables or other Officers for keeping the Peace near 3. *46. of Parishes, for the Settle- Queen's Bench, for abolishing the separate Seal Office in the Court of ment of *51 Pauper Lunatics. See Lunatics. Poor; to continue until 1st October 1846 the Exemption of Inhabitants of Parishes, Townships, and Villages, from Liability to be rated as such, in respect of Stock in Trade or other Property, to the Relief of the Poor 79 34 to restrict the Powers of selling or leasing, contained in certain Acts of Parliament for the Amendment and better relating to such Railways 96 Administration of the Laws Real Property, to amend the Law of relating to the Relief of 83 93 Persons born in Scotland, Ireland, the Islands of Man, Scilly, Jersey, or Guernsey, and chargeable in England, to amend the Laws relating to the Removal of 117 Possessions abroad (British), to regulate the Trade of Pottinger (Sir Henry), to settle an Annuity on, in consideration of his public Services Presentments (Grand Jury), to amend 7 & 8 Vict. c. 106., for consolidating and amending the Laws for the Regulation of *81 Print Works, to regulate the Labour of Children, young Persons, and Women in Privy Council, to amend 3 & 4 Gul.IV. c. 41., for the better Administration of Justice in Registering of British Vessels Registry Searches, to reduce the Stamp Duties on, in Ireland 76 Removal of poor Persons born in Scotland, Ireland, the Islands of Man, Scilly, Jersey, or Guernsey, and chargeable in England, to amend the Laws relating to 117 Roman Catholic Religion, amending 35 Geo. 3. (I.), 40 Geo. III. (I.), and 48 Geo. III. c. cxlv., for the better Education of Persons professing, and for the better Government of Maynooth College *25 Rothwell Gaol, in the Honor of Pontefract (W. R. York), to render it unnecessary to keep up. 72 |