صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


for every One hundred Pounds by the Year, be satisfied [the Principal Sum to be repaid at the End of from the Date hereof (in case any Period be agreed upon for that Purpose), at or any Place of Payment other than the principal Office of the Company]. In witness whereof, &c. [Here insert the Testing Clause of Deeds executed in Scotland.1

[blocks in formation]

By virtue of [here name the special Act], we Company," in consideration of the Sum of to us in hand paid by A. B. of



do bind ourselves

and our Successors unto the said A. B., his Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, in the Sum of Pounds, to be repaid to the said A. B., his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, (in case any other Place of Payment than the principal Office of the Company be intended) on the Day of


eight hundred and

which will be in the Year One thousand with a Fifth Part more of liquidate

Penalty in case of Failure, together with Interest for the same at

the Rate of

able half-yearly on the

Day of

Pounds per Centum per Annum, pay

Day of

and In witness whereof, &c.

[Here insert the Testing Clause of Deeds executed in Scotland.]

[blocks in formation]

paid to me by G. H. of

in consideration of the Sum of

do hereby transfer to the said G. H., his Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, a certain Bond [or Mortgage] Number

Company" to

made by "The


bearing Date the

Day of for securing the Sum of Interest [or, if such Transfer be by Endorsement, the within Security, and all my Right, Estate, and Interest in and to the Money thereby secured [and if the Transfer be of a Mortgage, and in and to the Tolls, Money, and Property thereby assigned.] [Here insert Scotch Testing Clause, if executed in Scotland, and if executed in England, the Form of Attestation usual in England.]

A. B.


Form of Proxy.

One of the Proprietors of "The

Company," doth hereby appoint C. D. of

to be the Proxy of the said A. B., in his Absence to vote in his Name upon any Matter relating to the Undertaking proposed at the Meeting of the Proprietors of the said Company to be held on the Day of next, in such Manner as he the said C.D. doth think proper. In witness whereof the said A. B. hath here


unto set his Hand [or, if a Corporation, say the Common Seal

of the Corporation], the

thousand eight hundred and

to wit.

Day of


Form of Conviction before

Be it remembered, That on the

in the Year of our Lord

Day of


A. B. is convicted before


me C., the Sheriff,
or before us D., E., Two of Her Majesty's
Justices of the Peace for the County of
describe the Offence generally, and the Time and Place when and
where committed, contrary to the [here name the special Act].
Given under my Hand [or under our Hands], the Day and Year

first above written.





An Act for consolidating in One Act certain Provisions usually inserted in Acts authorizing the taking of Lands for Undertakings of a public Nature. [8th May 1845.]

HEREAS it is expedient to comprise in One general Act sundry Provisions usually introduced into Acts of Parliament relative to the Acquisition of Lands required for Undertakings or Works of a public Nature, and to the Compensation to be made for the same, and that as well for the Purpose of avoiding the Necessity of repeating such Provisions in each of the several Acts relating to such Undertakings as for ensuring greater Uniformity in the Provisions themselves:' May it therefore please Your Majesty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of

rized by Acts

the same, That this Act shall apply to every Undertaking autho- Act to apply to rized by any Act which shall hereafter be passed, and which shall all Underauthorize the Purchase or taking of Lands for such Undertaking, takings authoand this Act shall be incorporated with such Act; and all the hereafter to be Clauses and Provisions of this Act, save so far as they shall be passed. expressly varied or excepted by any such Act, shall apply to the Undertaking authorized thereby, so far as the same shall be applicable to such Undertaking, and shall, as well as the Clauses and Provisions of every other Act which shall be incorporated with such Act, form Part of such Act, and be construed together therewith as forming One Act.

And with respect to the Construction of this Act and of Acts Interpretations to be incorporated therewith, be it enacted as follows:

in this Act:

II. The Expression "the special Act," used in this Act, shall "special Act:” be construed to mean any Act which shall be hereafter passed which shall authorize the taking of Lands for the Undertaking to which the same relates, and with which this Act shall be so incor



"prescribed:" porated as aforesaid; and the Word "prescribed," used in this Act in reference to any Matter herein stated, shall be construed to refer to such Matter as the same shall be prescribed or provided for in the special Act, and the Sentence in which such Word shall occur shall be construed as if, instead of the Word "prescribed," the Expression "prescribed for that Purpose in the special Act" "the Works:" had been used; and the Expression "the Works" or "the Undertaking" shall mean the Works or Undertaking, of whatever Nature, which shall by the special Act be authorized to be executed; "Promoters of and the Expression "the Promoters of the Undertaking' the Under




mean the Parties, whether Company, Undertakers, Commissioners, Trustees, Corporations, or private Persons, by the special Act empowered to execute such Works or Undertaking.

III. The following Words and Expressions, both in this and the in this and the special Act, shall have the several Meanings hereby assigned to them, unless there be something either in the Subject or Context repugnant to such Construction; (that is to say,)

special Act:




"Lease:" "Month:" "Superior Courts:"

"Oath :"

" County :"

"the Sheriff: "

"the Clerk of the Peace:"

"Justices :"

Words importing the Singular Number only shall include the
Plural Number, and Words importing the Plural Number
only shall include the Singular Number:

Words importing the Masculine Gender only shall include

The Word "Lands" shall extend to Messuages, Lands, Tene-
ments, and Hereditaments of any Tenure:

The Word "Lease" shall include an Agreement for a Lease:
The Word "Month" shall mean Calendar Month:
The Expression "Superior Courts" shall mean Her Majesty's
Superior Courts of Record at Westminster or Dublin, as the
Case may require:

The Word "Oath" shall include Affirmation in the Case of
Quakers, or other Declaration lawfully substituted for an
Oath in the Case of any other Persons exempted by Law
from the Necessity of taking an Oath :


WordCounty" shall include any Riding or other like Division of a County, and shall also include County of a City or County of a Town:

The Word "Sheriff" shall include Under Sheriff, or other legally competent Deputy; and where any Matter in relation to any Lands is required to be done by any Sheriff, or by any Clerk of the Peace, the Expression "the Sheriff," or the Expression "the Clerk of the Peace," shall in such Case be construed to mean the Sheriff or the Clerk of the Peace of the County, City, Borough, Liberty, Cinque Port, or Place where such Lands shall be situate; and if the Lands in question, being the Property of one and the same Party, be situate not wholly in one County, City, Borough, Liberty, Cinque Port, or Place, the same Expression shall be construed to mean the Sheriff or Clerk of the Peace of any County, City, Borough, Liberty, Cinque Port, or Place where any Part of such Lands shall be situate:

The Word "Justices" shall mean Justices of the Peace acting for the County, City, Liberty, Cinque Port, or Place where the Matter requiring the Cognizance of any such Justice shall arise, and who shall not be interested in the Matter;


and where such Matter shall arise in respect of Lands being
the Property of one and the same Party, situate not wholly
in any one County, City, Borough, Liberty, Cinque Port, or
Place, the same shall mean a Justice acting for the County,
City, Borough, Liberty, Cinque Port, or Place where any
Part of such Lands shall be situate, and who shall not be

interested in such Matter; and where any Matter shall be "Two Jus-
authorized or required to be done by Two Justices, the Ex- tices:"
pression "Two Justices" shall be understood to mean Two

Justices assembled and acting together:

Where under the Provisions of this or the special Act, or any "Owner:"
Act incorporated therewith, any Notice shall be required to
be given to the Owner of any Lands, or where any Act shall
be authorized or required to be done with the Consent of any
such Owner, the Word "Owner" shall be understood to mean
any Person or Corporation who, under the Provisions of this
or the special Act, would be enabled to sell and convey
Lands to the Promoters of the Undertaking:

The Expression "the Bank" shall mean the Bank of England “the Bank.”
where the same shall relate to Monies to be paid or deposited

in respect of Lands situate in England, and shall mean the
Bank of Ireland where the same shall relate to Monies to be
paid or deposited in respect of Lands situate in Ireland.

IV. And be it enacted, That in citing this Act in other Acts of Short Title of
Parliament, and in legal Instruments, it shall be sufficient to use the Act.
the Expression "The Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845."


V. And whereas it may be convenient in some cases to Form in which incorporate with Acts of Parliament hereafter to be passed some Portions of this Portion only of the Provisions of this Act;' be it therefore Act may be enacted, That, for the Purpose of making any such Incorporation, with other Acts. it shall be sufficient in any such Act to enact that the Clauses of this Act with respect to the Matter so proposed to be incorporated (describing such Matter as it is described in this Act in the Words introductory to the Enactment with respect to such Matter) shall be incorporated with such Act, and thereupon all the Clauses and Provisions of this Act with respect to the Matter so incorporated shall, save so far as they shall be expressly varied or excepted by such Act, form Part of such Act, and such Act shall be construed as if the Substance of such Clauses and Provisions were set forth therein with reference to the Matter to which such Act shall


And with respect to the Purchase of Lands by Agreement, be it

enacted as follows:

Purchase of
Lands by

VI. Subject to the Provisions of this and the special Act, it shall be lawful for the Promoters of the Undertaking to agree Power to purwith the Owners of any Lands by the special Act authorized to be chase Lands by taken, and which shall be required for the Purposes of such Act, Agreement. and with all Parties having any Estate or Interest in such Lands, or by this or the special Act enabled to sell and convey the same, for the absolute Purchase, for a Consideration in Money, of any such Lands, or such Parts thereof as they shall think proper, and of all Estates and Interests in such Lands of what Kind soever.


[ocr errors]

Parties under

Disability enabled to sell and convey.

Parties under

Disability to exercise other Powers.

Amount of

in case of Parties under Disability to be ascertained by Valuation, and paid into the Bank.

VII. It shall be lawful for all Parties, being seised, possessed of, or entitled to any such Lands, or any Estate or Interest therein, to sell and convey or release the same to the Promoters of the Undertaking, and to enter into all necessary Agreements for that Purpose; and particularly it shall be lawful for all or any of the following Parties so seised, possessed, or entitled as aforesaid so to sell, convey, or release; (that is to say,) all Corporations, Tenants in Tail or for Life, married Women seised in their own Right or entitled to Dower, Guardians, Committees of Lunatics and Idiots, Trustees or Feoffees in trust for charitable or other Purposes, Executors and Administrators, and all Parties for the Time being entitled to the Receipt of the Rents and Profits of any such Lands in possession, or subject to any Estate in Dower, or to any Lease for Life, or for Lives and Years, or for Years, or any less Inte rest; and the Power so to sell and convey or release as aforesaid may lawfully be exercised by all such Parties, other than married Women entitled to Dower, or Lessees for Life, or for Lives and Years, or for Years, or for any less Interest, not only on behalf of themselves and their respective Heirs, Executors, Administrators, and Successors, but also for and on behalf of every Person entitled in reversion, remainder, or expectancy after them, or in defeasance of the Estates of such Parties, and as to such married Women, whether they be of full Age or not, as if they were sole and of full Age, and as to such Guardians, on behalf of their Wards, and as to such Committees, on behalf of the Lunatics and Idiots of whom they are the Committees respectively, and that to the same Extent as such Wives, Wards, Lunatics and Idiots respectively could have exercised the same Power under the Authority of this or the special Act if they had respectively been under no Disability, and as to such Trustees, Executors, and Administrators, on behalf of their Cestuique Trusts, whether Infants, Issue unborn, Lunatics, Femes Covert, or other Persons, and that to the same Extent as such Cestuique Trusts respectively could have exercised the same Powers under the Authority of this and the special Act if they had respectively been under no Disability.

VIII. The Power herein-after given to enfranchise Copyhold Lands, as well as every other Power required to be exercised by the Lord of any Manor pursuant to the Provisions of this or the special Act, or any Act incorporated therewith, and the Power to release Lands from any Rent, Charge, or Incumbrance, and to agree for the Apportionment of any such Rent, Charge, or Incumbrance, shall extend to and may lawfully be exercised by every Party herein-before enabled to sell and convey or release Lands to the Promoters of the Undertaking.

IX. The Purchase Money or Compensation to be paid for any Compensation Lands to be purchased or taken from any Party under any Disa bility or Incapacity, and not having Power to sell or convey such Lands except under the Provisions of this or the special Act, and the Compensation to be paid for any permanent Damage or Injury to any such Lands, shall not, except where the same shall have been determined by the Verdict of a Jury, or by Arbitration, or by the Valuation of a Surveyor appointed by Two Justices under the Provision herein-after contained, be less than shall be determined by the Valuation of Two able practical Surveyors, one of


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