صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

been made, to contribute to the Salary herein-before directed to be paid to the said Justice as aforesaid, or to the said General Fee Fund, on any other Account whatsoever, nor shall the said Municipal Borough of Salford or any Officer thereof be in any way responsible for the Application of the said General Fee Fund or any Part thereof.

Town Council of Salford may

order a Sum not exceeding

400l. to be paid

XIII. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Council of the said Borough of Salford at any Time or Times to order and direct the Payment out of the Borough Fund of the said Municipal Borough to the said Clerk to the said Justice for Borough Business, for the Services of himself and any Assistant or Assistants in that to the Clerk Office, of such yearly or other Sum or Sums of Money, not ex- out of the Boceeding in the whole the yearly Sum of Four hundred Pounds, and rough Fund. at such Times and in such Manner as the said Council shall think reasonable and proper in that Behalf; and the Treasurer of the said Borough shall thereupon pay such Sum or Sums of Money accordingly out of the said Borough Fund, the same to be received by such Clerk in lieu of all Fees and Monies which he may legally demand or receive by virtue or in respect of his said Office or Employment, and which he is herein-after directed to pay over to the Treasurer of the said Borough in aid of the Borough Fund.

taken but at the public Places of Sitting.

XIV. And be it enacted, That from and after the First Day of No Fees to be July One thousand eight hundred and forty-five no Justice of the Peace for the said County of Lancaster acting in and for the said Division of Manchester, nor any Clerk of any such Justice, nor any Person on behalf of any such Justice or Clerk, shall directly or indirectly, upon any Pretence whatever, take or receive any Fee, Reward, Gratuity, or Recompence for any Act or Business by any such Justice or Clerk done or to be done in the Execution of his said Office or Employment within the said Division elsewhere than at the said New Bailey Court House or the said Town Hall in Salford aforesaid, or at Worsley or Barton-upon-Irwell or at Heaton Norris, or such other Place or Places as is, are, or shall be appointed under the Authority of this Act for the Sitting or Sittings of the said Justice for the Time being appointed or to be appointed under the said first-recited Act as aforesaid, upon Pain of forfeiting the Sum of One hundred Pounds for every such Offence, one Moiety thereof to the said Clerk for Divisional Business of the said Justice so appointed or to be appointed as aforesaid, to be by him carried to the Account of the Fee Fund herein-after mentioned, and to be considered Part of and applicable to the same Purposes as the said Fund, and the other Moiety thereof, with full Costs of Suit, to the Person who shall sue for the same in any of Her Majesty's Courts of Record at Westminster; and that any Summons or other Process which shall, after the said Process returnFirst Day of July One thousand eight hundred and forty-five, be able at any issued by any Justice of the Peace of the County of Lancaster, Place without requiring any Person residing within the said Division of Manchester to appear at any Place without the said Division to answer any Information or Complaint touching any Matter arising within the said Division, shall be utterly void and of none effect, any Law, Custom, or Usage to the contrary notwithstanding; provided that nothing in this Act contained shall be construed to extend 8 & 9 VICT.



the Division


Clerk to the

Justice for Borough Business

to receive all

Fees, and keep an Account thereof, and pay

them to the Treasurer of the Borough.

Clerk to Justice for Divisional Business to receive Fees, and render an Ac

to any Fees taken, payable, or demandable at any General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace.

XV. And be it enacted, That the said Clerk of the said Justice appointed or to be appointed under the said first-recited Act for Borough Business as aforesaid, or some Person to be appointed for that Purpose by the Council of the said Borough, shall receive all Fees and Monies chargeable and to be received for and in respect of any Act, Business, or Matter to be done or transacted by any Justice or Justices, or any Clerk or Clerks of any Justice or Justices, in the Execution or by virtue of his or their Office or Employment as Justice of Peace or Clerk as aforesaid at the sa Town Hall in Salford aforesaid, and shall keep a full, true, an particular Account in Writing of all such Fees and Monies, and shall once in every Quarter of a Year, or oftener if required. render such Account to the Council of the said Municipal Borough of Salford (the said Account to be verified by the Declaration of the said Clerk for Borough Business before some Justice of the Peace acting in and for the said Division of Manchester or Boroug of Salford, which Declaration every or any such Justice is hereby empowered to receive), and shall, at such Time and in such Manne as the said Council shall direct, pay all such Fees and Monies as he shall so from Time to Time receive unto the Treasurer for the Time being of the said Borough of Salford, who shall carry same to the Account and Credit of the Borough Fund of the same Borough, to be applied as Part thereof.


XVI. And be it enacted,. That the said Clerk to the said Justice appointed or to be appointed under the said first-recited Act for Divisional Business as aforesaid shall receive all Fees and Monies chargeable and to be received in respect of any Act of count thereof; Business to be done or transacted by any Justice or Justices, or the Clerk or Clerks of any Justice or Justices, in the Execution or by virtue of his or their Office or Employment as Justice of Peace or Clerk as aforesaid at the said New Bailey Court House in Salford aforesaid, or at any other Place or Places (other than and except the said Town Hall in Salford aforesaid, and other than and except Worsley or Barton-upon-Irwell and Heaton Norris aforesaid,) appointed or to be from Time to Time appointed for the sitting of the said Stipendiary Justice, as herein-before provided, and shall keep a full, true, and particular Account in Writing of all such Fees and Monies, and shall once in every Quarter of a Year, or oftener if required, render to the said Jus tices acting in and for the said Division of Manchester a true Account, verified by the Declaration of the said Clerk before some Justice acting in and for the said Division (which Declaration every or any such Justice is hereby empowered and authorized to receive), of all Fees and Monies received by him, and of all Pay ments made thereout, under the Authority of this Act, during the Period of such Account, in such Form and with such Particulars as the said Justices acting for the Division aforesaid shall from Time to Time require; and the same Duties shall be performed in like Manner by the said Clerks respectively to be appointed for Worsley or Barton-upon-Irwell and Heaton Norris aforesaid, s fully as if the same were herein repeated with respect to them respectively.

as also the Clerks for

Worsley, &c.


XVIL And be it enacted, That all Fees and Monies which the Fees received said Clerk for Divisional Business or the Clerk for Worsley or by Clerk for Divisional BusiBarton-upon-Irwell and Heaton Norris respectively shall so ness and by the receive as aforesaid shall be carried to the Account of a General Clerks for Fund, to be called "The Fee Fund of the Justices for the Di- Worsley, &c. to vision of Manchester," and which Fund, or so much thereof as shall be carried to not be from Time to Time required or applied for the Purposes Account of a herein-after mentioned, shall be placed and remain in such Bank General Fund. within the Town of Manchester or Salford as the Justices acting for the said Division shall from Time to Time direct: Provided always, that it shall be lawful for the said Justices, at any Meeting holden and previously notified as herein-before mentioned, if they shall think it necessary or expedient so to do, from Time to Time to appoint any fit Person to be Treasurer of the said Fee Fund, with such yearly or other Salary or Allowance, not exceeding the yearly Sum of Eighty Pounds, to be paid out of the same Fund, as the said Justices shall think fit, and to take such Security, in such Form and Manner as may be deemed requisite advisable for the due Performance of his Office, such Treasurer to be removable from his said Office at the Pleasure of the said Justices; and the said Justices shall have Power from Time to Time to make all such Orders and Regulations for securing the same Fund, and for keeping the Accounts relative thereto, as to such Justices shall seem expedient; and the said Fund shall be from Time to Time applied in or towards the Payment of the respective Salaries, Printing, Stationery, and other Charges and Expences by this Act directed or authorized to be paid thereout, and the Expences consequent upon any Sittings which may be held elsewhere than at the New Bailey Court House or at the Town Hall in Salford aforesaid, in pursuance of this Act.

XVIII And be it enacted, That no Clerk appointed under this Act, except as herein-after provided, shall during the Continuance of his Office, or within Six Calendar Months after he shall have resigned or shall have been removed from such Office, be coneerned, either by himself or any Partner, or in any Manner, directly or indirectly, as an Attorney or Agent in any Matter brought or to be brought before the Justices whose Clerk he is, or in any Prosecution at any Court of Sessions of the Peace, or of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery, arising out of or consequent upon any Proceeding before the Justices whose Clerk he is; and any Clerk who shall offend against this Enactment shall forfeit the Sum of Fifty Pounds, to be recovered, by any Person who will sue for the same, by Action of Debt or Information, to be commenced within Six Calendar Months next after the Commission of the Offence; but nothing herein contained shall subject any such Clerk to any Penalty for any Act done by him in the Discharge of his official Duty: Provided also, that the said Clerk for Borough Business, being paid by a fixed Salary in lieu of Fees and other Emoluments as aforesaid, both for his Services as Clerk to the said Justices and for conducting Prosecutions, may continue to conduct any Prosecutions at the General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace, or any adjourned Sessions thereof, or at the Assizes for any Offence committed within the Municipal Borough of Salford, provided that such Clerk account for and pay

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Clerks disqualified from acting as Attornies in certain Cases.

this Act.

over all Fees and Emoluments arising from such Prosecutions or received by him to the Treasurer of the said Borough, in aid of the Borough Fund.

Justices may XIX. And be it enacted, That for better providing for and make Rates for securing the Payment of the several Salaries, Charges, and Payment of Expences under Expences payable under this Act, it shall be lawful for the Justices of the Peace acting in and for the said County of Lancaster, at any General Quarter Sessions of the Peace holden by Adjournment within the Hundred of Salford aforesaid, and they are hereby required, from Time to Time to make a Rate or Rates, Assessment or Assessments (not exceeding the Amount herein-after limited) on all the rateable Property within the Limits of the said several Townships, Parts of Townships, or Places not included within the Limits of the said Municipal Boroughs of Salford and Stockport, and which, together with the said Municipal Borongh of Salford, are within the said Division of Manchester as aforesaid, for the Purpose of raising so much Money as, together with the Fee Fund herein-before mentioned (the Amount or probable Amount of which shall from Time to Time be ascertained or estimated by the said Justices as correctly as may be), shall be sufficient for the Payment of the said several Salaries, Charges, and Expences herein mentioned; such Rate or Rates, Assessment or Assessments, to be made in the same Manner as is now by Law directed, authorized, or practised for making County Rates.

Mode of ascer

rateable Pro


XX. Provided always, and be it enacted, That the annual taining Value of Value of the rateable Property within the Limits of the said several Townships, Parts of Townships, or Places rateable under this Act as aforesaid, as such Value shall have been or from Time to Time may be ascertained and determined for the Purpose of assessing the County Rate upon or within the same Townships. Parts of Townships, or Places respectively, shall or may be from Time to Time adopted and taken by the said Justices as the Basis of any Assessment and Rating to be made by them for the Pur poses of this Act as aforesaid, without any separate or other Valuation of such Property or any Part thereof being made or required.

Powers of
County Rate

Acts applied to

this Act.

XXI. And be it enacted, That all and every the Powers, Authorities, Provisions, Clauses, and Regulations given or contained by or in any Act or Acts of Parliament now subsisting and in force for or relating to the making, assessing, collecting, levying, paying, or enforcing of County Rates in England, shall, so far as the Nature of the Case will admit, and except as is herein otherwise specially provided, be deemed and taken to apply to the said Rate or Rates so by this Act directed or authorized to be made as aforesaid, as if the same Powers, Authorities, Provisions, Clauses, and Regulations were here severally repeated and re-enacted with reference to such Rate or Rates, and in the same Manner, and as fully and effectually in all respects, as if such Rate or Rates respectively were a County Rate assessed or to be assessed upon the said several Townships, Parts of Townships, or Places intended to be hereby made liable to the Payment thereof as aforesaid: Provided always, that the Sum to be raised by a Rate or Rates under the Authority of this Act as aforesaid shall not in any One Year exceed the Sum of One Penny in the Pound



upon the annual Value of the rateable Property in the several Townships, Parts of Townships, or Places aforesaid.

XXII. Provided also, and be it enacted, That the Overseer or Overseers of Overseers of the Poor of the said several Townships or Places the Poor to levy liable to the Payment of the Rate to be made under the Authority the Rates. of this Act as aforesaid, and as regards such Portions of the said Townships of Heaton Norris and Broughton respectively as are not included in the said several Municipal Boroughs of Stockport and Salford respectively, the respective Overseers of the Poor of the same Townships, or other the Person or Persons whose Duty it shall be to collect and levy the said Rate, shall, within the Time to be limited or expressed for that Purpose in or by the Order of the said Justices making such Rate as aforesaid, which Order shall of itself, and without any other Precept or Warrant whatsoever, be a sufficient Authority for the levying of the said Rate by such Overseer or Overseers, or other Person or Persons whose Duty it shall be to levy the same as aforesaid, levy and collect such Rate, and pay the Amount thereof into the Hands of the said Treasurer of the said Fee Fund, or if there be no such Treasurer, into the Hands of the said Clerk for Divisional Business, who shall carry the same to the Account of the said Fee Fund herein-before directed to be formed as aforesaid, and the same, together with the said Fees or other Monies to be from Time to Time received by the said Treasurer or Clerk for Divisional Business as aforesaid, shall constitute One aggregate Fund applicable for the Payment of the said several Salaries and other Charges and Payments by this Act directed or authorized to be paid thereout; and in case any such Overseer or Overseers of the Poor, or other Person or Persons whose Duty it shall be to collect or levy such Rate as aforesaid, shall neglect, make default, or refuse to pay the same within the Time to be limited or specified for that Purpose as aforesaid, to the said Treasurer or Clerk hereby appointed and authorized to receive the same as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful for any Justice of the Peace of the said County of Lancaster, upon Complaint thereof made by such Treasurer or Clerk as aforesaid, to levy the same by Distress and Sale of the Offender's Goods.

XXIII. Provided also, and be it enacted, That all or any For- Application of feitures or Penalties to be inflicted or recoverable under or by Penalties. virtue of any of the statutable Powers or Provisions hereby extended or made applicable to the said Rate hereby directed to be made and levied as aforesaid, in respect of such Rate, or any Proceeding relating thereunto, shall, when recovered, be paid to the said Treasurer of the said Fee Fund or to the said Clerk for Divisional Business as aforesaid, and shall be by him carried to the Account of the said General Fee Fund, and be applied as Part thereof.

zances estreated.

XXIV. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Application of Chancellor and Council of the Duchy of Lancaster for the Time Monies received being and they are hereby required, from Time to Time to make for RecogniOrders upon the Receiver General of the said Duchy to pay over the Amount of Monies (not exceeding the Sum of Eight hundred Pounds in any One Year) which shall or may be hereafter levied or received to Her Majesty's Use upon or by reason of Recog

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