from past Service or might accrue from future Service, according to the Nature of the Čase, for disgraceful Conduct in wilfully maiming or injuring himself, or any other Marine at the Instance of such Marine, with Intent to render himself or such other Marine unfit for the Service; in tampering with his Eyes; in malingering, feigning Disease, absenting himself from Hospital whilst under Medical Care, or other gross Violation of the Rules of any Hospital, thereby wilfully producing or aggravating Disease or Infirmity, or wilfully delaying his Cure; in purloining or selling Government Stores; in stealing any Money or Goods the Property of a Comrade, of a Military Officer, or of any Military, Divisional, or Regimental Mess; in producing false or fraudulent Accounts or Returns; in embezzling or fraudulently misapplying Public Money intrusted to him; or for any other disgraceful Conduct, being of a cruel, indecent, unnatural, felonious, or fraudulent Nature; and such Offender may be further put under Stoppages, not exceeding Two Thirds of his daily Pay, until the Amount be made good of any Loss or Damage arising out of his Misconduct ; and if any Marine shall be convicted of any such disgraceful Conduct, and shall be sentenced to Forfeiture of his Claim to Pension, the Court may further recommend him to be discharged with Ignominy from Her Majesty's Service; and every such Court shall deprive a Marine, if convicted of the Charge of habitual Drunkenness, of his Liquor, or of his Allowance in lieu of Beer or Liquor, or of any Proportion thereof, or of any Portion of additional or daily Pay, for any Period not exceeding Two Years, subject to Restoration on subsequent good Conduct; and in addition to any such Punishment the Court may, if it shall think fit, sentence such Offender to Imprisonment or to Corporal Punishment; provided that in all the aforegoing Cases the Sentence of a District or Garrison Court-martial shall be confirmed by the General Officer, Governor, or Senior Officer in command of the District, Garrison, Island, or Colony, and that such Court-martial shall not have Power to pass any Sentence of Death or Transportation; and the President of every Court-martial other than a General Court-martial shall be appointed by the Officer convening such Court-martial, and shall not be under the Rank of a Captain, save in the Case of a Detachment Court-martial holden out of Her Majesty's Dominions, or holden on board a Transport Ship, Troop Ship, Convict Ship, or Merchant Vessel. XIII. And be it enacted, That in Cases of Mutiny and gross Divisional Insubordination, or of any Offences committed on the Line of Courts-martial. March, or on board any Transport Ship, Troop Ship, Convict Ship, or Merchant Vessel, the Offence may be tried by a Divisional or Detachment Court-martial, and the Sentence confirmed and carried into execution on the Spot by the Officer in the immediate Command of the Troops; provided that the Sentence shall not exceed that which a Divisional Court-martial is competent to award; and a Divisional or Detachment Court-martial may try any Marine for habitual Drunkenness, and may sentence any Marine to Imprisonment, with or without hard Labour, for any Period not exceeding Forty Days, or to solitary Confinement not exceeding Twenty Days, or may sentence a Marine to Imprisonment, Part thereof to be with or without hard Labour, and Part thereof Marines sentenced to Imprisonment to undergo Sentence in such Prison as the Court, &c. shall appoint. Discharge or Forfeiture of Pay. thereof in solitary Confinement: Provided also, that when_the Imprisonment so to be adjudged shall be Part in solitary Confinement and Part otherwise, the whole Period shall not exceed Twenty Days, and the Part thereof in solitary Confinement shall not exceed Ten Days; and a Divisional or Detachment Courtmartial may sentence any Marine, for being drunk when on or for Duty or Parade or on the Line of March, to be deprived of a Penny a Day of his Pay for any Period not exceeding Thirty Days, in addition to any other Punishment which such Court may award; and every such Court shall deprive a Marine convicted of habitual Drunkenness of his Liquor when issued in Kind, or of his Allowance in lieu of Beer or Liquor, or of such Proportion thereof, or of such Portion of his additional or regular Pay, for such Period, not exceeding Six Months, as may accord with the Articles of War, subject to Restoration on good Conduct. XX. And be it enacted, That any Marine sentenced by a Courtmartial to Imprisonment with or without hard Labour, whether directed to be kept in solitary Confinement for the whole or any Portion or Portions of such Imprisonment or not, shall undergo such Sentence in such public Prison or other Place as may in each Case be appointed by the Court, or the Commissioners for the Time being for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom, or the Commanding Officer of the Division to which the Offender belongs or is attached, or the Officer commanding the District, Garrison, Island, or Colony: Provided always, that it shall be lawful for the Officer commanding the Division, in the Case of a Prisoner imprisoned under the Sentence of a Divisional Court-martial, of his sole Authority, and in all other Cases with the Consent of the Officer commanding the District, Garrison, Island, or Colony, or of the Officer by whom the Sentence of the Court shall have been confirmed, as the Case may be, to give at any Period of any such Imprisonment, and as often as Occasion may arise, an Order in Writing, directing that the Prisoner may be discharged, or be removed in Military Custody to some other public Prison or Place of Confinement, there to undergo the Remainder or any Part of his Sentence, or for the Purpose of being brought before a Court-martial either as a Witness or for Trial; and such Prisoner shall accordingly, on the Production of such Order, be discharged, or delivered up for Removal and be removed, as the Case may be: Provided also, that the Time of Removal from one public Prison or Place of Confinement to another, or during which any Prisoner shall be detained in Military Custody, for whatever Purpose such Detention shall take place, shall be reckoned as Imprisonment under his Sentence. XXVI. And be it enacted, That no Marine who shall absent himself without Leave, or shall desert, shall be entitled to receive any Pay for the Time during which he shall have been absent from his Duty without due Authority; nor shall any Marine be entitled to Pay, or to reckon Service towards Pay or Pension, for any Period during which he shall be in Confinement under the Sentence of any Court, or shall be absent on any Charge cognizable by any Justice of the Peace or by any Court of Criminal Judicature, or by reason of any Arrest for Debt, or while he shall be in Con Confinement or absent as a Prisoner of War; but if any Marine shall absent himself without Leave for any Period not exceeding Five Days, and shall not account for such Absence to the Satisfaction of his Commanding Officer, or if any Marine shall be guilty of any other Offence which the Commanding Officer may not think necessary to bring before a Court-martial, the Commanding Officer may order that such Marine shall be imprisoned for any Period not exceeding Seven Days, and with or without hard Labour or solitary Confinement, as the said Commanding Officer may think fit; and such Marine shall forfeit his Pay for any Day or Days on which he may be so imprisoned; and the said Commanding Officer may moreover order that, in addition to or instead of such Imprisonment and Forfeiture, or any other Punishment which he has Authority to inflict, any Marine who shall have so absented himself as aforesaid shall forfeit his Pay for the Day or Days on which he shall have so absented himself, and in pursuance of any such Order as aforesaid the Pay of the Marine shall be accordingly forfeited; and such Marine shall not be liable to be afterwards tried by a Court-martial for any Offence for which he shall have been so ordered to suffer Imprisonment, Punishment, or Forfeiture as aforesaid; provided that any Marine who shall be so ordered to suffer Imprisonment or Forfeiture of Pay shall, if he so request, have a Right to insist on being tried by a Court-martial for his Offence instead of submitting to such Forfeiture, and if acquitted of the Offence for which he shall have been in Confinement shall, upon his return to his Duty, be allowed to receive the Arrears of Pay, and to reckon Service for the Time he shall have been so absent; and when a Marine shall rejoin Her Majesty's Service upon his Release from Confinement as a Prisoner of War due Inquiry shall be made by a Court-martial into the Circumstances of his Case, and if it shall be proved to the Satisfaction of such Court that such Marine became a Prisoner without wilful Neglect or Fault on his Part, and that he hath not served with or in any Manner aided the Enemy, and that he hath returned as soon as he possibly could to Her Majesty's Service, he may thereupon be recommended by such Court to the said Commissioners to receive the whole or any Proportion of his Pay, and to reckon Service for the Time he shall have been so absent: Provided also, that it shall be lawful for the said Commissioners to order or withhold the Payment of the Pay of any Officer or Marine for the Period during which he shall have been absent from any of the Causes aforesaid, except that any Marine acquitted of any Offence for which he had been committed shall always upon Return to his Duty be entitled to receive all Arrears of Pay growing due, and to reckon Service during his Absence or Confinement. XXIX. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Con- Apprehension stable of any Place where any Person reasonably suspected to be of Deserters. a Deserter shall be found, or of any adjoining Place, and if no such Constable can be immediately met with to secure him, then for any Officer, Marine, or other Soldier in Her Majesty's Service, to apprehend or cause such suspected Person to be apprehended, and cause him to be brought before any Justice living in or near such Place, and acting for the same or any adjoining County, who shall examine such suspected Person; and if by his Confession, or Custody and Deserters. or the Testimony of One or more Witnesses upon Oath, or by the Knowledge of such Justice, it shall appear that any Person brough before him is a Marine unlawfully absent from his Duty, such Jus tice shall forthwith cause him to be conveyed to the nearest of most convenient public Prison in the same or any next adjoining County, or in case such Deserter shall be apprehended in the Vicinity of any Military Prison, to the Governor or Provost Marshal of such Prison, and shall transmit an Account thereof, in the Form prescribed for that Purpose in the Schedule annexed to this Act, to the Secretary of the Admiralty, with a Description of the Person of such Deserter, and the Name of the Division to which he shall belong, and also certifying the Names of the Persons by whom the Deserter was apprehended; and if the Lord High Ad miral, or the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral, shall be satisfied such last-mentioned Persons are justly entitled to a Reward for such Apprehension, the said Secretary shall in return transmit to such Justice an Order upon the proper Department for the Payment of the Sum of Twenty Shillings as a Reward to the Persons so certified to be entitled thereto; which Reward shall be paid and charged against the Pay and Subsistence of any such Deserter, and stopped out of the same; or if such Deserter shall be apprehended by any Soldier or Party of Soldiers of his own or any other Corps, or shall be apprehended in the Vicinity of the Head Quarters of the Corps to which he shall belong, then such Justice shall deliver such Deserter to the Party of his Corps, or may order him to be taken to the Head Quarters of the Corps instead of committing him to Prison; and for every such Information, Commitment, and Report as aforesaid the Clerk of the said Justice may be entitled to a Fee of Two Shillings and no more, which shall also be charged against and stopped out of the Pay of the Deserter; and every Gaoler or other Person into whose Custody any Person charged with Desertion is committed shall immediately upon the Receipt of the Person so charged into his Custody, notify the Fact to the said Secretary, and transmit also to the said Secretary a Copy of the Commitment. XXXIII. And be it enacted, That the Gaoler or other Person having the immediate Superintendence of any Prison, Gaol, House of Correction, or other Place of Confinement in any Part of Her Majesty's Dominions, shall diet and supply every Marine in his Custody with Fuel and other Necessaries, according to the Regula tions of the Prison or Place of Confinement to which he shall be so committed, and shall receive on account of every such Marine, during his Imprisonment, Sixpence per Diem for his Subsistence, to be issued out of the Pay of such Marine, upon Application in Writing to the Secretary of the Admiralty, signed by any Justice within whose Jurisdiction such Prison shall be locally situated, together with a Copy of the Order of Commitment, and which Sum of Sixpence per Diem shall be carried to the Credit of the Fund from which the Expence of such Prison or Place of Confinement is defrayed; and all Gaolers and Keepers of Prisons and Places of Confinement shall and they are hereby authorized and required to receive and confine every Deserter from the Royal Marines who shall be delivered into their Charge by any Officer, Soldier, or Marine conveying any such Deserter under lawful lawful Authority, on the Production of the Warrant or Authority on which such Deserter shall have been taken or detained; and every Gaoler or Keeper so receiving a Deserter shall be entitled to One Shilling for the safe Custody of him while halted on the March, and to such daily Subsistence as is herein-before provided for the Maintenance of Marines confined under any Sentence or otherwise. XXXIV. And be it enacted, That every Gaoler or Person Notice of Exhaving the immediate Inspection of any Prison, Gaol, House of piration of ImCorrection, or other Place of Confinement, having Notice, or who prisonment. shall have Reason to believe or to know, that any Person in his Custody is a Marine, liable to serve Her Majesty, shall, on receiving him into Custody, and also previous to the Expiration of the Period of the Imprisonment of such Marine, give One Month's Notice, or if there shall not be sufficient Time for a Month's Notice, then the longest practicable Notice thereof, to the Secretary of the Admi ralty. Laws relating to Billets and Carriages. LVI. And be it enacted, That if any Constable or other Person Penalties upon who by virtue of this Act shall be employed in billetting any Civil Subjects Officers or Marines in any Part of the United Kingdom shall offending presume to billet any such Officer or Marine in any House not against the within the Meaning of this Act, without the Consent of the Owner or Occupier thereof; or shall neglect or refuse to billet any Officer or Marine on Duty when thereunto required, in such Manner as is by this Act directed, provided sufficient Notice be given before the Arrival of such Marines; or shall receive, demand, or agree for any Money or Reward whatsoever, in order to excuse any Person from receiving any such Officer or Marine; or shall quarter any of the Wives, Children, Men or Maid Servants of any Officer or Marine in any such Houses against the Consent of the Occupiers; or shall neglect or refuse to execute such Warrants of the Justices as shall be directed to him for providing Carriages, Horses, or Vessels, or shall demand more than the legal Rates for the same; or if any Person ordered by any Constable in manner herein-before directed to provide Carriages, Horses, or Vessels shall refuse or neglect to provide the same according to the Orders of such Constable, or shall demand more than the legal Rates for the same, or shall do any Act or Thing by which the Execution of any Warrants for providing Carriages, Horses, or Vessels shall be hindered; or if any Person liable by this Act to have any Officer or Marine quartered on him shall refuse to receive any such Officer or Marine, or to afford him proper Accommodation or Diet in the House of such Person in which he is quartered, or to furnish the several Things directed to be furnished to Officers and Marines, or shall neglect or refuse to furnish good and sufficient Stables, together with good and sufficient Hay and Straw, for each Horse, at the Rate established by this Act, and in such Quantities as shall be fixed by Her Majesty's Regulations, not exceeding Eighteen Pounds of Hay and Six Pounds of Straw per Diem for each Horse, or shall pay any Sum of Money to any Marine on the March in lieu of furnishing in Kind the Diet and Small Beer to which such Marine is entitled; such Constable, Victualler, and other Person respectively shall forfeit for every Offence, Neglect, 8&9 VICT. |