صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Persons assessed

in Places other

than where they reside to deliver Certifi

inents to the Surveyor.

Assessors or Collectors of the said Duties for the same Parish
Place where the Person intending to compound shall reside, or i
the Presence of such Surveyor, who respectively shall subscrit
his Name thereto as attesting such Signature; and every suc
Notice shall bear Date on the Day of signing the same, and sha
contain a full, true, and complete Return or List of the greate
Number of Servants, Carriages, Horses, and all other Articles <
his Establishment chargeable with Duty upon which he shall b
entitled to compound under this Act, and which have been kept
retained, or employed by him at any Time during the Year com
mencing from the Fifth Day of April One thousand eight hundre
and forty-four; and every Person intending to renew his formi
Composition under this Act shall on or before the respective Day
or Times herein-before limited for the Delivery of such Notices
aforesaid, deliver or cause to be delivered, in like Manner, to suệ
Surveyor as aforesaid, the Contract of his former Composition,
a true Copy or Certificate thereof, under the Hands of any Tw
of the Commissioners acting for the Division in which suc
Contract was entered into, together with a Notice in such Form a
shall be provided by the said Commissioners of Stamps and Taxe
in that Behalf, and signed and attested in the Manner herein-befor
directed with regard to Notices of Intention to compound, declarin
the Intention of such Person to renew such former Composition
and contain a full, true, and complete Return or List of the greates
Number of Servants, Carriages, Horses, and other Articles of hi
Establishment chargeable with Duty which shall have been kep
and retained or employed by such Person at any Time during
the Year commencing from the Fifth Day of April One thousand
eight hundred and forty-five.

XVIII. And be it enacted, That every Person who shall be assessed for any Servants, Carriages, Horses, or other taxabl Articles, for the Year ending the Fifth Day of April One thousand eight hundred and forty-six, in Two or more Divisions in Great cates of Assess-Britain, or who shall be assessed for that Year in a different Division from that in which he resides, and who shall be desirous of compounding under this Act, shall deliver or cause to be delivered, in manner aforesaid, to the Surveyor of Taxes to whom b is by this Act required to give Notice of his Intention to com pound, a Certificate under the Hand of the Surveyor of the Division, or of each Division in which he shall be so assessed a aforesaid, containing the Particulars of such Assessment in evey such Division, according to such Form as shall be provided by the Commissioners of Stamps and Taxes in that Behalf.

Surveyor to examine Notices

of Intention to compound or renew Compositions, and to deliver the same with his Certificate to the Commissioners.

XIX. And be it enacted, That all such Notices and Contracts. or Copies of Certificates of Contracts, and Certificates of Assessment, by this Act directed to be delivered to the Surveyors of Taxes by Persons intending to compound or to renew any Com position, may respectively be retained in the Hands of the said Surveyors respectively until the Expiration of Two Calendar Months after the Delivery thereof; and every such Surveyor shall carefully and diligently inspect and examine every Assessment relating to the Persons so applying to compound or to renew any Composition as aforesaid, and every Contract of Composition


entered into under the said former Acts by any such Persons respectively, and also any Notices which may have been delivered by such Persons under the said Acts to discontinue any increased Establishment set up under any such former Contract; and after such Examination thereof every such Surveyor shall deliver all such Notices and Contracts, or Copies or Certificates of Contracts, and Certificates of Assessment, to the Clerks of the respective Commissioners authorized by this Act to contract for such Compositions, and for the Renewal of such former Compositions; and such Surveyor shall also certify to the said Commissioners, either his Satisfaction with the Notices delivered in such Cases, or his Objection thereto, and the Grounds of such Objection, and the Amount of Duty on which every such Composition ought to be made or renewed; and no Composition shall be entered into or renewed in any of the Cases so objected to until a full and complete Return shall be made of every Article chargeable with Duty on which the Composition ought to be made under the Provisions of this Act; and every Composition entered into or renewed contrary to the Provisions of this Act shall be void and of no Effect, and the Person entering into or renewing the same shall be liable to Assessment and to the Charge of the respective Surveyors, according to the Provisions of the Acts in force relating to Assessed Taxes, as if no Composition had been entered into or renewed.


XX. Provided always, and be it enacted, That where by any Errors or MisError or Mistake the just Amount of Duty shall not be duly takes in Compo computed or inserted in the Contract of Composition, it shall be sitions may be lawful for the Commissioners of Stamps and Taxes, by Certificate under the Hands of any Two or more of them directed to the Commissioners of the Division by whom such Contract shall have been made or allowed, to certify such Error or Mistake, and to direct the same to be amended or а new Contract made and executed in such Manner as may seem to the said Commissioners of Stamps and Taxes to be expedient to obviate such Error or Mistake, and conformable to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act; and the Commissioners to whom such Certificate shall be directed shall cause such Contract to be amended or a new Contract to be entered into accordingly.

XXI. And be it enacted, That no Contract for the making or Contracts not renewing of any Composition under this or any former Act shall liable to Duty. be liable to any Stamp Duty.

XXII. And be it enacted, That this Act may be amended or Alteration of repealed by any Act to be passed in this present Session of Act. Parliament.

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SCHEDULE containing the FORMS referred to in the foregoing Act.


Vict. c.

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We, the undersigned, Two of the Commissioners acting in the Execution of the Acts relating to the Duties of Assessed Taxes for the Division of

in pursuance of the said Act

Vict. c.

aforesaid, have, by virtue and contracted and agreed with the above-named for a Composition for the Duties of Assessed Taxes above specified for the Term of Five Years, to be computed from the 5th Day of April 1846; and for such Composition the said

his Executors or Administrators, shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the Collectory of the Duties of Assessed Taxes for the said Parish of or one of them, for the Usef being the Amost

Her Majesty, in each and every Year of the said Term, the Sum of
of the Duties above stated, together with the several Per-centage Rates granted by the several Ac
of Parliament in that Behalf; and such Payment shall be made by Two equal half-yearly Instal
ments; viz.,

First Instalment on or before the 10th Day of October,
Second Instalment on or before the 5th Day of April,

in each and every Year of the Term aforesaid.

Dated this

Witness to the signing by

Day of

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the Party hereto.



Vict. c.


in the Parish of


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

Horses not exceeding 13 Hands in Height 59 Geo. 3. c. 13. s. 3.
Race Horses

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5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 64. s. 15.

Schedule (G.)

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

£ s. d.

[Specify the Amount, with the Rates per Cent., and the Acts under

which the same are chargeable.]

Additional £10 per Cent., under the 3 Vict. c. 17.

[merged small][ocr errors]

Vict. c.

We, the undersigned, Two of the Commissioners acting in the Execution of the Acts relating to the Duties of Assessed Taxes for the Division of aforesaid, have, by virtue and in pursuance of the said Act contracted and agreed with the above-named for the Renewal of the Composition heretofore entered into by him, in pursuance of the Statutes in that Behalf, for the Duties of Assessed Taxes above specified, and which Renewal we do hereby make for the Term of Five Years, to be computed from the 5th Day of April 1846; and for such Composition and Renewal the said his Executors or Administrators, shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the Collectors of the Duties of Assessed Taxes for the said Parish of or one of them, for the Use of Her Majesty, in each and every Year of the being the Amount of the Duties above stated, together with the several Per-centage Rates granted by the several Acts of Parliament in that Behalf; and such Payment shall be made by Two equal half yearly Instalments; viz., First Instalment on or before the 10th Day of October, Second Instalment on or before the 5th Day of April,

said Term, the Sum of

in each and every Year of the Term aforesaid.

Dated this

Day of


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21 & 22 G. 3. (I.)

1 & 2 G. 4. c. 72.

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An Act to regulate the Issue of Bank Notes in Ireland, an
to regulate the Repayment of certain Sums advanced b
the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland fo
the Public Service.
[21st July 1845.
WHEREAS by an Act passed in the Parliament of Irelan
in the Twenty-first and Twenty-second Years of the
'Reign of His Majesty King George the Third, intituled An Ac
'for establishing a Bank by the Name of the Governors and
Company of the Bank of Ireland, it was amongst other thing
enacted, that from and after the passing of that Act it shoul
not be lawful for any Body Politic or Corporate erected or t
be erected, other than the Corporation thereby intended to be
'created and erected into a National Bank, or for any other
'Persons whatsoever united or to be united in Covenants c
Partnership exceeding the Number of Six Persons, to borrow.
owe, or take up any Sum or Sums of Money on their Bills or
Notes payable at demand, or at any less Time than Six Months
from the borrowing thereof, under a Penalty or Forfeiture by
such Persons, Bodies Politic or Corporate, of treble the Sum or
'Sums so to be borrowed or taken up on such Bill or Bills, Note
or Notes, one Moiety thereof to be paid to the Informer, and the
other to the Use of His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, to
be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information in
any of His Majesty's Courts of Record at Dublin: And whereas,
in pursuance of the Powers in the said Act of Parliament
contained, a Charter of Incorporation was granted to certain
Persons, by the Name of the Governor and Company of the
'Bank of Ireland: And whereas by an Act passed in the First
' and Second Years of the Reign of His Majesty King George
the Fourth, intituled An Act to establish an Agreement with
"the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland for
advancing the Sum of Five hundred thousand Pounds Irish
Currency, and to empower the said Governor and Company to
' enlarge the Capital Stock or Fund of the said Bank to Three
million Pounds, it was enacted, that it might be lawful for any
Number of Persons in Ireland united or to be united in Society
or Partnership, and residing and having their Establishments in
'Houses of Business at any Place not less than Fifty Miles distant
from Dublin, to borrow, owe, or take up any Sum or Sums of
Money on their Bills or Notes payable on demand, and to make
and issue such Notes or Bills accordingly, payable on demand
at any Place in Ireland exceeding the Distance of Fifty Miles
from Dublin, all the Individuals composing such Societies or
Partnerships being liable and responsible for the due Payment
of such Bills or Notes; but nothing therein contained was to
extend or be construed to extend to authorize any Persons
exceeding Six in Number, or any Bodies Politic or Corporate.
residing or having their Establishment or House of Business
within the Distance of Fifty Miles from Dublin, to make or issue
any Bill or Bills of Exchange, or any Promissory Note or Notes,
contrary to the Provisions of the said in part recited Act of the
Twenty-first and Twenty-second Years of the Reign of King

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