صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Sessional Division of

in which she resides, this

in the said County of
Day of

in the

Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and forty

who saith that she hath been delivered of a Bastard Child more than Twelve Calendar Months before this Day, to wit, on the in the Year of our Lord

Day of of

One thousand eight hundred and forty


and alleges that

in the County of

is the Father of such Child, and having given Proof to me that the said did within the Twelve Calendar Months next after the Birth of such Child pay Money for its Maintenance, maketh Application to me for a Summons to be served upon the said to appear at a Petty Session to be


holden for the Petty Sessional Division (a) which I usually act, to answer such Complaint as she shall then and there make touching the Premises.

Exhibited before me, the Day and

Year first above written.


() or City, Borough, or other Place, as the Case may be.

No. 6.

Summons when the Application is made by a Woman after Birth, where the alleged Father has paid Money within Twelve Months after the Birth.

to wit.

1 To


Jin the County of


of the Parish of

WHEREAS Application hath this Day been made to me, the undersigned, One of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the (a) by single Woman, residing at in the (b) Petty Sessional Division of the said County for which I act, who hath been delivered of a Bastard Child more than Twelve Calendar Months before this Day, of which Bastard Child she alleges you to be the Father, and for the Maintenance whereof she hath given me Proof that you did within the Twelve Calendar Months next after its Birth pay Money, for a Summons to be served upon you to appear at a Petty Sessions of the Peace, according to the Form of the Statute in such Case made and provided.

These are therefore to require you to appear at the Petty Session of the Justices holden at being the Petty Session for the Division (b) in which I usually act, on (c)


of the Clock in the

[blocks in formation]

(a) or County, City, Borough, or other Place, as the Case may be. (b) or City, Borough, or other Place

() Insert some Day, at least Six Days after the Date of the Summons, and after the Day when the same can be served upon the Man, or at his Place of Abode.


sand eight hundred and forty

to answer any Complaint

which she shall then and there make against you touching the Premises.

Herein fail you not.

Given under my Hand, at


Day of

in the County (b)

in the Year

[ocr errors]

of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and forty Note.-If you neglect to appear at the Petty Sessions, as above stated, the Justices, upon Proof that this Summons has been duly served upon you, or left at your last Place of Abode, may proceed, if they think fit, to make an Order upon you, as the putative Father of the Child above referred to, to pay a weekly Sum to the said Mother for its Maintenance, and other Sums for Costs and Expences.

(b) or City, Borough, or other Place

No. 7.

Form of Order when Application was made by a Woman with

to wit.

and for the


AT a Petty Session of Her Majesty's Justices of the J Peace for the County (a) of

said County (a), at


hundred and forty

[blocks in formation]

Justices of the Peace for the said (a) County.


within this (a) Division, being with Child, did on the

Day of

hundred and forty

in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight make Application to

One of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace acting for this () Division, for a Summons to be served upon one

of the


Parish of in the County (a) of whom she, being duly sworn before the said her Oath stated (b) to be the Father of the Child with which she was then pregnant; and the said Justice thereupon issued his Summons to the said to appear at a Petty Session to be holden on this Day for this Division (a) in which the said Justice usually acts, to answer her Complaint touching the Premises: And whereas the said hath been lately

delivered of a Bastard Child: And whereas the said having been duly served with the said Summons, and appearing in pursuance thereof (d) ; and the said

having now applied to us, the Justices in Petty Session assembled, for an Order upon the said according to the Form of the Statute in such Case made and provided; and it being

(*) or City, Borough, or other Place, as the Case may be, (*) or affirmed

() Insert here, if the Defendant do not appear, "Six Days at least before this Day, as is now proved before us," or "the same having been left at his last Place of Abode Six Days at least before this Day, as is now proved before us," and rase the Words in Italics.


now proved to us, in the Presence and Hearing of the said (e) that the said Child was, since the passing of an Act passed in the Eighth Year of the Reign of Her present Majesty, intituled "An Act for the further Amendment of the Laws relating to the Poor in England," that is to say, on the in the Year of our Lord

Day of
One thousand eight hundred and forty
the Body of the said

Presence and Hearing of the said (e)
Evidence of such Woman

as she hath produced, and having
tendered by

born a Bastard of

; and we having, in the heard the

and such other Evidence also heard all the Evidence the said

the Mother of the

and the Evidence of the said said Child, having been corroborated in some material Particular by other Testimony to our Satisfaction, Do hereby adjudge the said to be the putative Father of the said Bastard Child; and, having regard to all the Circumstances of this Case, we do now hereby order, That the said

do pay

unto the said the Mother of the said Bastard Child, so long as she shall live and shall be of sound Mind, and shall not be in any Gaol or Prison, or under Sentence of Transportation, or to the Person who may be appointed to have the Custody of such Child under the Provisions of the said Statute, the Sum of (8) per Week for the first Six Weeks from the Birth of the said Child, and from the Expiration of such Six Weeks the Sum of (h) per Week until the said Child shall attain the Age of Thirteen Years, or shall die, or the said shall marry: And we do hereby further order

the said


Order. (i)

the Sum

to pay to the said being the Costs incurred in obtaining this

Given under our Hands and Seals, at the Session aforesaid.

() Should the Defendant not appear, erase the Words in Italics. (f) Should the Defendant appear by Attorney or Counsel, it will be then only necessary to erase the Word "by” and add " on behalf of"; but should he not appear himself, or by Attorney or Counsel, then erase the Words in Italics.

(8) Not to exceed Five Shillings. If the Justices decline to allow the Payment from the Birth of any Sum, erase the Words in Italics, and before the Word " until " insert the Time from which Payment is to be made, according to their Judgment. (h) Not to exceed Two Shillings and Sixpence.

(1) If the Justices should decide upon allowing such Expences, insert here, “and the Sum of Ten Shillings for the Midwife."

No. 8.

Form of Order when Application was made by a Woman after


AT a Petty Session of Her Majesty's Justices of the

to wit. Peace for the County (a) of

and for the
said (4) County, at

(a) Division of
on the

holden in

in the


in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight

(*) or City, Borough, or other Place, as the Case may be.


[blocks in formation]

Day of

in the Year of our Lord having been

One of Her Majesty's

One thousand eight hundred and forty delivered of a Bastard Child within Twelve Calendar Months prior thereto, make Application to Justices of the Peace acting for this (a) Division, for a Summons to be served upon one whom she alleged to be the Father of the said Child (b); and the said Justice thereupon issued his Summons to the said


to appear at a Petty Session to be holden on this Day for this (a) Division in which the said Justice usually acts, to answer

her Complaint touching the Premises : And whereas the said having been duly served with the said Summons within Forty Days from this Day (c) (") and now appearing in pursuance thereof


and the said having now applied to us the Justices in Petty Session assembled for an Order upon the said to the Form of the Statute in such Case made and provided; and it being now proved to us, in the Presence and Hearing of the said (*) that the said Child was, since (1) the passing of an Act passed in the Eighth Year of the Reign of Her present Majesty, intituled "An Act for the further Amendment of the Laws relating to the Poor in England," (that is to say) on the in the Year of our Lord One

Day of

thousand eight hundred and forty Body of the said

and Hearing of the said (e)

such Woman


born a Bastard of the

; and we having, in the Presence

heard the Evidence of

and such other Evidence as she

hath produced, and having also heard all the Evidence tendered

by (1)

the said

and the Evidence of the said the Mother of the said Child, having been corroborated in some material Particular by other Testimony to our Satisfaction, Do hereby adjudge the said


be the putative Father of the said Bastard Child; and, having

() or City, Borough, or other Place, as the Case may be.

(When the Application is made after the Expiration of Twelve Months from the Birth, but the alleged Father has paid Money for the Maintenance of the Child, for the Word "within” substitute the Words "more than"; and after the Word “Child" insert" and who was proved before the said Justice to have paid Money for the Maintenance of the said Child within Twelve Calendar Months after its Birth;"

(c) If the Order be made at an adjourned Session, insert the Day of the Commencement of the Session, adding these Words, "from which Day the hearing of this Case hath been adjourned, and erase the Words “ this Day”

(4) If the Defendant do not appear, insert here “ and Six Days at least before this Day, as is now proved before us," or "the same having been left at his last Place of Abode Six Days at least before this Day, as is now proved before us," and erase the Words which follow in Italics.

(*) Should the Defendant not appear, erase the Words in Italics.

() or within Six Calendar Months before

(E) Should the Defendant appear by Attorney or Counsel, it will be then only necessary to erase the Word "by" and add "on behalf of"; but should he not appear Aimself, or by Attorney or Counsel, then erase the Words in Italics.


regard to all the Circumstances of this Case, we do now hereby order, That the said do pay unto the said

the Mother of the said Bastard Child, so long as she shall live and shall be of sound Mind, and shall not be in any Gaol or Prison, or under Sentence of Transportation, or to the Person who may be appointed to have the Custody of such Bastard Child under the Provisions of the said Statute, the Sum of (h) per

Week for the first Six Weeks from the Birth of the said Child, and from the Expiration of such Six Weeks the Sum of per Week

until the said Child shall attain the Age of Thirteen Years, or shall die, or the said shall marry: And we do hereby further order the said the said the Sum of

incurred in obtaining this Order. (i)

to pay to

being the Costs

Given under our Hands and Seals, at the Session aforesaid.

(h) Not to exceed Five Shillings. This larger Amount for the Six Weeks cannot be allowed, unless the Application has been made within Two Calendar Months after the Birth. If the Application has not been made within this Time, or the Justices do not think it right to allow that or any less Sum from the Birth, erase the Words in Italics, and proceed thus: " per Week from the said Day of

last, being the Day upon which such Application was made to the said Justice as aforesaid."

(i) If the Justices should decide upon allowing such Expences, insert here, “and the Sum of Ten Shillings for the Midwife."

No. 9.

Common Form of Recognizance, with the following Condition. WHEREAS by an Order under the Hands and Seals of assembled at a Petty Session of

to wit.

Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the (*) County of

holden in and for the

the said County, at Day of


(a) Division of

[blocks in formation]


in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight

the said


hundred and forty adjudged to be the putative Father of a Bastard Child, of which had been then lately delivered, and was ordered to pay to her certain Sums of Money therein set forth: And whereas the said hath given to the said Notice of his Intention to appeal against the said Order to the General Quarter Session of the Peace to be holden (1) on



Day of

next for the County

Now the Condition of this Recognizance is such, that if the above-named do appear at the General Quarter Session of the Peace to be held at in and for the (a) County of Day of

hundred and forty

on the

in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight and then and there try such Appeal,

(a) or City, Borough, or other Place

(b) If the Notice of Appeal do not set out the Day on which the Quarter Session is to be holden, this Recital and the Condition must be altered accordingly.


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