I Friday • To be inserted at the End of each Period of Four Weeks. being [the Banker, Chief Cashier, Managing Director, or Partner of the Bank, or other Officer duly authorized by the Director, as the Case may be,] do hereby certify, That the above is a true Account of the Notes in Circulation and Coin held by the said Bank during the Week above written. SCHE Dated the Day of 18 • (Signed) I hereby certify, That each of the Bankers named in the above Return who have issued Amount of Notes beyond that authorized in their Certificate [with the Exception of A.B [Place] Officer of the Stam SCHEDULE (C.) [Day] [Month] [Year] for Value received by C.D. Twenty-one Days after Date I promise to pay to A.B. of [Place], or his Orde the Sum of Witness, E.F. [Place] [Day] [Month] [Year] A.B Twenty-one Days after Date pay to A.B. of [Place], or his Order, the S Value received, as advised by of To E.F. of [Place]. Witness, G.H. E.D. A.B. CAF An Act to amend the Law of Arrestment of Wages in WHEREAS an Act was passed in the Sixth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled An Act to alter and amend an Act passed in the Thirty- 6 G. 4. c. 48. winth and Fortieth Years of King George the Third, for the Recovery of Small Debts in Scotland: And whereas another Act was passed in the First Year of the Reign of Her present Majesty, intituled An Act for the more effectual Recovery of 7 W. 4. & Small Debts in the Sheriff's Courts, and for regulating the 1 Vict. c. 41. Establishment of Circuit Courts for the Trial of Small Debt Causes by the Sheriffs, in Scotland: And whereas it is expedient that the said Acts should be amended, as regards the Arrestment of Wages: Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's Bost Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of he Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present arliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That Arrestment of om and after the passing of this Act it shall not be lawful or Wages not commpetent to arrest Wages upon the Dependence of any Action petent on Dependence of ised by virtue of the said recited Acts, any thing therein con- Action. ained to the contrary notwithstanding. II. And be it enacted, That this Act may be amended or Alteration of pealed by any Act to be passed during the present Session of Act. Parliament. CA P. XL. An Act for amending an Act for making Provision for [21st July 1845.] WHEREAS an Act was passed in the Forty-third Year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the Third, inti tuled An Act for making better Provision for the Parochial 43 G.3. c. 54. *Schoolmasters, and for making further Regulations for the better Government of the Parish Schools in Scotland: And whereas by the said Act it is provided, that if the Heritors, qualified as thereby required, and Minister, shall fail to elect a Schoolmaster within Four Calendar Months from the Time the Vacancy shall have taken place, then the Presbytery within the Bounds of which the Parish is situated shall apply to the Convener of the Commissioners of Supply of the County or Stewartry, who, or any Five of them, at a Meeting to be called by the Convener upon Thirty Days Notice, shall have Power, jure devoluto, and are hereby directed, to elect a Person to supply the Vacancy: And whereas in various Cases of Vacancies the Presbyteries have failed to apply to the Convener of the Commissioners of Supply so as to enable him to call such Meeting for the Exercise by the Commissioners of Supply of the jus devolutum so conferred upon them, and great Inconvenience and Injury 'have been experienced by Parishes, in consequence of School'masters not having been elected to supply such Vacancies:' Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, Ff 4 Election of and of Applivener, the Com cation to Con missioners of Supply to ap point. Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assemblei On Failure of and by the Authority of the same, That failing such Election aforesaid, and such Application by the Presbytery to the Cot vener of the Commissioners of Supply, then, within Twenty-on Days after the Expiration of the Four Months after which Presbytery is so required to apply to the Convener of the Con missioners of Supply, it shall be lawful for any Heritor of th Parish to make Intimation of the Vacancy, whether now existin or that may hereafter occur, by Letter to the Convener of Commissioners of Supply of the County or Stewartry withi which the Parish is situated, requiring him to call a Meeting such Commissioners upon Thirty Days Notice; and the Commi sioners of Supply, or any Five of them, assembled at s Meeting or any adjourned Meeting, shall have Power, j devoluto, to take the Matter of such Vacancy into considerati and, unless good Cause be shown to the contrary, to proceed fort with to the Election of a Schoolmaster, according to the Inte and Meaning of the said recited Act, and such Election shall good and valid to all Intents and Purposes. This Act to apply to all Statute Service &c. The Word &c. 6 CA P. XLI. An Act for amending the Laws concerning Highways Bridges, and Ferries in Scotland, and the making and maintaining thereof by Statute Service, and by the Con version of Seatute Srvice into Money. [21st July 1845] WHEREAS it has been found by Experience that the Law concerning Highways, Bridges, and Ferries in Scotla and concerning the Statute Service for making and repairing them, and the Conversion thereof in Money, may be amended ' in various Particulars: And whereas it is expedient that further Regulations should be made concerning the said Highways, Bridges, and Ferries, and that the System of managing the should be rendered more uniform :' Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Act all the Enactments, Provisions, Matters, and Things in this Act contained shail extend to all Highways, Bridges, and Ferries in Scotland to which Statute Service, or the Conversion thereof in Money, or any Assessment in lieu of such Conversion, is or shall be applied. and to all Acts of Parliament now in force or which shall hereafter be passed affecting such Highways, Bridges, or Ferries in Scotland, saving and excepting such Enactments, Provisions, Matters, and Things as shall be expressly varied, altered, or repealed by any Act that shall be hereafter passed. II. And be it enacted, That the Word "Trustees" in this Act "Trustees" to shall be held to mean and apply to all Justices of the Peace include Justices, acting under the Authority of any Act of Parliament for making and repairing Highways, Bridges, and Ferries in Scotland by Statute Service, or the Conversion thereof in Money. III. And be it enacted, That all Trustees acting in the Exe Icution of this or any Act of Parliament for making and repairing Regulation of Highways Highways, Bridges, and Ferries in Scotland by Statute Service, or the Conversion thereof in Money, or Assessment in lieu of such Conversion, shall at all their Meetings pay their own Expences, and shall in the first place, where it is not otherwise directed by any local Act, appoint a Preses at every Meeting, who in case of an equal Number of Votes, including his own, shall have the casting Vote; and no Order or Determination at any such Meeting, once made or agreed upon, shall be revoked or altered at any subsequent Meeting, unless Notice of the Intention to propose such Revocation or Alteration shall have been given at a previous Meeting, and entered in the Minutes of such Meeting, and transmitted by Post to every Trustee not present at such previous Meeting who shall have been present at the Meeting where such rder or Determination was made, and such Notice shall also be ablished by Two several Advertisements in some Newspaper or Newspapers usually circulated in the County or District of the County where the Road or Roads or the principal Part thereof shall be, Ten Days at least previous to such subsequent Meeting; and it shall be lawful for any Two Trustees as aforesaid at any Time to call or require their Clerk to call a Meeting: Provided dways, that Notice of such Meeting and of the Purpose thereof hall be published by Two Advertisements as aforesaid. IV. And be it enacted, That all such Trustees may and are Officers to be hereby authorized to appoint Clerks, Collectors, Treasurers, Super- appointed and Intendents, Surveyors, and other Officers, with reasonable Allow- Security to be nces for their Trouble, and to take such Security from any of taken. them for their Intromissions, and for the faithful Discharge of their Duty, as may be deemed expedient; and no Person acting as such Trustee, Clerk, Collector, Treasurer, Superintendent, Surveyor, or other Officer, shall directly or indirectly have or hold any Share or Interest in any Contract for making or repairing any of the said Highways, Bridges, or Ferries, under a Penalty of Twenty Pounds. V. And be it enacted, That all such Trustees may pursue and Trustees may be pursued in the Name of their Clerk or Treasurer for the pursue and be Time being; and no Action or Process shall cease by the Death pursued in the or Removal of such Clerk or Treasurer, but shall be continued Clerk, &c. in the Name of the Clerk or Treasurer for the Time. Name of their VI. And be it enacted, That all such Trustees shall cause a Books of MiBook or Books to be kept, in which shall be entered all the nutes and AcMinutes of their Orders and Proceedings, as also true and regular counts to be Accounts of all Service performed and of all Money received and audited. kept and expended on account of the Highways, Bridges, and Ferries under their Charge, specifying the Sums applied to ordinary Repairs, and to Improvements of each Highway, Bridge, and Ferry, and to Management and Expences, and the Sums due and not recovered, as also the Amount of Debt and Interest thereof; and such Accounts for the Year current at the passing of this Act shall be made up in each County or District of a County, and shall be audited and signed by Two of the said Trustees, or by their Preses, if more than Two be present, within a Year after the passing of this Act; and the Accounts so made up, audited, and signed shall include all Transactions preceding the Period of One Month before the Time at which they are so signed; and similar Accounts |