invest the same in the best and most advantageous Manner for the the Benefit of Uses and Purposes of such Trusts respectively, regard being had the Trust. as well to the Nature of the Security by which such Principal Monies may be assured as to the Rate of Interest payable on the same. State empower vary the Limits IX. And whereas by the said first-recited Act it is amongst Secretary of ⚫ other things enacted, that no Toll shall be taken, and that no 'Money arising from Tolls on any Turnpike Roads shall be laid ed to extend or out in paving, repairing, or cleansing any Street, Road, or of Towns after Highway within the Limits of any City or Market or Borough the Commission Town for which there shall not be any local Act, and which has terminated. 'said Limits shall be fixed and determined, for the Purposes of this Act, with respect to every such City or Market or Borough Town respectively, by the said Commissioners, upon the Report and Recommendation of the County Roads Board acting in and for the County to which any such City or Market or Borough Town shall belong: And whereas the Limits of the several Cities and Market and Borough Towns which are subject to the Powers * and Provisions of the said Act have been fixed and determined by the said Commissioners in the Manner by the said Act prescribed; but it is expedient that Power should be vested in some competent Authority to vary or extend such Limits in any particular Case, from Time to Time, as Circumstances may require; be it enacted, That after the Termination of the said Commission it shall be lawful for One of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, if he shall think fit, by Order under his Hand, upon the Recommendation of the County Roads Board acting in and for the County to which any such City or Market or Borough Town shall belong, from Time to Time to vary or extend the Limits which shall have been fixed and determined for the same respectively by the said Commissioners as aforesaid. X. And whereas by the said recited Act it is enacted, that Repeal of Part from and after the Repeal of the said local Acts respectively, of 7 & 8 Vict. when any Toll shall have been once taken in respect of any Horse or other Animal not drawing, or of any Horse or other Animal drawing any Carriage or Vehicle, at any Toll Gate or 'Bar within any of the said Counties, no Toll shall be thereafter taken in respect of the same Horse or other Animal, or in respect of the same Carriage or other Vehicle, on the same Day (to be computed from Twelve of the Clock of the Night to Twelve of the Clock in the next succeeding Night), for repassing through the same Gate or Bar, or for passing or repassing through any other Gate or Bar in the same County within the Distance of 'Seven Miles from the Gate or Bar at which such Toll shall have 'been taken, such Distance being measured along Turnpike Roads only, nor for passing or repassing through any Gate or Bar in any other of the said Counties adjoining within the Distance of Two 'Miles from the Gate or Bar at which such Toll shall have been taken, to be measured as aforesaid, along and in respect of Turnpike Roads within either of such Counties, nor within One Mile, measured as aforesaid, from the Boundary of such Counties;' be it enacted, That so much of the said recited Act as enacts that no such Toll as last mentioned shall be taken for passing or repassing through any Gate or Bar, within One Mile, measured c. 91. s. 52. respecting Toll a County. Waggons on Springs not to be liable to Toll as Cara vans. County Roads may carry out ment under 11 G. 4. & 1 W. 4. c. 16. measured as aforesaid, from the Boundary of such Counties, shal be and the same is hereby repealed. XI. And whereas Doubts have arisen as to the Description Carriages which may be liable to Toll according to the Provisions ' of the said recited Act under the Denomination of Caravans: be it enacted, That no Waggon, Wain, Cart, or other such e Carriage shall be liable to Toll as a Caravan by reason of its being constructed on Springs, unless the same shall be customary employed in the Conveyance of Passengers for Hire. XII. And whereas under and by virtue of an Act passed in the Eleventh Year of the Reign of King George the Fourth, 'intituled An Act for inclosing Lands within the several Parishes a certain Agree of Kidwelly, St. Mary Kidwelly, Saint Ishmael, and Pembrey, in the County of Carmarthen, a certain Agreement was entered into between the Commissioner for carrying out the said hdsure and the Trustees of the Kidwelly Trust, for construing Line of Turnpike Road along a certain Embankment acrost 'Gwendraeth Fawr River in the said County: And whereas s 'Agreement has been only partially carried into effect: And 'whereas the Act constituting the said Kidwelly Trust has bee recently repealed under the Powers conferred by the here 'before first-recited Act: And whereas it is expedient to vest 'the County Roads Board of the said County Power to comple and carry out the said Agreement in like Manner as it mig have been had the said Kidwelly Trust continued to exist:' be it therefore enacted, That the said County Roads Board of the said County may, if they shall think it expedient so to do, complete and carry out the said Agreement with the Commissioner acting under the Kidwelly Inclosure Act, in like Manner as the Trustees of the Kidwelly Turnpike Trust might have done; and that such Road along the said Embankment, when completed, shall become and be a Part of the County Roads of the said County of Car County Roads dispose of their vested Interest in Toll Houses, marthen. XIII. And whereas the carrying into execution the said recited Act will cause several of the Toll Houses now or lately rested in the Trustees of the several Turnpike Trusts in South Wales 'to become useless for the Purpose of Toll Houses: And whereas the pulling down and disposing of the same, according to the Provisions of general Turnpike Acts, would be attended with great Loss to the several Counties in which the same are situate and many of the said Toll Houses may be disposed of and let standing without Injury to any Parties; be it therefore enacted That the several County Roads Boards in South Wales in whom any Freehold or other Interest in such Toll Houses may have become vested may make Sale of or otherwise dispose of such Interest, any thing in the said general Turnpike Acts or in an other Act to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided always, th the said County Roads Boards, before they shall proceed to dispose of any such Toll House shall cause their Interest in the same to be valued by some indifferent Surveyor; and in case their Interest in the same shall be any Interest less than Freehold such Interest I shall be first offered at the Price which the said Surveyor shall I have put upon the same, to the Person to whom such Freehold shall belong, or if their Interest in the same shall be a Freehold Interest, nterest, then to the Owner of the Lands surrounding such Toll House, or to the Lord of the Manor, in case such Toll House shall ive been built upon the Waste; and in case any of the said arties respectively to whom such Right of Pre-emption may elong shall not within One Month after such Offer made consent o purchase the same, or in case such Toll House shall adjoin the ands of Two or more Owners, or shall not stand upon the Faste of any Manor, then the County Roads Boards may proceed dispose of the same by Auction, or in such other Manner as ey shall deem most expedient. XIV. And be it enacted, That the Words used in this Act Interpretation all be construed according to the same Rules of Interpretation of Act. are prescribed in the said recited Act. XV. And be it enacted, That this Act may be amended or Alteration of pealed by any Act to be passed in this Session of Parliament. SCHEDULES to which the foregoing Act refers. 1.-A Piece of Road leading out of the present Turnpike Road tom Llandowror to Haverfordwest, at or near a Place called favernspite in the County of Pembroke, and joining a certain ther Turnpike Road leading from Llandowror to Hobbs Point, at near a Place called the Red Roses, in the County of Carmarthen. 2.-A Piece of Road lying between Carmarthen Bridge and the Toll Gate now called Pensarn Gate. 3.-A Piece of Road lying between the Northern End of the Bridge over the Towey at or near Llangathen and the main Road from Carmarthen to Llandilo Fawr near the Broad Oak. 4.-So much of the Road leading from Carmarthen to Lampeter as lies between the main Turnpike Road from Carmarthen to Llandilo and Glangwilly Bridge. SCHEDULE (B.) 1.-A Portion of the Turnpike Road between the Towns of Brecon and Hay, of the Length of Half a Mile or thereabouts, and lying within the County of Radnor, as Part of the County Roads of the County of Brecknock. 2.-All those Parts of the Turnpike Road leading from Neath to Merthyr Tydvil towards Abergavenny, as far as Rhydyblew, which lie in the Counties of Brecknock and Monmouth respectively, as Part of the County Roads of the County of Glamorgan. 3.-Two several Portions of Turnpike Road lying in the County of Hereford, and situate respectively between the Termination of the Mortimer's Cross Trust and New Radnor, and also so much of the Turnpike Road between Knighton and Walton as lies in a certain detached Part of the County of Hereford, as Parts of the County of Radnor. Act. 8 & 9 VICT. Kk САР. CA P. LXII. 56 G. 9. c. 60. When any Dividends on Stock have remained un claimed for Ten Reduction of Payment of such Dividends to Claimants to be directed as in other Cases. Notice to be An Act to make further Provisions as to Stock and Dividends unclaimed. [31st July 1845.] WHEREAS by an Act passed in the Fifty-sixth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, intituled 'An Act to authorize the transferring Stock upon which Dividends 'shall remain unclaimed for the Space of at least Ten Years et 'the Bank of England, and also all Lottery Prizes or Benefit and Balances of Sums issued for paying the Principals of Stocks or Annuities which shall not have been demanded for the same Period, to the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt, Provision is made for transferring all Capital Stock in respect of which any Annuities constituting Part of the National Debt are payable at the Bank of England, and upon or in respect of which the Dividends shall be due and remain unclaimed for the Space of Ten Years, and the Balances of Sums issued for 'paying the Principals of Stocks or Annuities which shall not have been demanded for the same Period, to the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt; and by the said Act 'Provision is made for enabling Parties entitled thereto to procure a Re-transfer of such Stock, and Payment of the Dividends due 'thereon; and it is necessary to make further Provisions in retion thereto Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's mo Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this preset: Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That in every Case in which any Dividends or Dividend accrued due any Stocks, Funds, or Annuities constituting any Part of the National Debt, and transferrable at the Bank of England, shal not have been demanded for the Period of Ten Years or upwards preceding the last Day upon which any Dividend shall have become due or payable upon or in respect of the same Stocks, Funds of Annuities, such Dividends or Dividend, and all other Dividends since accrued in respect of the same Stocks, Funds, or Annuities shall immediately after the Expiration of such Period of Ten Years be paid to the Account of the Commissioners for the Tim being for the Reduction of the National Debt, and shall be by them invested in the Manner directed by the said recited Act with respect to the Dividends upon Stocks, Funds, and Securities transferred to the said Commissioners in the Manner therein men. tioned; and it shall be lawful for the Governor or Deputy Governor for the Time being of the Bank of England, or for the High Court of Chancery, to direct the Payment of such Dividends to any Persons or Person claiming to be entitled thereto, in the same Manner in all respects as is by the said Act directed with respect to the Stocks, Funds, and Securities transferred to the said Commissioners as therein mentioned. II. And be it enacted, That no Re-transfer of any Capital Stock given by Adver- exceeding the Sum of Twenty Pounds, or of any Terminable tisement before Annuities exceeding One Pound per Annum, shall be made from Re-transfer or the Account of the said Commissioners under the Authority of the Payment of any Stock or Divi- said recited Act to any Persons or Person, nor shall Payment be made under the Authority of the said recited Act, or of this Act, dends to any Claimant. of of any Dividends or Dividend exceeding Twenty Pounds in the vhole, until Three Calendar Months after Application shall have been made for the same, nor until such Notice shall have been given thereof as the said Governor and Company are herein-after uthorized to require; and it shall be lawful for the said Governor nd Company to require the Person or Persons making such Application to give such public Notice by Advertisements in One r more Newspapers circulating in London and elsewhere, as the aid Governor and Company shall think fit; and every such Notice hall state the Name, Description, and Addition of the Person in hose Name the unclaimed Stock or Dividends stood when transrred to the said Commissioners, and the Amount thereof, and he Name of the Claimant, and the Time at which such Re-transfer * Payment will be made if no other Claimant shall sooner appear ad make out his Claim; and when and so often as any such tock shall be directed to be transferred, or such Dividends to be aid, by any Order of the High Court of Chancery, such Notice hall also state the Purport or Effect of such Order. &c. III. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for any Persons Application to Person, at any Time before the actual Re-transfer of any such rescind Order apital Stock or Annuities, or before Payment of any such Divi- for Transfer, ends to any such Claimant as aforesaid, to apply to the Court of Chancery by Motion or Petition to rescind, alter, or vary any Order made for such Transfer or Payment. The Sum of 3,6631. 138. 8d. arisen from unclaimed Divi for the Reduc- IV. And whereas, under and in pursuance of an Act passed in the Thirty-third Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, intituled An Act for placing the Stock called East India Annuities under the Management of the Governor dends on East and Company of the Bank of England, and ingrafting the same India Annuities on the Three Pounds per Centum Reduced Annuities, in redemp- to be paid to tion of a Debt of Four millions two hundred thousand Pounds Commissioners owing by the Public to the East India Company; and for tion of the enabling the said Company to raise a Sum of Money by a further National Debt. Increase of their Capital Stock, to be applied in discharge of certain Debts of the said Company, certain Annuities payable out of the public Revenue, and theretofore granted to the East India Company, and then held partly by the said East India Company, and partly by various Persons to whom the lastnamed Company had assigned the same, were converted into " Three Pounds per Centum Reduced Annuities, transferrable at the Bank of England, and the Dividends then remaining unclaimed in respect of such East India Annuities were paid over to the said Governor and Company of the Bank of England: And whereas the said Governor and Company have now in their Hands the Sum of Three thousand six hundred and sixty-three Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Eight-pence, Part of such last-mentioned unclaimed Dividends, which have continued unclaimed for upwards of Forty Years; be it enacted, That the said Governor and Company shall forthwith after the passing of this Act pay the said Sum of Three thousand six hundred and sixty-three Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Eight-pence to the Account of the said Commissioners for Reduction of the National Debt; and the same shall thenceforth be and remain subject to the Claims and Demands of the Proprietors of the Stock in respect Kk 2 whereof |