the Counties tended to the Peace to be Counties of same, That from and after the passing of this Act, and until Her The Criminal Majesty shall be pleased to grant that a separate Court of General Jurisdiction of or Quarter Sessions of the Peace shall be holden in and for the the Assistant Barristers for said Counties of Cities or Counties of Towns respectively as aforesaid, the respective Assistant Barristers for the Time being of named in the the respective Counties named in the First Column of the Schedule Schedule exto this Act annexed shall be Justices of the Peace in and for the respective Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns named in the Second Column of the said Schedule, in conjunction with such respective Counties at large in the said Schedule, and whereof named; they respectively are or shall be Assistant Barristers; and that the said Assistant Barristers shall have in the said Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns all such and the same Powers, Privileges, and Authorities respectively as they respectively have in and for the said respective Counties in the said First Column mentioned, and shall and may exercise such Jurisdiction, Powers, and Authorities, either alone or together with the Justices assigned to keep the Peace within the said respective Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns; and that a General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace and General shall be from Time to Time holden in and for the said respective Sessions of the Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns on the Day next but one before the Commencement of or immediately after the Termination held for such of the General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace, or any Adjourn- Cities and ment thereof, for the Division of the said respective Counties at Towns. large, within which or next adjacent whereto the said respective Counties of Cities or Counties of Towns are situate; and that from and after the passing of this Act such General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace so to be holden respectively in and for the said Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns, and also all adjourned Sessions thereof, shall, as to all Matters and Things arising within such Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns respectively, or within Five hundred Yards of the Boundaries thereof, have, use, and exercise all and every the same Jurisdictions, Powers, and Authorities as fully and effectually to all Intents and Purposes as any General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace holden in and for any County at large can or may have, use, or exercise in respect of Matters and Things arising within such County at large, and also all such further and other Jurisdictions, Powers, or Authorities as were by any Act or Acts of Parliament now in force at any Time heretofore granted to or vested in the General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace of the said Counties of Cities or Counties of Towns respectively of right holden within the said Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns respectively, before the passing of the said herein-before in part recited Act passed in the said Third and Fourth Years of the Reign of our said Lady the Queen; and the Jurors returned to serve at each of such General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace, or Adjournment thereof, for such respective Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns shall be returned from the Body of such County of a City or County of a Town respectively; and it shall be lawful for such respective Assistant Barristers or the Justices of the Peace, at such respecfive General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace, to commit such Persons liable to Imprisonment as shall be convicted before them, or such Persons as shall be otherwise liable to Imprisonment, to the General or Quarter Sessions heretofore held in Counties of the respective Prisons of such respective Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns. II. And whereas, since the passing of the said recited Act, 'some of the said Assistant Barristers for the said respective 'Counties at large have acted as Justices of the Peace in and for, and have as such Justices held or presided or attended at General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the respective Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns named in conjunction with such respective Counties at large in the ters to be valid. said Schedule, and it is expedient that the Acts, Matters, and 'Things so done by the said respective Assistant Barristers should Cities and Towns by As sistant Barris Alteration of be deemed to have been good, valid, and effectual;' be it there fore enacted, That any and every General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace heretofore held in and for any of the said Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns, after the passing of the said recited Act, shall be deemed to have been good, valid, and effec tual to all Intents and Purposes, and that all and every Act and Acts of any such Assistant Barrister of any such County at large as aforesaid, heretofore after the passing of the said recited Act done at or relating to any such General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace held in and for any such County of a City or County of a Town named in conjunction with such County at large in the said Schedule, or done as a Justice of the Peace in and for such County of a City or County of a Town, and all and every Act of any Justice of the Peace, and every Act, Matter, or Thing don at any such last-mentioned General or Quarter Sessions, and the Act and Acts of any Officer or Constable in obedience thereto, shall be and be deemed to have been as valid, good, and effectual in the Law to all Intents and Purposes as if such Sessions had been held, or such Act or Acts, Matters or Things, had been done, after this present Act had been passed. III. And be it enacted, That this Act may be amended or repealed by any Act to be passed in this present Session of Parliament. SCHEDULE to which the foregoing Act refers. 7&8 Vict. c.106. An Act to amend an Act of the last Session, for consolidating holden in the Seventh and Eighth Years of Her Majesty's Reign, intituled An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws for the Regulation of Grand Jury Presentments in the County of Dublin, after reciting that it was expedient that Provision should 'should be made for the more speedy and effectual Repair of Roads in the County of Dublin upon which Her Majesty's Mails ' are carried, it is enacted, that it should be lawful for the Com'missioners acting under and in execution of an Act passed in the First and Second Years of the Reign of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled An Act for the Extension and 1&2 W.4. c. 33. Promotion of Public Works in Ireland, or any other Act for amending the same, upon the Application of Her Majesty's Postmaster General for the Time being, setting forth and de*scribing the Line of any such Road, or the Portion of any such Road, in the said County of Dublin, which might stand in need of Repair, by and with the Consent of the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, to cause such Road, or such Portion thereof as should be described in such Application and any or every Bridge, Arch, or Pipe, Gullet or Wall thereon, to be forthwith put into good and sufficient Repair accordingly, under the Superintendence of one of the County Surveyors; and that upon the Application of the said Commissioners, setting forth what Sum would be requisite and necessary from Time to Time for the Purposes aforesaid, it should and might be lawful for the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to direct, by his Warrant, that the Sum or Sums of Money so required by 'the said Commissioners should be advanced and paid to the said ⚫ Commissioners out of the Produce of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to be applied, 'under the Directions of the said Commissioners, in manner aforesaid: And whereas it is expedient to alter and amend the said Enactment, in so far as it empowers the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland to direct, by his Warrant, that the Sum or Sums of Money so required by the said Commissioners should be advanced and paid to the said Commissioners out of the Produce of the Consolidated Fund of Great Britain and Ireland, and to substitute new Provisions in lieu thereof: Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most So much of Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the recited Act as Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present empowers the Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That, save and except as to Matters and Things heretofore done under the said recited Enactment, so much thereof as empowers the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland to direct, by his Warrant, that the Sum or Sums of Money so required by the said Commissioners shall be advanced and paid solidated Fund, to the said Commissioners out of the Produce of the Consolidated repealed, &c. Fund, shall be and the same is hereby repealed. Lord Lieutenant to direct Sums required by the Commissioners to be advanced Treasury, with the Approbation of the Lord II. And be it enacted, That from and after the passing of The Commisthis Act, upon Application of the said Commissioners, setting forth sioners of the what Sum will be requisite and necessary from Time to Time for the Purposes in the said recited Enactment mentioned, it shall be lawful to and for the Lord High Treasurer, or the Commis- Lieutenant, emsioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, or any Three of them, by powered to diand with the Approbation of the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief rect Advances Governor or Governors of Ireland for the Time being, by his to be made for or their Warrant in Writing, to direct that the Sum or Sums of Money so required by the said Commissioners appointed or acting 8 & 9 VICT. O o under such Purposes; and to declare which such Advances shall be made, &c. under the said Act passed in the First and Second Years of the Reign of His late Majesty King William the Fourth shall be paid and advanced to the said last-named Commissioners, out of the Produce of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to be applied, by and under the Direction of the said last-mentioned Commissioners, in the Manner and for the Purposes in the said recited Enactment mentioned. III. Provided always, and it is hereby declared and enacted, the Terms upon That it shall and may be lawful to and for the Lord High Treasurer, or the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, or any Three of them, in and by any Warrant authorizing or directing such Advance as aforesaid, to declare on what Terms the same shall be made, and to fix and appoint how, and in what Manner, and at what Time or Times, and by what Instalments, and with what Rate of Interest, if any, the same is to be levied and repaid to the Consolidated Fund. Before each Presenting Term the Lord Lieutenant shall cause an Estimate to be made of Sums payable to the Exchequer by the said County during the ensuing Year; IV. And whereas divers Sums of Money have been from Time 'to Time heretofore and may hereafter be advanced from Her Majesty's Exchequer, by Direction or Authority of the Commis'sioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, or the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, for the public Purposes of the said County of Dublin; and it is expedient that the Repayment thereof should be made with as little Delay as possible, and should not be postponed by reason of any Preference given to local Claims over those of Her Majesty's Exchequer;' be it therefore enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, at any Time previous to each Presenting Term, to cause an Estimate to be made of the probable Sum which in the course of the then ensuing Year will become due and payable by the said County of Dublin, or any Barony, Portion of a Barony, Parish, or other Denomination of Land in the said County, to the Consolidated Fund, or to Her Majesty's Exchequer, for or on account of any such Advances, together with any Arrears or Sums then remaining due and payable for or on account of any such Advances during the preceding Year; and it shall and may be lawful for the Grand Jury of the said County, at each Presenting Term, and they are hereby required, on the Production of the Certificate of the Chief Secretary or Under Secretary of such Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of the Amount so estimated as aforesaid, to present, without previous Application to Presentment Sessions, to be levied off the said County, or any Barony or Baronies, Portion of a Barony, Parish, or other Denomination of Land thereof, the Amount of the Sum or Sums stated in such Certificate; and in default of such Presentment being made by the Grand Jury, it shall be lawful for the Court of Queen's Bench in Ireland to order the Clerk of the Crown to add such Amount to the Amount presented for other Purposes by such Grand Jury; to be levied to and the Amount so presented or added shall form a Portion of the gether with and Sum to be raised on the County, or any Barony, Portion of s as other County Barony, Parish, or other Denomination of Land thereof, and shall Charges. be apportioned, applotted, and levied together with and in the Manner directed by the said recited Act in reference to other County Charges. and upon Production of the Certificate of the Chief or Under Secretary of the Amount, the Grand Jury shall present the same; shall be sent to Finance Com V. And be it enacted, That the Amount of all Sums payable Certificate of to the Consolidated Fund, or Her Majesty's Exchequer, in respect Sums so payable of such Advances, for or on account of the said County of Dublin, or any Barony, Portion of a Barony, Parish, or other Denomination mittee halfof Land thereof, shall be ascertained and made up half-yearly; yearly; and a Certificate of the Amount so payable for each Half Year, with a Statement of the Accounts, and the Particulars thereof, signed by the proper Officer, shall be transmitted to the Finance Committee of the said County; and such Amount, so certified, shall, to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever, be a Charge upon all Monies, Rates, or Cesses levied or collected for the Purposes of the said County of Dublin, in priority and preference to any other Lien, Claim, Charge, or Demand whatsoever upon the same or any Part thereof; and such Amount shall be set apart and and the Amount appropriated by the Finance Committee for the Time being acting shall be paid by in execution of the said recited Act, out of such public Money, Committee. Rates, or Cesses for the Repayment to the Consolidated Fund, or Her Majesty's Exchequer, of the Sum so certified, in priority and preference to any other Lien, Charge, or Demand, and shall not be applied to any other Purpose; and the said Finance Committee shall pay over the said Amount in such Manner and to such Bank or Person as the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury shall direct. the Finance Finance Committee out of VI. And whereas Doubts have arisen whether, under the County Officers Authority of the said recited Act, the Grand Jury of the said shall be paid by County of Dublin are authorized to make Presentments in advance for the Payment of the Salaries of the several County Officers any surplus to whom Salaries are payable by half-yearly Instalments under Funds of the the said Act, so that Funds may be available for such half-yearly present Year, Payments, and no Presentment has consequently been made at the last Presenting Term for the Salaries of such County Officers;' for Remedy whereof be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the said Finance Committee, out of any Surplus or Balance of the Funds of the said County which may accrue during the present Year, to pay and discharge in half-yearly Payments, commencing from the First Day of January One thousand eight hundred and forty-five, so far as such Surplus or Balance may enable them so to do, the Salaries when due of all or any of the said Officers, as also the Sum of Eight Pounds Eight Shillings, being the Salary of the Housekeeper of the County Court-house at Green Street in the City of Dublin, and to take Credit for such Payments in their current Accounts. Amount so paid. VII. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Grand The Grand Jury of the said County of Dublin, and they are hereby required, Jury shall at the next ensuing Presenting Term, to present a Sum sufficient present the to replace in the Bank of Ireland, to the Credit of the said Finance Committee, the Amount of all Sums so paid by them to the said County Officers for or on account of their Salaries during the present Year, as also to meet and discharge any Balance which may be then still due to any of the said Officers. VIII. And be it enacted, That at the said Presenting Term, and And at each at each succeeding Presenting Term, it shall be lawful to and for Presenting the Grand Jury of the said County to present in advance, and Term the without previous Application at Presentment Sessions, such Sum shall present Grand Jury |