صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
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Isinglass, per Cwt

Oils, Chemical, Essential, or Perfumed, per lb.

Essential, of Cloves, per lb.

Pickles preserved in Vinegar, per Gallon

Pickles or Vegetables preserved in Salt, for every 1007. Value

Refined Camphor, per Cwt.

Smalts, per Cwt.

Turpentine above the Value of 15s. per Cwt.

Verdigris, per Cwt.

Yarn Cable, per Cwt.

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That from and after the Expiration of Excise Duties on British
Class, and until the 10th Day of October 1846, the following
Duties of Customs:

Glass; viz.

Any Kind of Window Glass, White, or stained of One
Colour only, not exceeding One Ninth of an Inch in
Thickness, and Shades and Cylinders, the Cwt.
All Glass exceeding One Ninth of an Inch in Thickness;
all silvered or polished Glass of whatever Thickness,
however small each Pane, Plate, or Sheet, superficial
Measure; viz.

Not exceeding more than 9 square Feet, the square

Containing more than 9 square Feet, and not more
than 14 square Feet, the square Foot
Containing more than 14 square Feet, and not more
than 36 square Feet, thes quare Foot

Containing more than 36 square Feet, the square Foot
Glass, painted, or otherwise ornamented, the superficial

All White Flint Glass Bottles, not cut, engraved, or other-
wise ornamented, and Beads and Bugles of Glass, the lb.
Wine Glasses, Tumblers, and all other White Flint Glass
Goods, not cut, engraved, or otherwise ornamented,
the lb.

All Flint Cut Glass, Flint coloured Glass, and Fancy
Ornamental Glass, of whatever Kind, the lb.
Bottles of Glass covered with Wicker (not being Flint or
Cut Glass), or of Green or common Glass, the Cwt.
Glass Manufactures, not otherwise enumerated or described,
and old broken Glass, fit only to be remanufactured, the

£ s. d.

0 14 0




0 30






0 14 0 And that from and after the 10th Day of October 1846, until the 5th Day of April 1848, there be charged on the said Article One Half of the said Duties, and from and after the 5th Day of April 1848 One Fourth of the said Duties.

W4& * V6 6.57.

AN A Viet, 6. 57.


An Act to repeal the Duties of Excise on Sugar manufactured
in the United Kingdom, and to impose other Duties in
lieu thereof.
[8th May 1845.]
WHEREAS by an Act passed in the First Year of the Reign
of Her present Majesty, intituled An Act to impose certain
'Duties of Excise on Sugar made from Beet Root in the United
'Kingdom, a Duty of Excise of One Pound Four Shillings was
'imposed on every Hundred Weight of Sugar manufactured in
'the United Kingdom from Beet Root: And whereas by another
'Act passed in the Third and Fourth Years of the Reign of Her
'said Majesty, intituled An Act to impose Duties of Excise on
'Sugar manufactured in the United Kingdom, the same Amount
' of Duty as was by Law payable on Sugar manufactured from
'Beet Root was imposed upon all Sugar manufactured in the
• United Kingdom, from whatever Materials made: And whereas

it is expedient to repeal the said Duties, and to impose other Duties in lieu thereof: Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That Repeal of from and after the passing of this Act the Duties aforesaid shall the Excise cease and be no longer paid or payable, save and except in all Duties on Cases relating to the suing for, levying, and recovering of any factured in the Arrear thereof, or any Fine, Penalty, or Forfeiture which has United Kingbeen incurred before the passing of this Act.

Sugar manu


II. And be it enacted, That in lieu of the Duties by this Act New Excise repealed, there shall be raised, levied, collected, and paid the Duty Duty on such of Excise following; (that is to say,) for and upon every Hundred Sugar of 14s. Weight of Sugar manufactured in the United Kingdom, from per Cwt. whatever Materials made, and so in proportion for any greater

or lesser Quantity than a Hundred Weight, the Sum of Fourteen


same Manner as other Excise

III. And be it enacted, That the said Duties by this Act New Duty to imposed shall be under the Management of the Commissioners of be raised and Excise, and the same shall be charged, raised, levied, collected, levied in the and recovered, applied, and accounted for under the Enactments and Provisions of the said first-recited Act, and in such and the Duties; like Manner, and in and by the same Means, Ways, or Methods by which any other Duties of Excise are or may be charged, raised, levied, collected, and recovered, applied, and accounted for; and the said first-recited Act, and all and every other Act or Acts and Powers relating to the Duties of Excise, and all and every Fine, Pain, and Penalties Penalty, and Forfeiture of any Nature or Kind whatsoever for of all Excise any Offence against or in breach of the said first-recited Act or any other Act or Acts for securing the Duties of Excise, or for the Regulation thereof, in force immediately before the passing of this Act, and the several Clauses, Powers, and Directions therein contained, shall and the same are hereby respectively directed and declared to extend to, and shall be applied, practised, and put in execution for and in respect of the Duties of Excise by this Act imposed, in as full and ample a Manner as if all and every the said Act and Acts, Clauses, Provisions, Powers, Directions, Fines, Pains, Penalties, and Forfeitures were repeated and re-enacted in

this Act.

Acts to apply

to this Act.

IV. And be it enacted, That this Act may be amended or Alteration of repealed by any Act to be passed in this present Session of Par- Act. liament.


An Act to exempt Ships carrying Passengers to North
America from the Obligation of having on board a Physi-
cian, Surgeon, or Apothecary.
[8th May 1845.]
WHEREAS by an Act passed in the Sixth Year of the

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c. 107.

Reign of Her Majesty, intituled An Act for regulating 5 & 6 Vict. the Carriage of Passengers in Merchant Vessels, Ships carrying Passengers to North America were exempted from the Obligation of having on board a Physician, Surgeon, or Apothecary, as required by the said Act in other Cases therein specified: 8 & 9 VICT.



7 & 8 Vict. c. 112.

So much of 7 & 8 Vict.

c. 112. as re

quires Ships carrying Passengers to the East Coast of North America to have Surgeons, &c. on board when the Number of Persons amount to 100 repealed.

Proceedings for Recovery of Penalties

shall be stayed.

Alteration of

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And whereas by an Act passed in the last Session of Parliament, 'intituled An Act to amend and consolidate the Laws relating to 'Merchant Seamen, and for keeping a Register of Seamen, it is, among other things, enacted, that every Ship having One hun'dred Persons or upwards on board, and every Ship, the Voyage ' of which shall be deemed, under the Provisions of the first' recited Act, to exceed Twelve Weeks, having Fifty Persons or upwards on board, shall have on board, as one of her Complement, some Person duly authorized by Law to practise in this Kingdom as a Physician, Surgeon, or Apothecary, whereby the Exemption granted by the first-recited Act to Ships carrying 'Passengers to the Continent of North America has been taken away in all Cases where the total Number of Persons on board any such Ship shall amount to One hundred and upwards; and it is expedient that such Exemption be preserved :' Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That so much of the last-recited Act as enacts that Ships, as defined in the last-recited Act, carrying Passengers, according to the Provisions of the first-recited Act, from any Port or Place in the United Kingdom, or in the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, Sark, or Man, to the East Coast of the Continent of North America, shall have on board a Physician, Surgeon, or Apothecary as often as the total Number of Persons on board any such Ship shall amount to One hundred and upwards, shall be repealed.

II. And be it enacted, That any Person against whom any Proceeding or Proceedings shall have been commenced, on or before the Day of the passing of this Act, for the Recovery of any pecuniary Penalty incurred or supposed to have been incurred, under the Provisions of the last-recited Act, for any Breach or Nonobservance of so much of the last-recited Act as is herein repealed, may apply to the Court in which, or to any Justice or Justices of the Peace before whom, any such Proceeding or Proceedings shall have been commenced, for an Order that such Proceedings shall be discontinued but upon Payment of the Costs thereof incurred to the Time of such Application being made, in case such Proceeding shall have been commenced before the Seventeenth Day of April in this Year, such Costs to be taxed according to the Practice of the Court, or at the Discretion of the Justice or Justices before whom such Proceeding shall have been had; and every such Court or Justice or Justices, upon such Application, and Proof that sufficient Notice of the Application has been given to the Plaintiff or Informer, or to his Attorney, and upon being satisfied, by Affidavit or otherwise, that such Proceedings have been commenced for the Recovery of such pecuniary Penalty as aforesaid, shall make such Order as aforesaid; and upon the making such Order as aforesaid, and on Payment or Tender of such Costs as aforesaid, where Costs are herein-before made payable, all further Proceedings for the Recovery of any such pecuniary Penalty shall be forthwith discontinued.

III. And be it enacted, That this Act may be amended or repealed by any Act to be passed in this Session of Parliament.


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