صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Excise, any Act now in force or hereafter to be made to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding.

CXXXVIII. And be it enacted, That this Act may be amended Alteration of or repealed by any Act to be passed in the present Session of Act. Parliament.

SCHEDULE to which the foregoing Act refers.

No. 1.

Form of Information before Justices of the Peace where a pecuniary Penalty is inflicted.

County of
to wit. J

[blocks in formation]


Day of

A. B., an Officer of Customs, who is directed by the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs to prefer this Information, gives us,

the Peace in and for

Day of

Two of Her Majesty's Justices of
to understand and be informed

that C. D., within Six Months now last past, that is to say, on the
in the Year of our Lord
[here state the Offence], contrary to the Form of the Statute in
that Case made and provided, whereby the said C.D. hath forfeited
for his said Offence the Sum of

No. 1.

Form of Warrant of Commitment to Gaol for a pecuniary

County of to wit.




To A. B., Officer of Customs, and to the Gaoler or
Keeper of the


in the

WHEREAS C. D. has this Day been duly convicted before us, Two of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and upon the Information of A. B., an Officer of Customs, who was directed by the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs to prefer the same, for that, within Six Months now last past, to wit, on the of our Lord

Day of

in the Year [here state the Offence as in the Information]: And whereas we the said Justices did adjudge that the said C. D. had forfeited for his said Offence the Sum of

Pounds has not

Pounds, which said Sum of been paid: These are therefore to require you the said A. B. forthwith to take, carry, and convey the said C.D. to the


in the

and to deliver him into the Custody of the Gaoler or Keeper of the said and we the said Justices do hereby authorize and require you the said Gaoler or Keeper of the said Gaol to receive and take the said C.D. into your Custody, and him safely to keep until he shall duly pay the Pounds. Given under our Hands and Day of in the Year

said Sum of

Seals at
of our Lord



No. 1.

Form of Conviction for a pecuniary Penalty.
BE it remembered, That on the

County of

to wit. J


in the Year of our Lord

Day of

an Information was exhibited by A. B., an Officer of Customs, who was directed by the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs to prefer the same before us Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for

Two of Her against C.D.,

which said Information charged that the said C.D., within Six Months then last past, that is to say, on the in the Year of our Lord

Day of [here state the Form of the Statute said C.D. had forPounds, which said Justices," or of," as the Case convict the said

Offence as in the Information], contrary to the in that Case made and provided, whereby the feited for his said Offence the Sum of Offence["has been duly proved before us the "the Party has confessed himself to be guilty may be]: We the said Justices do therefore C. D. of the said Offence, and do adjudge that the said C. D. hath forfeited for his said Offence the Sum of under our Hands and Seals at

in the Year of our Lord


Pounds. Given

Day of

No. 2.

Form of Information before Justices of the Peace where the Penalty of hard Labour is inflicted.

County of BE it remembered, That on the


to wit.

in the Year of our Lord

Day of

A. B., an Officer of Customs, who is directed by the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs to prefer this Information, gives us, Two of Her Majesty's Justices of the to understand and be informed that

Peace in and for

Day of

C. D., within Six Months now last past, (that is to say,) on the in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and [here state the Offence], contrary to the Form of the Statute in that Case made and provided, whereby the said C. D. hath for his said Offence become liable to be imprisoned in a House of Correction, and there kept to hard Labour, for any Term not less than Six nor greater than Nine Calendar Months.

No. 2.

Form of Conviction for the Penalty of hard Labour.
BE it remembered, That on the

County of

to wit. S

in the Year of our Lord

Day of


an Information was exhibited by A. B., an Officer

of Customs, who was directed by the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs to prefer the same before us,

Two of


Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for
C. D., which said Information charged that the said C.D., within
Six Months then last past, (that is to say,) on the


in the Year of our Lord


[here state

the Offence as in the Information], contrary to the Form of the


Statute in that Case made and provided, whereby the said C.D.
had for his said Offence become liable to be imprisoned in a House
of Correction, and there kept to hard Labour for any Term not less
than Six nor greater than Nine Calendar Months, which Offence
["has been duly proved before us the said Justices,” or
"the Party
has confessed himself to be guilty of," as the Case may be]: We
the said Justices do therefore convict the said C. D. of the said
Offence, and do adjudge that the said C.D. shall for his said
Offence be imprisoned in the House of Correction at

in the County of

for the Period of

Hands and Seals at

in the Year of our Lord

and be there kept to hard Labour Calendar Months. Given under our this

No. 2.

Day of

Form of Warrant of Commitment for the Penalty of hard


County of To A. B., an Officer of Customs, and to the Gaoler or Keeper of the House of Correction

to wit.

in the County of

Peace in and for

WHEREAS C. D. has been this Day duly convicted before us, Two of Her Majesty's Justices of the upon the Information of A. B., an Officer of Customs, who was directed by the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs to prefer the same, for that within Six Months now last past, to wit, on the

in the Year of our Lord

Day of
[here state the Offence

as in the Information]: And whereas we the said Justices did adjudge that the said C. D. should for his said Offence be imprisoned in the House of Correction at aforesaid, and be Calendar

in the

there kept to hard Labour for the Term of
Months: These are therefore to require you the said A. B. forth-
with to take, carry, and convey the said C.D. to the House of
Correction at
and deliver him into
the Custody of the Gaoler or Keeper of the said House of Correc-
tion; and we the said Justices do hereby authorize and require
you the said Gaoler or Keeper of the said House of Correction to
receive and take the said C.D. into your Custody, and to keep the
said C. D. for the said Term of
Calendar Months to

hard Labour. Given under our Hands and Seals at


[blocks in formation]

An Act for the Encouragement of British Shipping and

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[4th August 1845.]

HEREAS an Act was passed in the Session of Parliament holden in the Third and Fourth Years of the Reign of King William the Fourth, intituled An Act for the Encourage- 3&4 W.4.c.54. ment of British Shipping and Navigation, whereby the Laws for the Encouragement of British Shipping and Navigation were 'consolidated: And whereas since the passing of the said Act 'divers Parts of Acts for the further Amendment of the Law in



ment of Act.

Ships in which only enumerated Goods of Europe may be imported.

Places from which only

Goods of Asia, Africa, or America may be imported.

Ships in which only Goods of


'that respect have been found necessary, and it will be of advantage to the Trade and Commerce of the Country that the said 'Act and Parts of Acts should be consolidated into One Act:' Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Act the same shall come into and be and continue in full Force for the Purposes therein mentioned, except where any other Commencement is herein particularly directed.

II. And be it enacted, That the several Sorts of Goods hereinafter enumerated, being the Produce of Europe, (that is to say,) Masts, Timber, Boards, Tar, Tallow, Hemp, Flax, Currants, Ra isins, Figs, Prunes, Olive Oil, Corn or Grain, Wine, Brandy, Tobacco, Wool, Shumac, Madders, Madder Roots, Barilla, Brinstone, Bark of Oak, Cork, Oranges, Lemons, Linseed, Rapeseed, and Clover-seed, shall not be imported into the United Kingdom to be used therein, except in British Ships, or in Ships of the Country of which the Goods are the Produce, or in Ships of the Country from which the Goods are imported.

III. And be it enacted, That Goods the Produce of Asia, Africa, or America shall not be imported from Europe into the United Kingdom to be used therein, except the Goods herein-after mentioned; (that is to say,)

Goods the Produce of the Dominions of the Emperor of Morocco,
which may be imported from Places in Europe within the
Straits of Gibraltar:

Goods the Produce of Asia or Africa which (having been
brought into Places in Europe within the Straits of Gibraltar
from or through Places in Asia or Africa within those Straits.
and not by way of the Atlantic Ocean,) may be imported from
Places in Europe within the Straits of Gibraltar :
Goods the Produce of Places within the Limits of the East India
Company's Charter, which (having been imported from those
Places into Gibraltar or Malta in British Ships) may be
imported from Gibraltar or Malta:

Goods taken by way of Reprisal by British Ships:

Bullion, Diamonds, Pearls, Rubies, Emeralds, and other Jewels or precious Stones.

IV. And be it enacted, That Goods the Produce of Asia, Africa, or America shall not be imported into the United Kingdom to be Asia, Africa, or used therein, in Foreign Ships, unless they be the Ships of the Country in Asia, Africa, or America of which the Goods are the Produce, and from which they are imported, except the Goods herein-after mentioned; (that is to say,)

America may be imported.


Goods the Produce of the Dominions of the Grand Seignior in
Asia or Africa, which may be imported from his Dominions
in Europe in Ships of his Dominions :

Raw Silk and Mohair Yarn, the Produce of Asia, which may be
imported from the Dominions of the Grand Seignior in the
Levant Seas in Ships of his Dominions :

Provided always, that in case any Treaty shall be made with any
Country having a Port or Ports within the Straits of Gibraltar,


stipulating that such Productions of Asia or Africa as may by Law be imported into the United Kingdom from Places in Europe within the Straits of Gibraltar in British Ships shall also be imported from the Ports of such Country in the Ships of such Country, then and in every such Case it shall be lawful to import such Goods from the Ports of such Country in the Ships of such Country.

V. Provided always, and be it enacted, That all manufactured Manufacture Goods shall be deemed to be the Produce of the Country of which deemed Prothey are the Manufacture.


VI. And be it enacted, That no Goods shall be imported into From Guernthe United Kingdom from the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alder- sey, &c. ney, or Sark, except in British Ships.

VII. And be it enacted, That no Goods shall be exported from Exports to Asia, the United Kingdom to any British Possession in Asia, Africa, &c., and to or America, nor to the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, or Guernsey, &c. Sark, except in British Ships.

VIII. And be it enacted, That no Goods or Passengers shall Coastwise. be carried Coastwise from one Part of the United Kingdom to another, or from the United Kingdom to the Isle of Man, or from the Isle of Man to the United Kingdom, except in British Ships.

IX. And be it enacted, That no Goods shall be carried from Between any of the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, Sark, or Man Guernsey, Jerto any other of such Islands, nor from one Part of any of such sey, &c. Islands to another Part of the same Island, except in British Ships.

X. And be it enacted, That no Goods shall be carried from any Between British British Possession in Asia, Africa, or America to any other of Possessions in such Possessions, nor from one Part of any of such Possessions to Asia, &c. another Part of the same, except in British Ships.

XI. And be it enacted, That no Goods shall be imported into any British Possession in Asia, Africa, or America in any Foreign Ships, unless they be Ships of the Country of which the Goods are the Produce, and from which the Goods are imported.

Imports into

British Possessions in Asia,&c.

clare that Fo

XII And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for Her Majesty Her Majesty from Time to Time, by any Order in Council, to declare that may, by Order Goods the Growth, Produce, or Manufacture of any Foreign in Council, deCountry may be imported into the Island of Hong Kong from reign Goods the same or any other Foreign Country, in Vessels belonging to may be importthe same or any other Foreign Country, and however navigated, ed into Hong subject nevertheless to such Limitations and Restrictions as shall Kong in any be contained in any such Order in Council; and from and after Vessels. the Publication of any such Order in Council such Goods may lawfully be so imported into the said Island of Hong Kong according to the Provisions of such Order, and until the Revocation thereof; and any such Order in Council may from Time to Time be altered or revoked by Her Majesty by any subsequent Order in Council.

navigated as

XIII. And be it enacted, That no Ship shall be admitted to be No Ship Bria British Ship unless duly registered and navigated as such, and tish unless rethat every British registered Ship (so long as the Registry of gistered and such Ship shall be in force, or the Certificate of such Registry retained for the Use of such Ship,) shall be navigated during the whole of every Voyage (whether with a Cargo or in Ballast), in every Part of the World, by a Master who is a British Subject, and



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