Alteration of the respective Ships or Vessels, or of any other Person or Persons interested in the Freight of the same, from or out of which such Goods or Merchandize shall be so landed, as such Goods, Wares, or Merchandize respectively were subject and liable to whilst the same were on board such Ships or Vessels, and before the landing thereof; and the Directors and Proprietors of any such Docks at or in which any such Goods or Merchandize may be landed and lodged as aforesaid, or their Servants or Agents, or any of them, shall and may, and they are hereby authorized, empowered, and required, upon due Notice in that Behalf given to them by such Master or Masters, Owner or Owners, or other Persons as aforesaid, to detain and keep such Goods and Merchandize, not being seized as forfeited to Her Majesty, in the Warehouses belonging to the said Docks as aforesaid, until the respective Freights to which the same shall be subject and liable as aforesaid shall be duly paid or satisfied, together with the Rates and Charges to which the same shall have been subject and liable, or until a Deposit shall have been made by the Owner or Owners or Consignee or Consignees of such Goods or Merchandize, equal in Amount to the Claim or Demands made by the Master, Owner or Owners, of the respective Ships or Vessels or other Persons as aforesaid, for or on account of Freight upon such Goods or Merchandize, which Deposit the said Directors or Proprietors of such Docks, or their Agents, respectively, are hereby authorized and directed to receive and hold in Trust, until the Claim or Demand for Freight upon such Goods shall have been satisfied, upon Proof of which, and Demand made by the Person or Persons, their Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, by whom the said Deposit shall have been made, and the Rates and Charges due upon the said Goods being first paid, the said Deposit shall be returned to him or them by the said Directors or Proprietors, or their Agents on their Behalf, with whom the said Deposit shall have been made as aforesaid. LII. And be it enacted, That this Act may be amended or repealed by any Act to be passed in this present Session of Parliament. 6 WE CA P. XCII. An Act to grant certain Bounties and Allowances of Customs. [4th August 1845.] HEREAS an Act was passed in the Session of Parliament holden in the Third and Fourth Years of the Reign of 3&4 W.4. c.58. King William the Fourth, intituled An Act to grant certain 'Bounties and Allowances of Customs, whereby the Laws of Customs in relation to Bounties and Allowances of Customs were consolidated: And whereas, since the passing of the said Act, divers Parts of Acts for the further Amendment of the Law in that respect have been found necessary, and it will be of advantage to the Trade and Commerce of the Country that the said Act and Parts of Acts should be consolidated into One Act: Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That from and after Commencethe passing of this Act the same shall come into and be and con- ment of Act. tinue in full Force and Operation, for all the Purposes mentioned therein, except where any other Commencement is herein particularly directed. 1 0 0 II. And be it enacted, That so long as the Duties due and payable upon the Importation of Sugar shall be continued there shall be allowed upon the Exportation of Refined Sugar made in the United Kingdom the several Bounties set forth in the Table herein-after contained; (that is to say,) Upon Double Refined Sugar, or Sugar equal in Qua- | £ S. d. lity to Double Refined, for every Hundred Weight Upon other Refined Sugar, in Loaf, complete and whole, or Lumps duly refined, having been perfectly clarified and thoroughly dried in the Stove, and being of an uniform Whiteness throughout, or such Sugar pounded, crashed, or broken, and Sugar Candy, for every Hundred Weight Upon Bastard or Refined Sugar broken in Pieces, or being ground or powdered Sugar, or such Sugar pounded, crashed, or broken, for every Hundred Weight 0 17 0 0 14 O Bounties allowed upon the Exportation of Refined Sugar. III. And be it enacted, That the Exporter of any Goods in Bond to be respect of which any Bounty is claimed under this Act, or the given for due Person in whose Name the same are entered outwards, shall at Exportation. the Time of Entry, and before Cocket be granted, give Security by Bond in double the Amount of such Bounty, with One sufficient Surety, that the same shall be duly exported to the Place for which they are entered, or be otherwise accounted for to the Satisfaction of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs, and shall not be re-landed in the United Kingdom, or landed in the Isle of Man unless expressly entered to be carried thereto. IV. And be it enacted, That no Bounty shall be given upon the Candy in PackExportation of any Refined Sugar called Candy unless it be pro- ages of Half perly refined and manufactured, and free from Dirt and Scum, and Hundred packed in Packages each of which shall contain Half a Hundred Weight of such Candy at the least. Weight. V. And be it enacted, That if any Sugar in Lumps or Loaves Sugar crashed is to be pounded, crashed, or broken before the same be exported for Exportation. for the Bounty payable thereon, such Lumps or Loaves shall, after due Entry thereof, be lodged in some Warehouse provided by the Exporter, and approved by the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs for such Purpose, to be then first examined by the Officers of Customs while in such Lumps or Loaves as if for immediate Shipment, and afterwards to be there pounded, crashed, or broken, and packed for Exportation in the Presence of such Officers and at the Expence of the Exporter; and such Sugar shall be kept in such Warehouse, and be removed from thence for Shipment, and be shipped under the Care and in the Charge of the Searchers, in order that the Shipment and Exportation thereof may be duly certified by them upon the Debenture, according to the Quality ascertained by them of the same while in such Lumps or Loaves. VI. And Different Sorts VI. And be it enacted, That the different Sorts of such Sugar of crashed Sugar shall be kept apart from each other, in such Manner and in such to be kept sepa- distinct Rooms or Divisions of such Warehouse as shall be directed rate. Sample Loaves to be provided. and appointed by the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs; and if any Sort of such Sugar shall be found in any Part of such Warehouse appointed for the keeping of Sugar of a Sort superior in Quality thereto the same shall be forfeited; and if any Sort of such Sugar shall be brought to such Warehouse to be pounded, crashed, or broken, which shall be of a Quality inferior to the Sort of Sugar expressed in the Entry for the same, such Sugar shall be forfeited. VII. And be it enacted, That there shall be provided by and at the Expence of the Committee of Sugar Refiners in London, and in like Manner by and at the Expence of the Committee of Merchants in Dublin, as many Loaves of Double Refined Sugar prepared in manner herein-after directed, and as many Loaves or Lumps of Sugar made upon the Patent Principle, and equal in Quality to Double Refined Sugar, as the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs shall think necessary; which Loaves or Lumps, when approved of by the said Commissioners, shall be deemed and taken to be Standard Samples; one of which Loaves or Lumps shall be lodged with the said Committees respectively, and one other with such Person or Persons as the said Commissioners shall direct, for the Purpose of comparing therewith Double Refined Sugar, or Sugar equal in Quality to Double Refined Sugar, entered for Exportation for the Bounty; and fresh Standard Samples shall in like Manner be again furnished by such Committees respectively, and in like Manner lodged, whenever it may be deemed expedient by the said Commissioners: Provided always, that no Double Refined Loaf of Sugar shall be deemed to be a proper Sample Loaf of Double Refined Sugar as aforesaid, if it be of greater Weight than Fourteen Pounds, nor unless it be a Loaf complete and whole, nor unless the same shall have been made by a distinct Second Process of Refinement from a Quantity of Single Refined Sugar, every Part of which had first been perfectly clarified and duly refined, and had been made into Loaves or Lumps which were of an uniform Whiteness throughout, and had been thoroughly dried in the Stove: Provided also, that no Loaf or Lump of Sugar shall be deemed to be a proper Sample Loaf or Lump of Sugar equal to Double Refined, unless it be a Loaf or Lump complete, nor unless the same shall have been prepared after the Patent Principle. Proviso for Sugar. Proviso for Patent Sugar. Sugar entered not equal to the Standard shall be forfeited. Alteration of VIII. And be it enacted, That in case any Sugar which shall be entered in order to obtain the Bounty on Double Refined Sugar or Sugar equal in Quality to Double Refined Sugar shall, on Examination by the proper Officer, be found to be of a Quality not equal to such Standard Sample, all Sugar so entered shall be forfeited and may be seized. IX. And be it enacted, That this Act may be amended or repealed by any Act to be passed in this present Session of Parliament. CAP. CA P. XCIII. An Act to regulate the Trade of British Possessions abroad. W [4th August 1845.] HEREAS an Act was passed in the Session of Parliament King William the Fourth, intituled An Act to regulate the 3&4 W.4.c.59. 'Trade of the British Possessions abroad, whereby the Laws of 'Customs in relation to the Trade of the British Possessions ' abroad were consolidated : And whereas since the passing of the 'said Act divers Acts and Parts of Acts for the further Amend'ment of the Law in that respect have been found necessary, and it will be of advantage to the Trade and Commerce of the 'Country that the said Acts and Parts of Acts should be consoli' dated into One Act:' Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That Commencefrom and after the passing of this Act the same shall come into ment of Act. and be and continue in full Force for all the Purposes therein mentioned, except where any other Commencement is herein particularly directed. confined to Free II. And be it enacted, That no Goods shall be imported into, Importation nor shall any Goods, except the Produce of the Fisheries in British and ExportaShips, be exported from any of the British Possessions in America tion of Goods by Sea from or to any Place other than the United Kingdom, or some other of such Possessions, except into or from the several Ports in such Possessions, called "Free Ports," enumerated or described in the Table following; (that is to say,) Ports. Bello -J Her Majesty may appoint other Ports to St. John's Harbour Grâce} Newfoundland. And if any Goods shall be imported into any Port or Place in any of the said Possessions contrary hereto, such Goods shall be forfeited: Provided always, that if Her Majesty shall deem it expedient to extend the Provisions of this Act to any Port or Ports not enumerated in the said Table, it shall be lawful for Her be Free Ports. Majesty, by Order in Council, to extend the Provisions of this Act to such Port or Ports; and from and after the Day mentioned in such Order in Council all the Privileges and Advantages of this Act, and all the Provisions, Penalties, and Forfeitures therein contained, (subject nevertheless to the Limitations and Restrictions herein-after provided,) shall extend, and be deemed and construed to extend, to any such Port or Ports respectively, as fully as if the same had been inserted and enumerated in the said |