صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

said Table at the Time of passing this Act: Provided also, that nothing herein-before contained shall extend to prohibit the Importation or Exportation of Goods into or from any Ports or Places in Newfoundland or Labrador in British Ships: Provided Proviso for also, that it shall be lawful to import from the Islands of Guernsey Articles from and Jersey in British Ships into any Port or Place in the British Guernsey, &c. Possessions in North America, at or from whence the British eries. Fisheries in North America are carried on, any Sort of Craft, Food, Victuals (except Spirits), and any Sort of Clothing and Implements and Materials fit and necessary for the said Fisheries, although such Port or Place be not a Free Port.

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III. And whereas there are in the said Possessions many 'Places situated in Rivers and in Bays at which it may be necessary to establish Ports for particular and limited Purposes only;' be it therefore enacted, That it shall be lawful for Her Majesty, in any Order in Council made for the Appointment of any Free Port, to limit and confine such Appointments respectively to any and such Purposes only as shall be expressed in such Order.

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IV. And whereas by the Law of Navigation Foreign Ships

for the Fish

Her Majesty

may appoint Ports for limited Purposes.

Limitation of

of Foreign Ships.

are permitted to import into any of the British Possessions in the Privileges Asia, Africa, or America, from the Countries to which they belong, Goods the Produce of those Countries, and to export 'Goods from such Possessions to be carried to any Foreign Country whatever : And whereas it is expedient that such Permission should be subject to certain Conditions;' be it therefore enacted, That the Privileges thereby granted to Foreign Ships shall be limited to the Ships of those Countries which, having Colonial Possessions, shall grant the like Privileges of trading with those Possessions to British Ships, or which, not having Colonial Possessions, shall place the Commerce and Navigation of this Country, and of its Possessions abroad, upon the Footing of the most favoured Nation, unless Her Majesty, by Her Order in Council, shall in any Case deem it expedient to grant the whole or any of such Privileges to the Ships of any Foreign Country, although the Conditions aforesaid shall not in all respects be fulfilled by such Foreign Country: Provided always, that no Foreign Country shall be deemed to have fulfilled the beforementioned Conditions, or to be entitled to the Privileges aforesaid, unless and until Her Majesty shall, by some Order or Orders by Her made or to be made by the Advice of Her Privy Council, have declared that such Foreign Country hath so fulfilled the said Conditions, and is entitled to the said Privileges.

c. 50. for regu

V. And be it enacted, That nothing contained in this Act, or This Act not to any other Act passed in the present Session of Parliament, shall affect 4 G. 4. extend to repeal or in any way alter or affect an Act passed in c.77. and 5 G. 4. the Fourth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George lating the Trade the Fourth, intituled An Act to authorize His Majesty, under of Foreign certain Circumstances, to regulate the Duties and Drawbacks on Ships. Goods imported or exported in Foreign Vessels, and to exempt certain Foreign Vessels from Pilotage, nor to repeal or in any way alter or affect an Act passed in the Fifth Year of the Reign of His said late Majesty, among other things, to amend the lastmentioned Act; and that all Trade and Intercourse between the

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Establishing Prohibitions as per Table.

A.D.1845. British Possessions and all Foreign Countries shall be subject to the Powers granted to His said late Majesty by those Acts.

VI. And be it enacted, That the several Sorts of Goods enumerated or described in the Table following, denominated “A Table of Prohibitions and Restrictions," are hereby prohibited to be imported or brought either by Sea or by Inland Carriage or Navigation, into the British Possessions in America or the Manritius, or shall be so imported or brought only under the Restrictions mentioned in such Table, according as the several Sorts of such Goods are set forth therein; (that is to say,)


Ammunition, Arms, or Utensils of War,

[Prohibited to be imported, except from the United Kingdom, or from some other British Possession.] Coffee

Sugar (not being refined
in Bond in the United



Being the Produce or Manufacture of any British Possession within the Limits of the East India Company's Charter (except and subject as herein-after is provided), or, being of Foreign Produce or Manufacture, [Prohibited to be imported into any of the British Possessions on the Continent of South America or in the West Indies (the Bahama and Bermuda Islands not included), or into the Mauritius except to be warehoused for Exportation only, and may also be prohibited to be imported into the Bahama or Bermuda Islands by Her Majesty's Order in Council.]

Base or Counterfeit Coin,

[Prohibited to be imported.]

Goods imported And if any Goods shall be imported or brought into any of the contrary hereto British Possessions in America or the Mauritius contrary to any forfeited.

Coffee, Sugar, and Rum may

be imported into the British Possessions in

the West Indies and South Ame

rica and the Mauritius in certain Cases.

of the Prohibitions or Restrictions mentioned in such Table in respect of such Goods, the same shall be forfeited; and if the Ship or Vessel in which such Goods shall be imported be of less Burden than Sixty Tons, such Ship or Vessel shall also be forfeited.

VII. Provided always, and be it enacted, That it shall be lawful to import into any British Possessions in the West Indies and South America, and into the Mauritius, any Coffee the Produce of any British Possessions within the Limits of the East India Company's Charter, and also any Sugar the Produce of any British Possession within the Limits of the East India Company's Charter, into which the Importation of Sugar the Produce of any Foreign Country, or of any British Possession into which Foreign Sugar may be legally imported, has been prohibited, and also any Rum the Produce of any British Possession within the Limits of the East India Company's Charter, into which the Importation of Rum the Produce of any Foreign Country, or of any British Possession into which Foreign Sugar or Rum may be legally imported, has been prohibited: Provided nevertheless, that no such Coffee, Sugar, or Rum shall be entered in any British Possession in the West Indies or South America, or in the Island of Mauritius, as being the Produce of any British Possession within the Limits of


the East India Company's Charter, from which the same may be so legally imported, unless the Master of the Ship importing the same shall have delivered to the Collector or principal Officer of the Customs at the Port of Importation such Certificate of Origin as herein-after is mentioned, under the Hand and Seal of the proper Officer at the Place where the same shall have been taken on board; and such Master shall also make and subscribe a Declaration before the proper Officer of the Customs that such Certificate was received by him at the Place where such Coffee, Sugar, or Rum was taken on board, and that the Coffee, Sugar, or Rum so imported is the same as is mentioned therein; and such Certificate of Origin shall, as regards Coffee, certify that a Declaration in Writing had been made and signed before the Officer giving such Certificate, the Contents of which he believed to be true, by the Shipper of such Coffee, that the same was really and bonâ fide the Produce of some British Possession; and such Certificate of Origin shall, as respects Sugar, state the Name of the District in which such Sugar was produced, the Quantity and Quality thereof, the Number and Denomination of the Packages containing the same, and the Name of the Ship in which they were laden, and of the Master thereof, and the Officer giving the same; the Shipper of such Sugar shall likewise certify that there had been produced a Certificate under the Hand and Seal of the Collector or Assistant Collector of the Land or Customs Revenue of the District within which such Sugar was produced, that such Sugar was of the Produce of such District, and that the Importation into such District of Foreign Sugar, or Sugar the Growth of any British Possession into which Foreign Sugar can be legally imported, is prohibited; and such Certificate of Origin shall, as respects Rum, state the Name of the District in which such Rum was produced, the Quantity and Strength thereof, the Number and Denomination of the Packages containing the same, and the Name of the Ship in which they were laden, and of the Master thereof, and shall also testify that there had been produced to the Party giving such Certificate, by the Shipper of such Rum, a Certificate under the Hand and Seal of the Collector or Assistant Collector of the Land or Customs Revenue of the District within which such Rum was produced that the same was the Production of such District.

in certain Cases.

VIII. And be it enacted, That all Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, and Coffee, &c., Rum (although the same may be of British Plantations) exported though British, from any of the British Possessions in America, into which the deemed Foreign like Goods of Foreign Production can be legally imported, shall, upon subsequent Importation from thence into any of the British Possessions in America or the Mauritius, into which such Goods, being of Foreign Production, cannot be legally imported, or into the United Kingdom, be deemed to be of Foreign Production, and shall be liable, on such Importation respectively, to the same Duties or the same Forfeitures as Articles of the like Description, being of Foreign Production, would be liable to, unless the same shall have been warehoused under the Provisions of this Act, and exported from the Warehouse direct to such other British Possession, or to the United Kingdom, as the Case may be. IX. And be it enacted, That any Books wherein the Copyright Foreign Reshall be subsisting, first composed or written or printed in the prints of Books

3 E 3

United under Copy

right prohibited.

Foreign Manufactures with

British Marks.

Import Duties imposed.

United Kingdom, and printed or re-printed in any other Country, shall be and are hereby absolutely prohibited to be imported into the British Possessions abroad: Provided always, that no such Books shall be prohibited to be imported as aforesaid unless the Proprietor of such Copyright, or his Agent, shall have given Notice in Writing to the Commissioners of Customs that such Copyright subsists, and in such Notice shall have stated when the Copyright will expire; and the said Commissioners shall cause to be made, and to be publicly exposed at the several Ports in the British Possessions abroad, from Time to Time, printed Lists of Books respecting which such Notice shall have been duly given, and all Books imported contrary thereto shall be forfeited.

X. And be it enacted, That if any Articles of Foreign Manufacture, and any Packages of such Articles bearing any Names, Brands, or Marks of Manufacturers resident in the United Kingdom, shall be imported into any of the British Possessions abroad, the same shall be forfeited.

XI. And be it enacted, That there shall be raised, levied, collected, and paid unto Her Majesty the several Duties of Customs, as the same are respectively set forth in Figures in the Table of Duties herein-after contained, upon Goods, Wares, and Merchandize not being the Growth, Production, or Manufacture of the United Kingdom, or of any of the British Possessions in America, or of the Mauritius, or of any of the British Possessions within the Limits of the East India Company's Charter, or the Produce of any of the British Fisheries imported or brought into any of the British Possessions in America or the Mauritius, by Sea or Inland Carriage or Navigation.

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Candles other than Spermaceti
Corks, Cordage, and Oakum

Oil, Blubber, Fins, and Skins, they

Produce of Fish and Creatures 15 per Centum ad valorem. living in the Sea, of Foreign Fishing

Articles not enumerated, exceptsuch as are comprised or referred to in the subjoined Table of Exemptions

And if any of the Goods hereinbefore charged with Duty, except Sugar, shall be imported through the United Kingdom, (having been warehoused therein, and being exported from the Warehouse, or the Duties thereon, if there paid, having been drawn back,)

4 per

Centum ad valorem.

Such Goods shall only be charged with Three Fourths of the Duties herein-before imposed.

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