Manx Vessels of Fifty Tons First of such Payments to be made on the First Day of October One thousand eight hundred and forty-five, and the same shall be applied by the said Harbour Commissioners to the same Purposes to which the Duties imposed by the said last-mentioned Act and since repealed would be lawfully applicable by the said Harbour Commissioners. XXVI. And be it enacted, That all Vessels registered at any Port in the said Isle of Man, and bond fide the Property of Burden entitled Inhabitants thereof, being so registered as of the Burden of Fifty to Privileges of Vessels of Sixty Tons, shall, with regard to Coasting Trade between the Isle of Man and the United Kingdom, be entitled to all the Privileges to which Vessels registered in the United Kingdom as of Sixty Tons Burden are by Law entitled. Tons. Alteration of XXVII. And be it enacted, That this Act may be amended or repealed by any Act to be passed in the present Session of Parliament. SCHEDULE to which the foregoing Act refers. SCHEDULE OF LICENCE GOODS. Eau de Cologne From the United Kingdom, or from any Place from which the same might be imported into the United Kingdom, for Consumption therein. Rum of the British Plantations Tobacco Segars Gallons 70,000 Pounds 55,000 Ditto 5,000 From the United Kingdom. RULES REFERRED TO IN THIS ACT. 1. All such Goods to be imported or brought into the Port of Douglas, and by Her Majesty's Subjects, and in British Ships or Vessels of the Burden of Fifty Tons or upwards. 2. Such Tobacco to be shipped only in Ports in the United Kingdom where Tobacco is allowed to be imported and warehoused without Payment of Duty. 3. Such Rum, Brandy, and Geneva to be imported or brought in Casks containing not less than Twenty Gallons each. 4. That the respective Quantities of such Spirits shall be estimated according to the Strength of Proof by Sykes's Hydro meter. 5. No Drawback of Excise to be allowed on any such Goods until a Certificate of the due Landing of the Goods at the Port of Douglas be produced from the Collector and Comptroller of the Customs at that Port. 6. If any such Goods be laden at any Foreign Port or Place, the Species and Quantity of such Goods, with the Marks, Num bers, and Denominations of the Casks or Packages containing the same, shall be endorsed on the Licence, and signed by the British Consul Consul at the Port of Lading, or if there be no British Consul, by 7. Upon Importation into the Port of Douglas of any such Goods the Licence for the same shall be delivered up to the Collector or Comptroller of that Port. CA P. XCV. An Act to exempt Van Diemen's Land from the Provisions WE HEREAS an Act passed in the Session of Parliament held in the Fifth and Sixth Years of the Reign of Her Majesty, intituled An Act for regulating the Sale of Waste Land 5&6 Vict. c. 36. 'belonging to the Crown in the Australian Colonies: And whereas 'the Provisions of the said Act are inapplicable to those Colonies 'to which Felons and Offenders may be transported by Law from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland: Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That the said Act shall be suspended and of no Force and Effect in the Colony of Van Diemen's Land, as such Colony is now defined and limited, so long as the said Colony shall continue to be a Place to which Felons and other so long as Offenders under Sentence or Order of Transportation may be con- Felons are veyed from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, by transported Direction of Her Majesty, given with the Advice of Her Privy there. Council. Act not to take effect in the Colony of Van Diemen's Land II. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect and have Commencethe Force of Law in the said Colony from and after a Day to be ment of Act. specified by the Governor of the said Colonies in some Proclama tion to be issued by him for that Purpose. III. And be it enacted, That this Act may be altered or amended Alteration of during the present Session of Parliament. CA P. XCVI. An Act to restrict the Powers of selling or leasing Railways WH Act. HEREAS Provisions have been introduced in various Acts of Parliament, during the present Session of Parliament, relating to Railways, giving to Railway Companies general Powers of granting or accepting a Lease, Sale, or Transfer of their own or other Lines of Railway; and it is expedient that 'such Powers should be restrained :' Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That it shall not be lawful for the Company of Proprietors No Railway of any Railway, by virtue of any Powers contained in any Act Company to passed in the present Session, to make or grant, or for any other grant or accept Railway a Lease or Transfer of any Railway Company or Party, by virtue of any such Powers, to Railway unless accept, a Sale, Lease, or other Transfer of any Railway, unless under a distinct under the Authority of a distinct Provision in some Act of Parlia ment to that Effect specifying by Name the Railway to be so leased, sold, or transferred, and the Company or Party by whom such Lease, Sale, or Transfer may be respectively made, granted, or accepted. Provision of an Act specifying the Parties. 1 G. 1. c. 19. All Shares of CA P. XCVII. An Act to amend the Law respecting Testamentary Dispo Majesty King George the First, intituled An Act for raising Nine hundred and ten thousand Pounds for public Ser 'vices, by Sale of Annuities after the Rate of Five Pounds per Centum per Annum, redeemable by Parliament, and to authorize a Treaty concerning private Rights claimed by the Proprietors of the Sugar Houses in Scotland, and by divers Acts since passed for creating Stocks, Funds, and Annuities payable out of the Public Revenue, and for the Consolidation, Regulation, and 'Management of such Stocks, Funds, and Annuities respectively, it is enacted, that any Person or Persons possessed of any Estate or Interest in the Public Stocks or Funds, and Annuities by the same Acts respectively created, may devise the same by Will in Writing attested by Two or more credible Witnesses, but that no such Devisee shall receive any Payment thereupon until so 'much of any such Will as shall relate to such Stock or Annuity respectively shall be entered or registered in the Office of the 'Chief Accountant for the Time being of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, and that in default of any 'such Devise such Stocks or Funds respectively, and the respec'tive Annuities attending the same, shall go to the Executors or 'Administrators of the Person or Persons dying entitled thereto; And whereas Doubts have arisen as to the true Construction and Effect of the Provisions aforesaid; and the Registration of specific Devises or Bequests of Property in such Stocks, Funds, and Annuities as aforesaid has been found in Practice to be unnecessary and inconvenient; and it is expedient that such 'Doubts should be removed, and that the Provisions made by the 'said Acts respectively for such Registration should be repealed: And whereas it hath been the Practice of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England to require that all the Executors of any Person entitled to any Share or Interest in any Stocks, Funds, or Annuities transferable at the Bank of England should join in the Transfer thereof, and it is desirable that the 'same should be confirmed by Law: Be it therefore enacted and declared by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Autho rity of the same, That all the Share or Interest in any Public Stocks now standing in the Books of the Governor and Company of deceased Person may be trans of the Bank of England in the Name of any deceased Person, standing in the and all the Share and Interest of any Person who shall hereafter Name of any die possessed of any such Stocks standing in his Name as aforesaid, shall and may be assigned and transferred by the Executors ferred by the or Administrators of such Person notwithstanding any specific Executors. Bequest or Disposition thereof in the Will of such Person contained: Provided always, that the said Governor and Company of the Bank of England shall not be required to permit or allow the Executors or Administrators of any such Person to transfer any such Stocks, or to receive any Dividend thereon, until the Probate of the Will or the Letters of Administration of the Goods, Chattels, and Credits of such Person shall have been first left at the Bank of England for Registration thereof; and that it shall be lawful All the Execufor the said Governor and Company to require all the Executors tors to join in who shall have proved the Will of any deceased Person in whose the Transfer of Name any such Stocks are now or at any Time hereafter may be standing to join and concur in every Transfer thereof or of any Part thereof. 6 Stock. Powers of Attorney to be given for Re II. And be it enacted, That so much and such respective Parts Bank not to of any and every Act now in force as require all or any Part of register specific any Will or Codicil devising or bequeathing or purporting to Bequests. devise or bequeath any Estate, Property, or Interest in any Public Stocks, or in any Dividends arising therefrom, to be entered or registered in the Office of the Chief Accountant of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, or in any other Office, or in any Book of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, shall be and the same are hereby respectively repealed, and that from and after the passing of this Act it shall be sufficient for the said Governor and Company, before permitting the Transfer of any Stocks, or the Receipt of any Dividends upon any Stock standing in the Name of any deceased Person, to register the Names of the deceased Party, and of his Executors or Administrators respectively, as the Case may be. III. And whereas it frequently happens that Stock is standing in the Names of Infants or Persons of unsound Mind, jointly with Persons not under any legal Disability to act, and such last-mentioned Persons are not able to attend personally to ' receive the Dividends thereon, and no Power of Attorney can be granted for the Receipt of such Dividends;' be it therefore enacted, That whenever it shall happen that any Stock shall be standing in the Name of any Infant or Person of unsound Mind, jointly any Person not under any legal Disability to act, it shall be lawful to and for such last-mentioned Person, by Letter of Attorney under his Hand and Seal, attested by Two or more credible Witnesses, to authorize some other Person to receive the Dividends due and to accrue due on such Stock; and the Payment of any such Dividend to any Person so appointed shall discharge the said Governor and Company of the Bank of England in respect thereof: Provided always, that it shall be lawful for the said Governor and Company, before acting on any such Letter of Attorney, to require Proof to the Satisfaction of the said Governor and Company of the Age of such Infant, or of the Unsoundness of Mind of such Person, by the Declaration of competent Persons, to be made in pursuance of the Act passed in the Sixth Year of with the ceipt of Dividends in certain Cases. Interpretation of Act. Alteration of If any incorpo rated commer cial or trading Company, &c. shall commit any Act which is hereby deem ed an Act of Bankruptcy on the Part of such Company, a Commission of Bankruptcy may issue against the same, and be prosecuted in like Manner as against other Bankrupts, subject to Pro. visions hereinafter made. 7 W. 4. & 1 Vict. c. 73. 7 & 8 Vict. c.110. the Reign of His late Majesty authorizing the Substitution of a Declaration in lieu of an Oath in certain Cases. IV. And be it enacted, That the Word "Stocks" in this Act shall extend to any Stocks, Funds, or Annuities which now are or at any Time hereafter shall be transferable at the Bank of England; and that the Plural Number in this Act shall be construed to include the Singular; and that the Masculine Gender in this Act shall be construed to include the Feminine. V. And be it enacted, That this Act may be amended or repealed by any Act to be passed in this present Session of Parlia ment. CA P. XCVIII. An Act for facilitating the winding up the Affairs of Joint Petition |