The Moral Philosophy of William JamesCrowell, 1969 - 355 من الصفحات Here, in a single volume, are selections from the writings of William James that cover the entire spectrum of his work as psychologist, moral philosopher, pragmatist, and metaphysician. These selections concentrate on the theme of James's moral philosophy. Although James was acknowledged as one of the dominant philosophers of his time, his total moral perspective is not easy to grasp. This is because he never developed a fully unified statement of his position. Rather, his illuminating reflections on moral issues were scattered unsystematically throughout his writings. This volume focuses attention on writings that are at the heart of James's ethical perspective. -- Book jacket. |
The Stream of Consciousness | 21 |
The Self | 43 |
Attention and Will | 72 |
حقوق النشر | |
12 من الأقسام الأخرى غير ظاهرة
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
absolutely abstract action actual appear asceticism attention become believe better casuistic chance character claim conception concrete consciousness demands determinism determinists effort emotional empiricism empiricist essential eternal ethical existence experience fact faith feeling freedom and unity give gnosticism Green and Company heart Henry James human hypothesis ideal ideas impulses instincts intellectual interest James's judgment kind lecture live logic man's matter means mental metaphysical mind monistic moral moral universe nature ness never non-resistance notion object ourselves Oxford Street passion pessimism philosophy pluralism possible practical pragmatism pragmatist principle psychology pure question Ralph Barton Perry rational rationalist reality reason relations religion religious saintly saints seems sensations sense sensible simply social sort soul spiritual subjectivism suppose sure theism theory things thinker thought tion true truth universe verification volition whole William James word