FOR THE GUIDANCE OF THIRD EDITION. RE-ARRANGED AND GREATLY ENLARGED. PREFACE. Since the publication of the second edition in 1880 so many changes have taken place in the Statute Law of the Colony affecting the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace, and the powers given to Special Justices of the Peace have been so considerably extended, that a new edition was urgently needed. As the Colonial Secretary's Department have codified all rules and regulations for the guidance of Civil Commissioners and Resident Magistrates, this was deemed a fitting opportunity for the publication of a new edition of this Manual, which is recognized by Government in a footnote at page 48 of the Code above referred to, where those concerned are informed that "a revised edition of the Justice of the Peace Manual will shortly be issued and supplied Justices of the Peace and Special Justices of the Peace have been treated The arrangement of the book has been alphabetical throughout, so that those sceking for information should have no difficulty in speedily finding what they It is hoped that, in giving an introductory chapter on Preliminary Chambers, September, 1891. H. T. Divisional Councils Valuation-Act 40, 1889, § 246 Dog Tax-Act 40, 1889, §§ 221-232 Drugs--Act 5, 1890, §§ 9, 13-15 Forests-Act 28, 1888, §§ 30, 39 Gunpowder and Firearms-Ord. No. 81, 1830, §§ 6, 7 2, 1853, §§ 2, 5, 6, 8-10, 13, 15-20, Act No. 14, 1857, §§ 1, 3-8.... 19, 22, 23, 37, 38, 48. Hawkers-Act No. 20, 1884, Tariff, Health Acts-Act No. 4, 1883, §§ 2, Liquor Licensing-Act No. 28, 1883, §§ 28, 31, 32, 64, 81-83, 87. 42, 1887 Weights and Measures-Act No. 11, 1858, §§ 10-12, Witnesses-Act No. 20, 1856, § 52 Wool, Mohair, and Carcases, Theft of-See under "Cattle Thefts'' PAGE. 57 58 58 59 71 71 72 72 85 85 85 86 87 95 6 97 101 |