TABLE OF CASES REPORTED AND CITED BY HOBART. (Moon v.) 133. v. The Bishop of York, 184. Anonymous, 2 e. 8 a. 114 a. 126 a. 140 b. 179 b. 188. 191 a. 202 a. 235 a. 330 a. Belcher v. Hudson, 216 b. Bell v. Hartley & ux. 177 a. Bland v. Edmonds, 219 a. Bourcher (Essington v.) 244 a. (Wickstead v.) 116 a. Bredon's case, 277 a. b. Conisby (Wats v.) 247 a. Brickhead v. Archbishop of York, 118. Constable's case, 246 a. 197 a. Bridgeman's case, 11. 66 66 v. Goldsmith, 108. Bruton v. Morris et als. 182. Buckle (Reynolds v.) 326 a. Buckler v. Harvey, 314 a. Buckley v. Wood, 206. 267. Buckmer's case, 282 b. Budden (Wood v.) 119 a. Burcher's case, 137. Burchley's case, 9 b. Burgh's or Borough's case, 30 a. Castilion v. Smith's executors, 283 a. Chancellor, master and scholars of Cam bridge v. Walgrave, 126 b. Chapter of Southwell (London v.) 303. Clanrickard, Earl of, v. Sidney, Viscount Lisle, 1.46. 273. 329. Coachman v. Halley, 179 a. Collins (Copley v.) 179 a. 66 v. Throughgood, 188. Collison's case, 136. Colt et al v. Bishop of Coventry & Litchfield, 140 b. Collherst's case, 315 a. Cooke (Hussey v.) 294. Coote v. Gilbert 77 b. 331 b. Cope v. Lewyn, 38 a. Copley v. Collins, 179 a. Cornero (Don Alonso de Valasco, Spanish Cotton (Twisse v.) 265 a. Coventry v. Woodhall, 134 a. Cowley & ux v. Poulton & ux. 129 a. Cowper v. Andrews, 39. Cox v. Barnsly, 47 a. Crane v. Taylor, 269. Cranley v. Kingswell, 207 a. Crittal v. Horner, 219 b. Crookhay v. Woodward, 217 a. Crow v. Edwards, 5 b. Cuddington v. Wilkins, 67. 81 b. Cumberland, Earl of v. Countess Dowager of Cumberland, 37 b. 85. "(Smales v.) 120. Danby v. Archbishop of York, 113 b. 66 66 & al. v. Leigh & als. 324. v. Markham, 120 a. Darcye's case, 212 a. Darrell or Dorrell v. Collins, 170 a. 66 (St. John v.) 130 a. Dimmock's case, 136 a. Dimmock v. Astead, 16 a. Dive v. Manningham, 14 b. 56 a. 110 a. 276 a. Doddington's case, 171 a. Don Alonso de Valasco v. Cornero, 212 a. Don Diego Serviento de Acuna v. Bingley, 113 b. 66 v. Jolliff, Tucker and Bingley, 78. Dorrel v. Andrews, 190. Englefield's case, 341. Engleton (Edwards v.) 283 a. English's case, 277 b. 278 a. Evans (Parke & al. v.) 62 a. Glanvile and Allen's case, 115 a. Goffe v. Browne, 190 b. Gogle's case, 189 a. Gold v. Death, 92 b. Goldsmith (Brown v.) 108. Gooche's or Gouch's case, 72 b. Countess of, v. Lady Rosse, 213 a. Goodale's case, 55 c. 262 a. Fanshaw's case, 125 a. Farmer's case, 286 a. 330. Farmer v. Shereman, 248 a. Farrington v. Darel or Daylye, 33 a. Finch's case, 175 a. 258 b. 278 b. Fitzharbert (Digby v.) 101. Fleetwood and Aston's case, 45 a. 66 v. Curley, 267 b. Flemming (Adams v.) 283. 66 Holford v. Parker, 246. Holman & ux. (Swain v.) 203 b. Horner (Crittal v.) 219 b. Howard v. Bartlet, 181. 66 v. Bell & als. 91. Jervoyse (Austin v.) 69 l. Johnson v. Throughgood, 64 a. Lincoln College, case of, 333. 66 (Clanrickard v.) 1.46. 273. 329. London v. The Chapter of the Church of Jolliff & als. (Spanish Ambassador v.) 78. London Chamberlain's case, 212 a. Lord Chancellor's case, 214. |