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النشر الإلكتروني







Pulchrum est bene facere Reipublicæ, etiam bene dicere haud absurdum est.




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Achievements of the Knights of Malta, crit-

ical notice, 104.

Addison, Memoirs of the Life of, (by Miss
Aikin, critical notice, 649.
Adventures of a Night on the Banks of the
Devron, (by R. Balmanno,) 569.
Affectation, Melancholy, (from "Thoughts,
Feelings, and Fancies,") 448.

American Journal of Science and Art, crit-
ical notice of, 213.

Andre, Major; Engraving of the Capture of,
critical notice, 540.

Antiquities, Greek and Roman, School Dic-
tionary of noticed, 433.

Arago, M., (Dr. Lardner,) sketch of his life
and labors, 162.

Army Attack and National Defence, (Ed-
ward Hunt,) 146; slang-whangers, 146;
President Polk the maker of the war with
Mexico, 148; executive abuse of the army,
ib.; reliance on the militia for national de-
fence, 150; wretched inefficiency of the
militia system as now established, 151;
volunteer companies, their use, 153; gar-
risons, 154; fortifications, their nature and
effect, 155; probabilities of a war-means
of defence and attack, 157, 158, 159.

Army of Occupation, (J. T. Headley,) 171;
the war with Mexico unjust-hurried upon
us by the executive-first occupation of the
Mexican territory by our army precipitated
both nations into an unnecessary war-
perilous position of Gen. Taylor, 172;
sketch of the defence of Fort Isabel, ib.;
heroic conduct of the garrison, 173; de-
scription of the battle of Palo Alto, ib.; a
pure common fight won altogether by artil-
lery, ib.; admirable management of field-
pieces by American officers in that battle-
great military qualities of General Taylor,
175; memorable words of General Taylor,
176; battle of Resaca de la Palma, ib.;
brave conduct of the infantry, 177; rout of
the Mexicans, ib; May's charge of caval-
ry, 179; inferences to be drawn from these
two battles, in regard to our troops; none
would surpass them, 179.

Art Union Critics, Hints to, 599; all subjects
not fit to be represented in picture, ib.;
difference between description and repre-
sentation; pictorial art cannot represent
motion, but prefers the fixed qualities of
things; poetry, on the contrary, describes
motion, action, and change, ib.; vices of
design, vice of the parlor, vice of the studio,
vice of the theatre, improper use of the lay
figure, 600; choice of mean subjects, ib.;
subjective and objective art contrasted, ib.;
example of a picture by a skillful and un-
skillful artist, 601; theory of the pleasure
of painting in the choice of agreeable sub-
jects, color, &c.-nature to be imitated in
her best moods only, ib.; fault of ordinary
colorists, ib.; description of a picture in
the classic style of Nicholas Poussin, with
a complete theory of transparent color,

603, 604; contrast of sensuous and moral
art, 605; form, the expression of character.
606; method of criticising pictures, prin-
ciples by which they should be judged,
607; gross ideas of the German and other
schools as to the right method of study for
an artist, 608, 609.


Ballot-Box, Responsibility of the, 435; new
constitution of New York State referred
to, 435, 437; judiciary provisions in, re-
marked upon, 438, 439, 440; importance of
all citizens attending the polls, that good
men and good measures may prevail, 443,
444; country not to be governed without
parties, 444, 445.

Bartlett and Welford's Catalogue of Ancient
and Modern Books, critical notice of, 213.
Beaumont and Fletcher, (E. P. Whipple,)
68; their birth and first writings, ib.;
number of their plays, 69; their faults and
impurities, 69, 70, 71; their striking char-
acteristics, 72, 73; extracts from their
dramas and comments, 74 to 78; their
lyrics-quoted, 79, 80.

Beaumont and Fletcher, part second, 131;
heroic spirit of their writings, ib.; "The
Mad Lover" "Valentinian," 132; pas-
sages from Valentinian, 132, 133; play of
Bonduca, 134; the "Humorous Lieuten-
ant" the "Elder Brother" -the "False
One," 135, 136; "The Double Marriage,"
with extracts, 137, 138, 139, 140; the "Two
Noble Kinsmen"-" Triumph of Honor"-
particular qualities of Fletcher, 142, 143;
striking passages, 144, 145.

of, 544.


Chambers' Information for the People, notice
Chinese, the, (J. H. Lanman,) 392; their
territory, ib.; ancient knowledge of them,
393; political structure of the empire, 394;
emperor's aristocracy, ib.; costume, 395;
machinery of the government, 395, 396;
laws and jurisprudence, 397; social regu-
lations, 398; their agriculture, 399; manu-
factures, ib.; their foreign commerce, 400;
excellence in the useful arts, ib.; diffusion
of education, 401; religion, ib; amuse-
ments, 401, 402; public works, 402; cities,
ib; Chinese army, 403; our commerce
with China.

Civilization, American and European, (Pro-
fessor Goodwin,) second part of the arti-
cle, 27; self-government the highest prob-
lem of civilization, 28; some of our dis-
advantages and dangers, 28, 29; universal
suffrage, 29; power of public opinion, 31;
faith in the people, 33, 34; ancient civiliza-
tion, 35; comparison of ourselves with
Europeans, 37; our institutions, fears,
hopes, 40, 41, 42.

Congress, the XXIXth. (Hon. J. P. Ken-
nedy,) 541; Congress, the twenty.ninth,
543; brief report of its leading measures,
ib; spirit and measures of the twenty-
seventh Congress, 543, 544; its spirit, con-
servative and provident that of the twen-
ty-ninth destructive and ultra, 544, 545;
Texas-the war, 546, 547; supported the
ruinous free trade system fostered by
Britain, 550.

Constitution, (the new one,) of New York
State-article sixth, the judiciary, (J. M.
Van Cott,) 520; formation of the Conven-
tion, 521; objectionable features of the
new constitution, 523; danger of the cor-
ruption of justice, 524, 525; elective judici-
ary in danger of demagogical influence,
525, 526; probable want of learned judges
under this system, 526.

Cooper's "Indian and Ingin," Review of,
(C. A. Bristed,) 276; points affirmed in the
book relating to anti-rentism, 277; "popu-
lar cant about aristocracy," 278; "aristo-
cratic exclusiveness," ib.; "feudal privil-
eges," ib.; "hardship of long leases," ib.;
"reservation of woodlands," 279, &c.
Copper Regions, Early Notices of, 347.
Creation of Values, 641.


Dana, J. S, notice of his book on Structure
and Classification of Zoophytes, 432.
Destiny, a poem, critical notice of, 649.
Diotima, the Prophetess, an Athenian Tale,
(J. D. Whelpley,) 467.
Draper's Chemistry, notice of, 544.


Education of Women, 416.
Emily, a poem, (H. W. Parker,) 117.
Etchings of a Whale Cruise, notice of, 539.


Father's Reverie, a poem, (Miss Anna Black-
well,) 43.

Filtration of Water, critical notice, 213.
Finance and Commerce, 95, 199, 316.
Fletcher, (see Beaumont and Fletcher,) 68.
Foreign Miscellany, 98, 204, 321, 426, 537, 645.
Foster, Rev. John, notice of his "Life and
Correspondence," 434.

French Domestic Cookery, critical notice of
the volume, 214.
Fuller, Miss Margaret S., 414.


Graydon's Memoirs of his own time, critical
notice, 102.

Greene, Nathaniel, notice of the Life of, 431.


Hawthorne, Review of his Writings, (C. W.
Webber,) 296; references to certain quali-
ties of New World literature, 297, 302;
characteristics of Hawthorne noticed, 305,
306, 307; Hawthorne's conservatism, 305;
"Idealization," 309; Charles Lamb, 310;

the Tale of "Goodman Brown," 311, 315.
Hazlitt, Leigh Hunt's Poetical Epistle to, 25.
Hearts we Love, a poem, (W. T. Bacon,)

History of the Bastile, critical notice, 103.
Homer, Translators of-Review of Munford's
Illiad, (C. A. Bristed,) 350; some remarks
on translation, 351, 352; translators of
Homer enumerated, 353; Chapman, Pope,

Cowper, Sotheby, and Munford compared,
with extracts, 353 to 372.

Homeric Translations, note to the article on,

Hunt, Leigh, a sketch, (G. F. Dean,) 17;
anecdotes of his life, 18, 19; his remarks
upon the stage, 19; Hunt in prison, 22;
his epistle in verse to Charles Lamb, 24;
to William Hazlitt, 25.


Jennison's Filter, notice of, 434.
Jones, Paul, sketch of his life and services,
(J. T. Headley,) 228.
Journalism, (by a resident at Paris,) 281;
power of the public press, 282; London
morning papers the Post, the Herald, the
Standard, Morning Chronicle, 282, 283;
evening papers-the Globe, and Sun, 283;
the Times, 283, 284; reporters, 285, 286,
287; proprietorship of the London papers,
288, 289; the Daily News, 291; corre-
spondents, 292, 293; journalism in France,
293, 294; weekly press, 295.

Julietta, or the Beautiful Head, from the
German of Lyser, (by Mrs. "St. Simon,")


Julia Jay, a poem, (Rev. Ralph Hoyt,) 610.


Kennedy, Hon. John P.; notice of his life,
public services, addresses, and literary
career, 551.


Lamb, Leigh Hunt's poetical epistle to, 24.
Legal Profession, Ancient and Modern-the
Bars of Greece, Rome, France, England,
and the United States, 242; popular charg-
es against the legal profession, ib.; nature
of the legal profession-how taking its
rise-functions of the lawyer, 243, 244;
two divisions in the profession, jurispru-
dence and advocacy, 245; jurisprudence in
Greece, ib.; the Grecian bar-Themis-
tocles, Pericles, Aristides, Isaeus, Anti-
phon, Lysias, Isocrates, Demosthenes,
246; regulations of the Grecian courts,
247; the Roman bar under the Republic,
248; under the Empire, 248, 249; regu-
lations of the Roman courts, 249; early
stages of Gallic law, 250; origin of trial by
ordeal, ib.; early legal usages in France,
251; parliament of Paris-order of advo-
cates, 252; admission to the French bar,
253; abolition of the order of advocates,
254; the British bar, 255; state of the pro-
fession in England, 256; defects of the bar
in this country, 257; inferiority of legal
education, 258, report of the "Inner Tem-
ple," London, on this point, ib.; the future
of the profession in this country, 260;
Note-opinions of Savigny, 261, 262.
Literary Phenomena, (E. A. Duyckinck,)


Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe,
part 1, 496, (James Hadley)-principle of
translation, 497, 498, 499; Teutonic poetry,
501; extract from Cædmon the Saxon,
502, 503, 504; Norse poetry, 504, 505; Teg-
ner, 505, 506 Part 2, 580; Troubadours
of Deutschland, 580; early German poetry,
581; Klopstock, Lessing, Wieland, Herder,
Goethe, Schiller, 582, 583, 584; Uhland,
Hoffinan, 585; poetry of Holland, 586.

[blocks in formation]

Marching Song of the "Teutonic Race," a
poem, (H. M. Goodwin,) 240.

Memoirs of the Administrations of Wash-
ington and John Adams, edited from the
papers of Oliver Wolcott, by George Gibbs,
reviewed, (by Charles King,) 614.

Metres, Short Chapters on Exotic and
Novel, (C A. Bristed,) chapter first, Hex-
ameter and Pentameter, 482.

Merchant, the-Literature and Statistics of
Commerce, (G. H. Colton,) 459; Mr.
Winthrop's address before the Boston
Mercantile Association, 459, 460; com-
merce the true handmaid of civilization,
460; how the merchant should be educa-
ted, 460, 461; M'Culloch's Dictionary of
Commerce, 461; earlier compilations, 461,
462; Macgregor's Commercial Statistics,
462; Hunt's Merchant's Magazine-Com-
mercial Review, 463, 464.
Mexico, our Relations with, (Hon. D. D.
Barnard,) rd,) 1; position of the administra-
tration, 2;
grand object of the executive,
3; conduct of Mexico towards us since
their Revolution of 1822, ib.; action of the
American government, 1831, to provide
against a recurrence of Mexican injuries,
4; claims asserted against Mexico, ib;
growth of distrust in Mexico, ib; Presi-
dent Jackson's Message to Congress, 1837,
authorizing reprisals, 5; ; message not act-
ed upon, ib.; special messenger to Mexi-
co sent by President Van Buren, ib.;
Mexican Envoy Extraordinary, 1838, ib.;
convention between the two powers, 1839,
ib; joint commission appointed 1840-ter-
minated 1842, 6; disposition of Mexico at
that time, ib.; awards to American citizens
by the joint commission, ib.; amount due
to us from Mexico 1842, 7; subsequent
action of Mexico upon these claims, 7, 8;
effects of Annexation of Texas upon Mexi-
can government, 8; our minister returns,
ib; failure of Mexico to repair injuries
not defensible on that ground, 9; how the
War came to exist an executive move-
ment for new territory, 10; no real occa-
sion for it-Mr. Thompson's mission in
Mexico, 11; aggression upon Mexico in
marching the army to the Nueces, 13; this
the true and just occasion of the War, 14;
President to be blamed, no one else, 15;
Mr. Buchanan and Mr. Slidell, 13*; at-
tempt by the President to induce General
Taylor to begin the war a year earlier.
Model of the City of New York, critical no-
tice of, 211
Monopolies, 639.
Moore, Poetical Works of, complete in one
volume, critical notice, 648
Morning, a poem, (J J. C.) 275.

[blocks in formation]

how one lives in Paris, 377; No. IlI.-a
glimpse of the Appenines, 449; No. IV.,

Novitiate, the; or a year among the English
Jesuits, critical notice of, 212.
Numa and Egeria, a classical ballad, (J. S.
Babcock,) 391.


Oregon Treaty, the, (G. H. Colton,) 105;
news of its peaceful character received with
gratification by the three leading nations
of Christendom, ib; the point of honor es-
sential between nations as between indi-
viduals, ib.; England sincere in her claim
of territory, ib; the body of the people on
both sides impatient of any disturbance of
the peace of Christendom, 106; a few
Parisian journals disaffected-position and
interest of the nations in view of the war,
the principle of war not yet abandoned,
ib.; growth of the war feeling, 107; Sir
Robert Peel's opinion against unnecessary
war, 108; statement of the case-first oс-
cupation of the coast by Spain in 1513 and
forward-after occupation by England-
purchase of Louisiana from the French,
first created the probability of a claim-
discovery of the Columbia gave us a farther
claim-first proposition made by the Eng-
lish government, soon after the purchase
of Louisiana, ib.; a line agreed upon be-
tween United States and British posses-
sions, 109; Mr. Jefferson's objection-ne-
gotiations after the war-proposition of a
line of boundary by Messrs. Rush and
Gallatin in 1818-protracted discussion-
negotiations again-opened in 1824, 110;
our government pressed for a settlement
in 1826, ib.; in 1827 the right was conceded
to both nations, with joint occupancy, 111;
in 1842 bill for grant of land in the territory
brought into the Senate, ib.; conduct of
the Administration, 112; conduct of the
Senate, 113; the treaty, 114-honorable to
the Whig Party.


Painters, something about our, (R. G.
Papers on Literature and Art, Review of Miss
White,) 180.

Paris, letter from, 209.
Fuller's, 414.
Passages from the life of a Medical Eclectic.
No. III. 53; No. IV. 264.
Payn's Illustrated London, critical notice of,


Picture from Memory's gallery, a poem, 160.
Pictorial History of England, notice of, 544.
Poetry.-Hearts we love, 15*; The Age, a
sonnet, 52; Rain, (by Rev. Ralph Hoyt,)
65; Emily, (H. W. Parker,) 117; Picture
from Memory's gallery, 160; Sonnet, 179;
Marching song of the "Teutonic Race."
(H. M. Goodwin,) 240; Morning, 275;
the Atheist world-builder, (Wm. Oland
Bourne,) 545; Who mourns wisely? 338;
Numa and Egeria, 391; A Song for the
times, 409; To the Night wind in Autumn,
(G. H. Colton,) 446; The Phantom Funeral,
(H. H. Clements,) 465; Julia Jay, (Rev.
Ralph Hoyt,) 610.

Poland, three Chapters on the History of,
Chapter third, character of the Poles, (Dr.
Wierzbicki,) 45; Polish patriotism, 45;

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