Public Health Leadership: Putting Principles into PracticeJones & Bartlett Publishers, 07/10/2009 - 570 من الصفحات New Edition Available 12/28/2012 This thorough revision maintains the same basic structure of the first edition of Public Health Leadership. In five parts, it explores the basic theories and principles of leadership and then describes how they may be applied in the public health setting. Leadership skills and competencies, as well as methods for measuring and evaluating leaders are also thoroughly covered. The final chapter has been expanded to cover the future of public health and global leadership. Four new chapters have been added to the Second Edition: a chapter on the interface between management and leadership, a chapter on systems and complexity leadership concerns, and a chapter on employee development. The final new chapter will explore the transition from traditional leadership roles to the new roles required by a focus on bioterrorism and other disasters. New case studies, interviews, and exercises have also been added. The Second Edition also features new sidebar boxes with quotes from classic and contemporary writers on leadership. |
Leadership Applications in Public Health | 151 |
Leadership Skills and Competencies | 269 |
Leadership Evaluation and Research | 469 |
The Future | 525 |
559 | |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
action plan activities agency’s agenda assessment asthma behavior Bingo County Centers challenges clinics CLSCs coalition collaboration community constituents community health competencies conflict core functions create crisis cultural cultural competency decision discussed diversity effective evaluation feedback Gallup Organization goals and objectives health department health issues health leaders need health needs Hispanic identify implementation important improve individual Institute of Medicine involves leadership development learning managed care mentoring mission mumps negotiation NHAs organization organizational partners partnership performance PHLI policy development population prevention promote public health agency Public Health Informatics public health leaders public health leadership public health professionals public health services public health system public health workforce relationships residents responsibility role Six Sigma social social marketing staff stakeholders step strategies Study systems thinking tion vaccine values vision