Nehru: The Invention of IndiaArcade Pub., 2003 - 282 من الصفحات New from Shashi Tharoor, eminent United Nations,diplomat and author of India: From Midnight to the,Millennium, comes an incisive new biography of the,great secularist, Jawaharlal Nehru, who -,alongside his spiritual father, Mahatma Gandhi -,led the movement for India's independence from,British rule and ushered his newly independent,country into the modern world.,|A well-crafted life of the Indian politician and,independence-movement hero.. A thoughtful,account, likening Nehru to Thomas Jefferson in,ways both positive and negative| - Kirkus Reviews. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 33
الصفحة x
... death , we have something of an answer to the latter question . As an In- dia still seemingly clad in the trappings of Nehruvianism steps out into the twenty - first century , little of Jawahar- lal Nehru's legacy appears intact . India ...
... death , we have something of an answer to the latter question . As an In- dia still seemingly clad in the trappings of Nehruvianism steps out into the twenty - first century , little of Jawahar- lal Nehru's legacy appears intact . India ...
الصفحة 215
... death , Jawa- harlal Nehru had left his most important legacy . His last will and testament , written in 1954 when he was not yet sixty - five , was released to the nation upon his death . In it he spoke of his gratitude for the love ...
... death , Jawa- harlal Nehru had left his most important legacy . His last will and testament , written in 1954 when he was not yet sixty - five , was released to the nation upon his death . In it he spoke of his gratitude for the love ...
الصفحة 278
... death of , 214-17 on death of Gandhi , 160-61 development of political thought in , 52-59 disillusionment of , 47-48 early life of , 3–18 early political interests , 23–24 , 50-52 education of , 8 , 9-11 , 13-15 , 17-18 election of , to ...
... death of , 214-17 on death of Gandhi , 160-61 development of political thought in , 52-59 disillusionment of , 47-48 early life of , 3–18 early political interests , 23–24 , 50-52 education of , 8 , 9-11 , 13-15 , 17-18 election of , to ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
affairs Allahabad Amritsar Massacre arrest Assembly Azad Bose British government British Raj British rule cabinet called caste China Churchill civil communal Communists Congress leaders Congress Party country's daughter death declared Delhi democracy democratic dian economic Edwina elected English Extremists father Feroze Feroze Gandhi foreign policy freedom Gandhian gave gress harlal Hindu Hindu-Muslim imperialism imprisonment independence Indian National Indian nationalist Indian political interim government issue jail Jawa Jawaharlal Nehru Jawaharlal's Jinnah Kamala Kashmir Khilafat Krishna lal's later leadership leading League's letter London Lord M. J. Akbar Mahatma Gandhi Maulana ment Motilal Nehru Motilal's Mountbatten Muslim League nationalist movement Nehru Report Nehruvian never nonalignment noncooperation North-West Frontier Province Pakistan Pandit party's Patel politicians Prasad president prime minister principle prison provinces Punjab radical refused religion resign resolution secular Shashi Tharoor social socialist sought Soviet tion tional unity viceroy viceroy's wrote young
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