A SYSTEM OF THE PRINCIPAL MATTERS RELATING TO THAT KERE 1/2 BY WILLIAM HAWKINS, SERJEANT AT LAW. The Eighth Edition, in Two Uolumes. VOL. II. OF COURTS OF CRIMINAL JURISDICTION AND THE BY JOHN CURWOOD, ESQ. BARRISTER AT LAW. LONDON: PRINTED FOR S. SWEET, 3, CHANCERY LANE; R. PHENEY, INNER TEMPLE-LANE; A. MAXWELL, 21, and r. steVENS AND SONS, 39, BELL YARD, AND J. CUMMING, DUBLIN. I FEEL much gratified in dedicating this new Edition of HAWKINS'S PLEAS OF THE CROWN to your Lordship, inasmuch as it affords me the public opportunity of expressing my feelings of deep respect, (in common, I believe, with the Profession at large,) for that profound legal erudition which justly called your Lordship to the eminent station which you now fill. And having long practised in your Lordship's Court, it is with equal gratitude I acknowledge the kindness and urbanity I have ever received at your hands in the performance of my professional duties. That your Lordship may long enjoy the vigour of Health adequate to the discharge of your arduous duties, is my sincere wish; nor will the completion of that wish be solely to your Lord VOL. I. |