صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

of August 7, 1856,

Interest on $70,000, at 5 per cent.

Permanent annuity


Smith and smith-shop and miller

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Interest on $500,000, eighth article of treaty $25,000 annual annnity.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Senecasof New York Permanent annuities

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Support of schools, &c

Vol. 14, p. 757, §3

September 9 and 17, 1817.

Vol. 7, p. 161, §4:

3,500 00 1,000 00

vol. 7, p. 179, § 4.

Vol. 7, p. 349, §4..

1,660 00

Vol. 4, p. 442
Vol. 9, p. 35, §2
Vol. 9, p. 35,


6, 000 00 3,750 00 2, 152 50

70, 000 00 20, 000 00

120, 000 00
75,000 00
43, 050 00

[blocks in formation]


Interest on $40,000, at 5 per cent.....

August 3, 1795; September 29, 1817.
August 3, 1795; May 10, 1854.

Vol. 7, p. 51, § 4.

Vol. 10, p. 1056.§3.

3,000 00
2,000 00

60, 000 00 40, 000 00

Shoshones, western

Twenty installments of $5,000 each, under the Six installments to be appropri-
direction of the President.

Vol. 18, p. 690, § 7

30, 000 00



western band.

Twenty installments of $1,000 each, under direction of the President.

Shoshones, north

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Statement showing the present liabilities of the United States to Indian tribes under treaty stipulations-Continued.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

expended under direction of the President
Five installments of the sum of $25,000, to be
in purchase of stock cattle.
For the purchase of clothing for men, women,
and children, thirty installments.
For the purchase of such articles as may be
considered necessary by the Secretary for
persons roaming, &c.

Pay of physician, carpenter, miller, teacher,
engineer, farmer, and blacksmith.
Permanent annuities in clothing, &c.

Amount to be expended in such goods and other
articles as the President may from time to time
determine, $800,000, in ten installments, per
agreement February 19, 1867.

Purchase of clothing for men, women, and chil-

Blacksmith, and for iron and steel

For such articles as may be considered neces-
sary by the Secretary of the Interior for per-
sons roaming.

Physician, five teachers, carpenter, miller, en
gineer, farmer, and blacksmith.

Purchase of rations &c., as per article 5, agree-
ment of September 26, 1876.

Twenty installments, last series, on 860,000 to
be expended under the direction of the Sec-
retary of the Interior.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Twenty installments, for agricultural and in. Two installments, of $7,100 each,
dustrial school, pay of teacher, blacksmith,
carpenter, physician, and farmer.
Smith, carpenter-shop, and tools.....

Pay of blacksmith

[blocks in formation]

Interest on $78,340.41, at 5 per cent. per an-
num, to be expended under the direction of
the Secretary of the Interior.

Ten installments, second series, under the di-
rection of the President.

Ten installments of $40,000 each, being second
series, to be paid to them, or expended for
their benefit.

Ten installments, of $25,000 each, third se-
ries, to be paid to them, or expended for
their benefit.

Twenty installments, of $15,000 each, fourth
series, to be paid to them, or expended for
their benefit.

Twenty installments, for beneficial objects,
under the direction of the President.



[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Twenty-one installments, each Vol. 15, p. 622, § 11 $30,000, due.

[blocks in formation]

Statement showing the present liabilities of the United States to Indian tribes under treaty stipulations-Continued.



The following statements show the transactions in the Indian trust-funds and trust-lands during the year ending October 31, 1877:

United States 5 per centum bonds, loan of 1881, amounting to $92,900, have been purchased for various tribes, as indicated in Statement No. 1. These were purchased with funds derived from the redemption of United States 5-20 6 per centum bonds, act of March 3, 1865. Statement No. 2 shows the kind of bonds redeemed, the tribes to which they belonged, date of redemption, and amount belonging to each tribe. The funds derived from the redemption of these bonds were reinvested, as shown in Statement No. 1.

Statements A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H show in detail the various changes in the stocks, funds in the Treasury to the credit of various tribes, collections of coin interest, and the premium realized from the sale thereof, and collections of interest in currency. Following these statements is a consolidation of all interest collected, including premium on coin, and the disposition thereof, and a statement of interest appropriated by Congress on non-paying State stocks, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1877. A statement, also, will be found giving in detail the appropriations for the current fiscal year for the several Indian tribes and the Indian service, together with the principal of bonds held in trust for Indian tribes, and of funds placed in the Treasury to their credit, and of interest annually arising from such bonds and funds; also, a statement showing the transactions arising on account of moneys derived from the sales of Indian lands, ali being sufficiently in detail to enable a proper understanding of the subject.

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