صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Indian service in Montana Territory

Indian service in Nevada....

Indian service in New Mexico..

Indian service in Oregon

Indian service in Utah Territory.......

Indian service in Washington Territory.

Indian service in Wyoming Territory

For Indian civilization and subsistence in Central Superintendency.

For contingencies, Indian Department

For contingencies, Indian trust-funds

For building and repairs at Indian agencies.

For pay of Indian agents...

For pay of special agents....

For pay of clerks for Central Superintendency

For incidental expenses of Indian service in Central Superintendency.

For pay of superintendent for Central Superintendency

For pay of superintendent in Dakota

For pay of Indian inspectors

For pay of interpreters...

For expenses of Indian inspectors......

For expenses of Indian commissioners.

For expenses of collecting statistical and historical data of Indian tribes.

Transportation of Indian supplies..

Salary of Ouray, head chief of the Ute Nation...

Support of Tonkawas at Fort Griffin....

Support of schools not otherwise provided for

For reimbursement to Osages for losses sustained

For saw-mill, grist-mill, and bridge at Siletz agency.

For support of Chippewas on White Earth reservation..

Telegraphing and purchase of Indian supplies.....

Vaccination of Indians....

Payment to citizen Miamies of Kansas.

Payment to Kaskaskias, Peorias, Weas, and Piankeshaws for lands sold
to Indian Miamies of Kansas...

Settlement, subsistence and support of Shoshones and Bannacks and

other bands in Idaho and Southeastern Oregon

[blocks in formation]

The receipts and disbursements since November 1, 1876, as shown by the books of this office, on account of sales of Indian lands, including receipts from sales made under the direction of the General Land Office, are exhibited in the following statement:

On hand November 1, 1876.

Amount receiveddur ing year.


Disbursed On band No during the vember 1, 1877. !

$9, 165 85 $13, 302 45 $12, 494 18 89,974 12

799 25

223 78

20,000 00

28 30

9,859 78

787 26 7,875 50 10, 108 99

712 26

210 00

2,021 3

99 40

3,230 64

16,800 41

6,047 57

3, 443 99

614 07

32, 767 63

171 93

20,610 37

1,009 25

2.021 3




13,000 2

*600 50 9673 11,905 58 12, 770 33 4,103 47 12,0530

712 26

73,609 69 1,114, 436 60

4,058 06

32,767 0


20,610 37

[blocks in formation]


Acts and treaties.

Proceeds of Sioux reservations

in Minnesota and Dakota. Proceeds of Winnebago reservations in Minnesota.

Fulfilling treaty with Cherokees, proceeds of lands. Fulfilling treaty with Cherokees, proceeds of schoollands.

Payment to L'Anse and Vienx

de Sert Chippewas for lands. Fulfilling treaty with lowas, proceeds of lands.

Fulfilling treaty with Kansas, proceeds of lands.

Fulfilling treaty with Kaskaskias, proceeds of lands. Fulfilling treaty with Menomonees, proceeds of lauds. Fulfilling treaty with Miamies of Kansas, proceeds of lands. Fulfilling treaty with Omahas, proceeds of lands.

Fulfilling treaty with Osages, proceeds of trust-lands.

Proceeds of New York Indian landa in Kansas.

Fulfilling treaty with Pottawatomies, proceeds of lands.

Fulfilling treaty with Stockbridges, proceeds of lands.

Fulfilling treaty with Winnebagoes, proceeds of lands.

On account of claims of set tlers on Round Valley Indian reservation in California, restored to public lauds. Fulfilling treaty with Cherokees, proceeds of Osage diminished reserve lands in Kansas.

Fulfilling treaty with Delawares, proceeds of lands. (Refundment by Agent Pratt.)

Fulfilling treaty with Kickapoos, proceeds of lands. Fulfilling treaty with Sacs and Foxes of Missouri, proceeds of lands.

Fulfilling treaty with Shaw



12 Stat., 819, act
March 3, 1863.
Secs. 2 and 3, act
of Feb. 21, 1863.
Cherokee strip

Treaties of Feb.
27, 1819, and Dec.
29, 1835.

Act of June 22,
1874, 18 Stat., 140.
Royalty on coal...

Art. 4, treaty of
Oct. 5, 1859, 12
Stat., 1112.

Treaty of Feb. 23,
1867 (10 sections.)
Treaty of Feb. 11,
1856, 11 Stat., 679.
Act of March 3,

Act of July 31,

2d art. treaty Sept. 1,033,903 81 184, 202 48

29, 1865, 2d sec.

act July 15, 1870.
Acts of Feb. 19.
1873, and June 23,

Treaty February
27, 1867, 15 Stat.,

Treaty February
11, 1856, 11 Stat.,
679; act of Feb-
ruary 6, 1871, 16,
Stat., 404.

2d art. treaty 1859,
act February 2,

Act of March 3,
1873, 17 Stat., 633.

Transfer for sale of
lands to Osages.
(See Osages.)

2d art. treaty July
4, 1866, 14 Stat.,

Treaty of June 28,
1862, 13 Stat.. 623.
Treaty Mar. 6. 1861,
12 Stat., 1171.

247 17

400 03

247 17

Acts of April 7,
1869, and Jan. 11,

400 00

1,843, 555 7 227,028 40 102,803 421,967, 780 7

* Re-imbursed the United States for overpayments made to said Indians.


Statement showing investments in securities other than stocks of the United States since September 11, 1841, when and by whom such investments were made, and the amount and period for which default has been made in the payment of interest; also of other investments made prior to said date, but for which interest is due and unpaid, and of bonds abstracted from the custody of the Secretary of the Interior, with the amount of




[blocks in formation]

Period for which interest is due.

Date of treaty.

Date of purchase.

May 24, 1834 Feb. 27, 1839 Jan. 1, 1842 July 1, 1876 $186, 300

Florida 78.

1,000 00

(11,000 00

1,000 00

Secretary of the Dec. 29, 1835 Oct. Interior.

Dec. 29, 1835 Oct.

4, 1857

4,1857 Jan.

Jan. 1, 1861

Dec. 29, 1835 Oct.

4, 1857



1,000 00


Dec. 29, 1835 Oct.

4, 1857


6,000 00


Dec. 29, 1835 Oct.

4, 1857


53,000 00


May 6, 1854 Oct.

4, 1857


22,000 00


May 17, 1854


4, 1857



16,000 00


May 30, 1854


4, 1857


21,000 00


May 30, 1854


4, 1857


Kansas 78.

Redeemed September 1, 1876, and invested in five per cent. United States funded loan of 1881.

Cherokee national fund..

Cherokee school fund....

Delaware general fund...


Kaskaskias, Peorias, &c.


17,600 00......do

May 17, 1854

Dec. 20, 1861

Kaskaskias, Peorias, &c.

24,000 00 ......do

May 30, 1854

Dec. 20, 1861

[blocks in formation]


Statements showing investments in securities other than stocks of the United States since September 11, 1841, &c. -Continued.

[blocks in formation]

$13,000 00 Sec. of the Interior Dec. 29, 1835 Oct. 4, 1857 80, 000 00 ......do


1, 1873

July 1, 1876

$2, 340

May 6, 1854 Oct. 4,1857


1, 1873


{ Apr.

1,1861 Apr. 1, 1868

1, 1876

13, 200



May 6, 1854 Oct. 4, 1857


1, 1868


1, 1872



1, 1872 July 1, 1876



May 17, 1854 Oct. 4, 1857


1,1860 Apr.

1, 1868


{ Oct.

1, 1868 July

1, 1876


May 17, 1854 Oct. 4, 1857



[blocks in formation]


May 30, 1854 Oct.

4, 1857


1, 1873

July 1, 1876



May 30, 1854


4, 1857


1, 1873

July 1, 1876


May 30, 1854


4, 1857


1, 1873

July 1, 1876



May 30, 1854


4, 1857


1, 1874


1, 1876

2, 430

$64, 490

[blocks in formation]

}125,000 00 Secretary of War.. Dec. 29, 1835 July 21, '36 Jan. 1,1861 Jan. 1,1866

[blocks in formation]

Delaware general fund...

7,000 00

17,000 00


4,000 00


8,000 00

Kaskaskias, Peorias, &c..

2,000 00

15,000 00


18,000 00

Cherokee national fund..

118,000 00

Cherokee school fund....

1,000 0



3,000 00 .....do

May 17, 1854

Kaskaskias, Peorias, &c..

3,000 00......do ......



Cherokee national fund,


Jan. 1, 1869 July 1,1876

6 per cent.

512, 000 00


Chickasaw national fund,

5 per cent.

66, 666 66......do

Creek orphans, 2 per cent.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Received in exchange for Alabama 5 per cent. stocks purchased in 1836 and 1837.

Ottawas and Chippewas, }

[blocks in formation]

Choctaw general fund.... 450,000 00

[blocks in formation]

41,800 00


May 24, 1832 July 9,



Jan. 1, 1870

[blocks in formation]

483, 34
344, 100)
332, 010

2, 168, 673

$100,000 Alabama 5 per cent. stocks, pur
chased March 7, 1837, were exchanged
in July, 1851, for $90,000 in stocks of
the James River and Kanawha Canal
Company; these latter were ex-
changed, July 9, 1860, for a like amount
of stocks of the State of Virginia.
$500,000 Alabama 5 per cent. stocks,
purchased January 1, 1841, were ex-
changed in July, 1851, for $450,000 in
stocks of the James River and Ka-
nawha Canal Company; these latter
were exchanged, July 9, 1860, for a
like amount of stocks of the State of

($46,444 Alabama 5 per cent. stocks,
purchased November 1, 1836, were
exchanged in July, 1851, for $41,800
in stocks of the James River and
Kanawha Canal Company; these lat-
ter were exchanged, July 9, 1860, for
a like amount of stocks of the State
of Virginia.

Received in exchange for Alabama 5 per
cent. stocks, purchased in 1836. Inter-
est paid regularly.

Received in exchange at same time and
in same manner as the $90,000 above
noted, belonging to the Cherokee na-
tional fund.

Received in exchange at same time and
in same manner as the $41,800 above
noted, belonging to the Creek orphans.

Received in exchange for Alabama 5 per
cent. stocks, purchased in 1836 and 1837.
Bonds abstracted from the Department
between July 1, 1860, and January 1,


5 per cont.

Virginia 68.

Cherokee national fund..!

Creek orphans.

Cherokee school fund...

Creek orphans.....

Ottawas and Chippewas.
Chickasaw national fund

North Carolina..

Total stocks...

3,033, 566 66 Total interest

*2 per centum-the State having paid 4 per centum per annum from January 1, 1867, to January 1, 1870.

† $3,000 Michigan stocks, purchased September 29, 1838, were exchanged in July, 1651, for same amount of James River and Kanawha Canal Company stocks; these latter were exchanged, July 9, 1860, for a like amount of stock of the State of Virginia.

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