صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Adjutant-General, report of the freedmen's branch of office of..
Agriculture, message of the President, transmitting a special
report on forestry by the Commissioner of
Appointment of cadets by the President, letter from the Attor-
ney-General, in response to a resolution of the House in re-
gard to

Appropriations, letter from the Secretary of the Treasury,

transmitting estimates of....

Appropriations, deficiency in, for the Army, letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting estimates for

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deficiency in, for 1878 and prior years, letter

from Secretary of Treasury, transmitting
estimates for....

[blocks in formation]

estimates of, for payment of claims due prior

to July 1, 1875, letter from the Secretary of
the Treasury, transmitting


Arid regions of the United States, report of Maj. J. W. Powell



Arizona, military roads in, letter from the Secretary of War in relation thereto....


Arkansas River, report of Chief of Engineers upon the necessity of the improvement of

10 22

Army appropriations, for certain deficiencies in.....

Arms, George R., letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting report of Adjutant-General in the case of..

Army, report of the General of the (vol. 1).

supplemental report of the (vol. 1).

report of the Judge-Advocate-General of the (vol. 1)
report of the Quartermaster-General of the (vol. 1)
report of the Commissary-General of the Subsistence of
the (vol. 1)......

report of the Surgeon-General of the (vol. 1)
report of the Paymaster-General of the (vol. 1)

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Army, report of the Chief of Engineers of the (being vol. 2,
parts 1 and 2).

report of the Chief of Ordnance of the (being vol. 3)..
report of the Chief Signal Officer of the (being vol. 4)..
letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting esti-
mates of appropriations for certain deficiencies in ap-
propriations for the....

letter from the Secretary of War, showing the distribu-
tion of United States troops.
Attorney-General, annual report of the...

letter from the, in response to a resolution of
the House in reference to the appointment
of cadets to the Naval and Military Acad-
emies, by the President....
letter from the, in response to a resolution
of the House in relation to suits against
the Kansas Pacific Railroad.............
letter from the, in response to a resolution
of the House, transmitting a list of par-
dons by the President between March 4,
1877, and May 20, 1878......

Award of the Fishery Commission, documents and proceed-
ings of the Halifax (3 vols.)


Barracks, letter from the Secretary of War, recommending ap-
propriations for new, at Fort Monroe, Va...
Bath, Me., letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting re-
port of engineer upon the improvement of the "gut" oppo-

Blackwater River, in Virginia, letter from the Secretary of War,
transmitting report of engineer upon the improvement of..
Board of Health of District of Columbia, annual report of.....
Board of Visitors of Military Academy, report of (vol. 1)................
Board of Visitors of the Government Hospital for the Insane,
report of (vol. 1) ....

Board of Commissioners of the Soldiers' Home, report of (vol. 1)
Bonds, letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, in response to
a resolution of the House, in reference to the sale of United
States, for outstanding legal-tender notes
Bridge, letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting report
of engineer upon bridging the Saginaw River at East Sagi-
naw, Mich..

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Bureau of Statistics, annual report of Chief of, on the commerce and navigation of the United States...




Cadets, letter from the Attorney-General, in response to a resolution of the House, in reference to the appointment of, to the Naval and Military Academies, by the President.. Canal, Dismal Swamp, letter from the Secretary of the Treas

ury in reference to the interest of the government in..
ship, Sturgeon Bay and Lake Michigan, letter from the
Secretary of War, transmitting the report of engineer
on the improvements of.

Certificate of citizenship, to seamen during year ending Decem-
ber 31, 1877, letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting
an abstract of returns made by collectors of customs of the
number of seamen who had received.
Chickahominy River, report of the engineer upon the improve-
ment of....

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Chief of Bureau of Statistics, annual report of, on the com-
merce and navigation of the United States..
Chief of Ordnance, annual report of the (vol. 3)..
Cincinnati, harbor of, report of the engineer concerning the
best method of protecting, from ice

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No. Part.


Claims, letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting
list of, allowed under act of July 4, 1864......
letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting
an estimate of appropriations for payment of, origi-
nating prior to July 1, 1875, under section 3687 and
3659 Revised Statutes...

Clerks in the War Department, letter from the Secretary of
War, transmitting a list of......

Coast Survey, annual report of Superintendent...
Columbia Hospital for Women and Lying-in Asylum, annual
report of (vol. 1) .....

Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, annual report of
(vol. 1)...

Colorado, letter from the Secretary of War, in response to a
resolution of the House concerning the protection of resi-
dents of, against the Indians...

Colorado and New Mexico, letter from the Secretary of War,
transmitting report on lines of communication between...
Commerce and navigation of United States, report of Chief of
Bureau of Statistics....

Commercial relations of the United States with foreign coun-
tries, report upon the, for the year 1877.....
Commission, Hot Springs, report (vol. 1))

letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting
correspondence, &c., in connection with the,
appointed by the President to visit Louisiana
in April, 1877...

award of the Halifax Fishery (3 vols.)..
Venezuelan mixed claim, message from the Presi-
dent, transmitting correspondence between Ven-
ezuela and the United States in regard thereto..

Commissioner of Education, annual report of the..
Commissioner of Customs, report of....

Commissioner of Pensions, report of (vol. 1)

Commissioner of Agriculture, message of the President, transmitting report on forestry by

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Commissioner of Internal Revenue, annual report of, with table

showing receipts from each specific source, &c .. report of, with additional statements and tables..



Commissioner of General Land Office, report of (vol. 1)

Commissioner of Patents, annual report of......

Commissioner of Indian Affairs, statements of disbursements

for the Indian Department

[blocks in formation]

papers accompanying the
above report (vol. 1).....



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Commissioners to treat with Sitting Bull, report of (vol. 1)
Commissioners of the District of Columbia, annual report of..
Commissary-General of Subsistence, report of...

Commutation allowed officers in certain cities, letter from the
Secretary of War, transmitting a list of officers who received
fuel, forage, and quarters in certain cities.....
Comunntation of quarters, fuel, and forage, letter from the
Secretary of War, recommending an amendment of the stat-
utes in relation thereto

Connecticut River, report of survey of, transmitted by Secre-
tary of War..

Comparative exhibit of duties upon foreign imports, &c., letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, in answer to a resolution of the House, relative to duties upon foreign imports, &c., showing proposed rate of duty, present rates, and quantity and value of imported commodities which entered into consumption in the United States during the year ending June 30, 1871...

[blocks in formation]


Compensation of inspectors of customs, letter from the Secre-
tary of the Treasury, transmitting a letter from the Commis-
sioner of Customs proposing an alteration of certain sections
of the Revised Statutes fixing the....
Comptroller of the Currency, annual report of
Comptroller of the Treasury, report of aggregate resources and
liabilities of national banks from October, 1863, to October,

Contingent expenses, letter from the Secretary of State, trans-
mitting estimate of expenditure of con-
tingent fund for the department
letter from the Secretary of the Interior
concerning deficiency in the, of the
General Land Office...

Contingent fund of the Interior Department, letter from the
Secretary, transmitting detailed account of the expenditure
of the contingent fund of Interior Department..
Currency, annual report of Comptroller of..
Customs, report of Commissioner of..

Customs officers, letter from the Secretary of the Treasury,

transmitting a statement of emoluments
and fees of..

letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of letter from the Commissioner of Customs proposing an alteration in the Revised Statutes fixing the compensation of inspectors of customs.. Customs revenue, letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting draught of a bill to prevent frauds in.... Customs service, letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting papers relative to the investigation of the.....


Deaf and Dumb, annual report of the officers of the Columbia
Institution for the (vol. 1)

Decrease of receipts from internal revenue, letter from the
Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a communication
from the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, showing a de-
crease in the receipts of.....

Deficiencies in certain appropriations for the Army.
Deticiencies in appropriations for 1878 and prior years, letter
from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting estimates

Deficiency for the contingent expenses of the General Land-
Office, letter from the Secretary of the Interior concerning..
Director of the Mint, report of.

Directors of the Union Pacific Railroad, report of (vol. 1).
Disbursing clerk, letter from the Secretary of the Interior, rec-
ommending that the disbursing clerk of the department be
relieved from responsibility of the payment of certain forged

Disbursements made from appropriations for the Indian Department.....

Dismal Swamp Canal, letter from the Secretary of the Treasury in reference to the interest of the government in...... Distribution of United States troops, letter from the Secretary of War, showing the..

District of Columbia, annual report of Commissioners of.. annual report of the Board of Health Dredge-boat McAllister, letter from the Secretary of War in relation to the disappearance of..................

Duties upon foreign imports, comparative exhibit of, letter from the Secretary of the Treasury in answer to a resolution of the House relative to....

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