The Political Grammar of the United States: Or, A Complete View of the Theory and Practice of the General and State Governments, with the Relations Between ThemWiley and Long, 1835 - 274 من الصفحات |
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عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
12th Amendment 2d clause admiralty adopted amendments appointed articles of confederation authority bill bill of attainder Blackst chosen citizens civil clerks Common Law confederation Congress consent Consti Constitution contract crimes criminal debts decision declared direct taxes district duties elected electors Elliott's Debates established ex post facto executive exercise foreign nations governor grant Habeas Corpus House of Representatives Idem impeachment Indian judges judgment judicial Judiciary jurisdiction jury justice Kent's Comm lands legislative Legislature letters of marque liberty majority manner Massachusetts ment militia mode necessary New-York number of votes object obligation offences Ohio opinion party peace person President principles prohibited public ministers punishment question ratified regulate relation respect rules Secretary Sect SECTION Senate sovereign sovereignty statute Story's Comm Supreme Court territory thereof tion treason Treasury treaties tution two-thirds union United vested Vice-President Wheaton whole number writ